View Full Version : Deuce's first run...

10-03-2005, 04:40 PM
I finally got Deuce into a harness today. Every time I've tried in the last couple weeks something has gone wrong--ATV wouldn't start, he was limping, ect, ect. But today everything was perfect. Deuce ran by himself as I wasn't sure how he'd do with all this new stuff. He can be a bit of a brat!
Heading down the trail. Pacer and Antare in wheel, Deuce alone in swing, Paxil and Raven up front.

At the halfway point, taking a break. They only ran five miles today. I didn't want to over do things with Deuce since this was his first run. I wanted it to be lots of fun so he'll want to do it again.

My happy leader girls. I was very impressed with Raven today. She had a bad winter last year. Didn't want to pull, didn't run much, wasn't happy when she did. I left her home alot last year. Today she was screaming to come along so I figured we try. She was like the Raven of two years ago, pulled hard, listened, had a great time. :)

Duece taking a break after about 2.5 miles. He looks a little quizzical, but I think it was a "why are we stopping?" face. He pulled every bit as hard as he does on a leash. He stayed in position nicely, no fooling around. Mac and Daisy were running loose, but Deuce paid them no attention. He was almost docile when we got home. Deuce is insanely active and hyper most of the time.

Pacer waiting for me to unhook him when we got home.

Next time I'll try Deuce with a dog beside him.

10-03-2005, 04:41 PM
aww cute! looks like tons of fun!

10-03-2005, 04:44 PM
That's so great to hear he did so well. I am excited to see pics of your dogs pulling because they are so happy doing it.

finn's mom
10-03-2005, 05:20 PM
Congrats, Deuce! He looks like a natural! Gorgeous photos, and, happy, happy dogs, as usual. I need to get Finn pulling something to get some of that urge out of him. I don't think he realizes he's not a pulling breed. ;)

10-03-2005, 05:35 PM
Well, it sure sounds as if your day with the dogs went amazingly well! I'm really glad to hear Deuce did such a great job, I'm sure he'll probably do just fine with a dog beside him :)
And Raven, sounds like you made your mommy very happy and proud today...way to go!!!

Thanks for the pictures, looks like an awesome day was had by everyone!

Ginger's Mom
10-03-2005, 08:07 PM
Oh good boy Deuce! Sounds like you made it a fun day for all of the team, Glacier. And I think Deuce has found a team that he wants to be a part of. :)

10-03-2005, 08:31 PM
I'm glad Deuce did well. I love that pic of your two leader girls. They look so happy. I didn't realise one had a spotted tongue. I also think Pacer looks especially pretty waiting to be unhooked.

10-03-2005, 08:52 PM
That looks like so much fun! I am going to have sled dogs, when I am out of my house..They are so amazing!

Congrats to you Deuce and Raven! You all look like you are having the best time of you lives!!!!

Good luck on your next run Deuce, be as good as your were this time!-
Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

10-03-2005, 09:32 PM
good boy

10-03-2005, 10:54 PM
Congrats, Deuce!! :) What a good boy you are!! :)

10-04-2005, 12:48 AM
Totaly awsome, what fun for you all.They all look great. :D :D

Daisy and Delilah
10-04-2005, 08:04 AM
Gosh Glacier, what a great thing you and hubby did, bringing Deuce to your house to live with you and the pack. He has fit in so well. Obviously, he's so happy. He couldn't have a better life. We can't wait to see the snow pics from you so we can take our mini Yukon vacations. It's still pretty hot here and we're so tired of it. If you need help up there at your place, I am available. We can leave as soon as you say the word ;) Great pics and you guys are doing a great job!!

Queen of Poop
10-04-2005, 09:24 AM
Looks like everyone, including you, had a wonderful time on that run. Love all the tongue hanging out big doggie smiles. Thank you for sharing.

10-04-2005, 09:28 AM
What great pictures!! They all look so happy. Do the dogs go nuts when you get the harnesse's out? Do they know that means there going to pull the sled? :)

10-04-2005, 10:00 AM
Look at those happy dogs with their tongues hanging out! Raven looks like she's bursting with pride - "I did a GOOD job, didn't I, Mom?" and Deuce looks like he could go many more miles! Sounds like this is just what he needs, going out on good hard runs! Good job, Deuce!

10-04-2005, 11:13 AM
Gosh that must be so much fun. I love seeing your pics!
Glad Deuce worked out well & that Raven is back to her pulling self. Good luck wishes heading your way hoping they both continue to do well.

10-04-2005, 12:18 PM
What great pictures!! They all look so happy. Do the dogs go nuts when you get the harnesse's out? Do they know that means there going to pull the sled? :)

They know long before I get the harnesses out. They seem to be able to tell by what I'm wearing when I walk out of the house that they are going for a run. Some of them, I swear, know which harness is theirs. Antare knows his harness is yellow & blue and if I don't have it in my hand, he won't come near me. He's really timid, but if I have his harness, he's my best buddy.

They also know who runs them. This time of year, if my husband goes to start the ATV, they don't move. They know he's not taking them for a run. If I got anywhere near the ATV, all h**L breaks loose. They know I only use it if I'm taking them out.

My closest neighbor tells me that he only really hears the dogs three times--when I come home at night, when I'm feeding and when I'm hooking up a team. He says he can even tell what I'm doing by the way they howl.

10-04-2005, 12:21 PM
Great photos! What exercise! Love to see dogs in shape and doing something they love!!!!