View Full Version : A year later.....

Laura's Babies
10-04-2005, 10:17 AM
Most of you know that when I got Samantha, her name was Midnight and she had belonged to a neighbor of mine who would put her out of the house for days. Even though the neighbor claimed she fed her, Samantha was so skinny, malnourished and eaten up with fleas that it broke my heart. She sat on my door step for 2 years, crying and begging to come in and be mine. It took me that long to finally get my neighbor to give her to me and Samanthas life has been wonderful ever since. She always has been a sweet lap cat that loves attention, playful as any kitten and still is and just a wonderful cat to have. Thought you might like to see then and now pictures of her and the change in her appearance.


NOW! :eek:

I think it was always meant to be, that we would be together. She knew it and so did I and it took her to years for her to finally come "home" to where she belonged.

10-04-2005, 10:24 AM
So very glad you were able to persuade your neighbor to let Samantha come live with you! What a beauty she is!

10-04-2005, 10:28 AM
The Now pictures made me smile. You two are so lucky to have finally been able to be together. :)

Killearn Kitties
10-04-2005, 10:29 AM
Look how much better she looks now! She was so scrawny and little before, that she looks much younger than two! Poor baby.

Well she's got a great home now. Enjoy it, Samantha precious.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-04-2005, 10:31 AM
Isn't it amazing how much lots of love and care can change a cat's fur...!!
My Zazou is here almost 1,5 week now, and her fur is all shiny and healthy now!!

10-04-2005, 10:45 AM
What a difference a year and some loving makes. Samantha is stunning.

10-04-2005, 10:56 AM
She is precious and lovely, Laura. So are you!!!! :D

10-04-2005, 11:47 AM
It seems like she has been with you always.

What a transformation for that sweet kitty. She's so beautiful with shiny gorgeous fur now.

10-04-2005, 04:00 PM
What a difference,a yera of love,and TLC will do,and we wish you ,many more years,of love!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-04-2005, 04:43 PM
Oh my, Laura! She sure has turned into one sleek, "robust" beautiful cat! I'm so glad your neighbor finally agreed to let you have her. She is now where she has belonged from the very beginning. :D

10-04-2005, 05:39 PM
My my Samantha you certainly have filled out and made yourself at home... but you always knew this would be your home, didn't you?

10-04-2005, 06:12 PM
She is BEAUTIFUL! Is the neighbor still around? Does the neighbor notice the difference, or does the neighbor even care? The best thing that neighbor ever did for Samantha was give her up to you. She didn't really have a choice, though, because SAMANTHA was the one to ultimately decide, and SAMANTHA always knew that her furever home was with you! :)


Laura's Babies
10-04-2005, 06:52 PM
Soapets, those neighbors lived there awhile and got to see the transformation from scraggly and flea infested into the lovely beauty she is now. I gave them pictures every chance I got. They have since moved and haven't seen her in almost a year but when they last saw her, they could not believe how she looked and wanted to know what I was feeding her or doing to make her coat so soft and beautiful and having her filling out so pretty. I told her KEEPING her INSIDE, FLEA treatments and Science Diet TWICE a day!

She is still putting her other pets outside where they are and since they have moved to where they are, they have came home to find their kitten hung by the neck in a tree and her poodle and it's puppy in their yard with their necks broken.., neatly laid out with the puppy on top of it Mama.. yet she continues to put her pets OUTSIDE!! GRRrrrrrrr! (I am SO gald I have Samantha!!!!!)

10-04-2005, 08:24 PM
It was meant to be even though it took some time. Samantha has what every pet deserves, a furever home and a life of nothing but love and caring. Your sweet furkid has made quite a comeback over this past year, compared to then, now is a beautiful thing to see. :) As for those :rolleyes: owners :rolleyes: how dare they keep adopting kitties and puppy dogs! Such blatant cruelty is a crime :mad: and we can only hope the day will come when they will be held accountable for such abuse and neglect :mad:... and sooner is much better than later! Bless you for saving Samantha and showing her this big ol' world isn't really so bad.....

10-04-2005, 09:11 PM
Look at that beautiful shiny black fur. I'm so glad that your neighbour let you have Samantha. She has a loving caring home that she truly deserves.

10-04-2005, 09:19 PM
She looks great! Her fur is so sleek and shiny! She also looks so happy with you.