View Full Version : From the Zoo - THANK YOU, KAY!!! *pics*

Samantha Puppy
10-04-2005, 08:04 PM
Today we got a package for the Zoo from Kay (kfamr). There was stuff for Samantha AND all the kitties! She sent up pill pockets for my little Maya, as well as kitty greenies and tons of other kitty treats!!! Cats are hard to pose, but I tried to get a couple pics of them checking out the goodies. Enjoy, and thank you once again, Kay!!!

Kirin and Maya checking things out. "Hey guys, we got presents!!"

"What? Presents?" (You can see Sushi joined them in the background.)

"What's this?" (And last but not least, Kimi joined the rest of them in checking it all out.)

Kimi going after a Hip Chip (she LOVED them, Kay!).

Kitties chilling out after the treats were handed out.

As I type, Kirin is trying to get into the box to get some more treats. They all were a hit with the punks!! Thanks so much for all the gifts, Kay! We really appreciate it and you helped tonight be a terrific night for my animules!!!

Jaime, Kirin, Sushi, Kimi and Maya

10-04-2005, 09:05 PM
So glad the kitties like everything! :) Thank you for the pictures. :D
There was a toy I wanted to send but I couldn't find a box for it. :(

Laura's Babies
10-04-2005, 11:31 PM
I love it when these babies get presents and how they react! It is better than Christmas and they really enjoy getting their own package in the mail.

Samantha Puppy
10-05-2005, 07:21 AM
So glad the kitties like everything! :) Thank you for the pictures. :D
There was a toy I wanted to send but I couldn't find a box for it. :(
'Cause my 'mules need to be spoiled anymore than they already are... :rolleyes: ;) You've been more than generous - we all appreciate it so much - them for the treats, me for seeing my babies so happy! :)