View Full Version : Humane Society called, asked about Little Orphan Annie!

10-03-2005, 06:14 PM
Someone from the Humane Society called and left a message on my answering machine on Thursday, but I wasn't aware of it until last night, and they aren't open on Mondays so I couldn't call them back today. I am anxious about talking to them. It has been 5 months (!) since we brought Little Orphan Annie home to stay with us just until she was old enough to be adopted. As many of you know, Annie was sick with URI and when I went back to the Humane Society to ask them for medicine for her two days after we brought her home, they said they don't medicate kittens that young (age 2 weeks), and told me to just bring her back to them. They were going to euthanize her. I asked them if we could just keep her a while longer to see how she would do, and they said Ok, but to bring her back when she stopped eating.

I then called my Vet. and got her started on medication, and she's doing OK now. We are still treating her left eye, and she still sneezes and has a runny nose (clear) at times, but she is happy and playful and ornery :) We have even had her spayed already, just two weeks or so ago. There's no way we're going to give her back to them. We will even pay the full $75.00 adoption fee to keep her if we have to. But that money is supposed to go towards spaying her, and her first Vet. visit, so hopefully they will waive the fee. After all, we saved them the cost of euthanizing her.....

Anyway, what I'm worried about is the contract that I signed with them in order to "foster" these little ones. In the contract, I agreed to bring any foster pets back to them for any & all medical care, etc. I DID try to do that initially, but they wouldn't help her at the time so I took things into my own hands. I did call them several weeks later to tell them that we were having her treated by our own Vet., and they didn't discourage it at the time. They also didn't deny that they would have euthanized her if I HAD returned her to them.

Legally she is still their's, and it scares me what their response will be when I tell them everything that we've done for her in the 5 months she's been with us. It's probably irrational for me to be worried about it. After all, they ARE supposed to be in the business of saving animals, right? But it still angers me that our sweet, precious, lovable, fun, adorable, cuddly Little Orphan Annie wouldn't even have been given a chance if I'd had her with me the day I went and asked them for medicine for her.

Anyway, I thought I'd "vent" a little on here, and ask for any and all prayers from people here on PT, and I will call the Humane Society tomorrow and give them a report on her and see what they say. We will do whatever it takes to adopt her legally from them, so at least that will be taken care of and we won't have to worry about her legal ownership status any more.......


10-03-2005, 06:38 PM
I wish you guys the best!! Prayers for little Orphan Annie are on the way!!!!

10-03-2005, 06:47 PM
I cant see a problem,with you keeping Little Orphan Annie,as they are probably overun,with Cats,and Kittens.
And if everything you have done,for her doesnt prove that,then nothing will.
Little Orphan Annie,and Willy Furr Ever!


10-03-2005, 07:12 PM
So you tell them this isnt a foster and give them $100 and call it even with the Human Society. If they give you grief get the news media involved and tell your story. They dont like bad publicity. :)

10-03-2005, 07:17 PM
I truly doubt they will want Annie back (if they do, I will eat my words). They probably just want to check on her and maybe make sure she is (or will be) spayed.

But I'll say prayers for you anyway. I will be waiting for the answer.

10-03-2005, 08:20 PM
Wow! It took them FIVE months to check on her? Wow! I'm so glad she was in such EXCELLENT hands! :)

I'm sure that once they hear how much you love her and have provided for her, they'll be sending MORE your way! ;)

Lots of kisses to sweet Annie...