View Full Version : The dog amazes me...

03-18-2002, 09:32 PM
I am always bragging about the wonderful things my girls do, esp. to people at work but this is a quick story I have to share...

Last night Ralph left for the week on a business trip, so I took the girls to his parents for dinner. I had them about back playing and since it is only a short distance fromt he fenced in area to the door, I did not have them on leashes..mistake on my part. As I was opening the door to go back in the house, Cincy bolted on me. She was about two houses down, I called her back to me, she stopped looked at me and kept right on going. I was at a loss...I knew if I ran after her it would become a game. I was trying to call her, but obviously the new neighborhood was more execting then mom. Here comes Sadie around the house and sits next to me. Without thinking, I said to her, go get your sister...AND SHE DID!!! She ran Cincy down, turned her around and got Cincy to follow her back to me. I am still not sure it was the best decision to let Sadie going running through people's front yards, but I am so proud of her for doing what she was told!!! :)

03-18-2002, 09:46 PM
That is an incredible story. That is something Lolly would have done. Half the time I'll tell Lolly something without thinking about it and she actually does it!!!!!! Now Reece, well he'll think about it then decide its more fun to sit and look cute than try to be smart :D :D Aren't dogs amazing?

03-18-2002, 10:11 PM
Boyo, Sadie gets an extra cookie tonight (when Cincy's not lookin', naughty girl!) Maybe Sadie's got some collie genes in her Lab mix somewhere! :)

03-19-2002, 06:56 AM
What a beautiful story :) Those girls sure do love each other :) That's so sweet and wonderful :)

03-19-2002, 07:11 AM
And people think that dogs can't understand what we are saying!
Surprise, Surprise!:D

03-20-2002, 05:31 PM
Great story! Good going Sadie! How relieved you must have been!!!! Give Sadie a big hug for me; she's a hero! And Cincy, please give her a hug too!!;) Dogs are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-20-2002, 09:45 PM
All right Sadie, hey do you think she would show Winter how to do that? If I have the dogs off leash Winter will always come a running but Smudge just wants to sniff the nice smells so I sometimes tell Wint to go and get her brother she'll usually run to him but half the time she forgets she's supposed to bring him back to me as well.

03-21-2002, 05:22 PM
I am not really sure Sadie knew she was bringing Cincy back...she ran to her and then Cincy chased her when she came back...oh well whatever works!!! And it made Sadie look like a genius!!!