View Full Version : Kirby is so sad :(

10-02-2005, 03:12 PM
Im just wondering? :confused:
My daughter and 2 grandchildren have been staying with me. Kirby has become very attached to my 12 year old granddaughter Paige. She went to visit her other grandparents and he hasnt eaten or palyed since she left..
Im worried about him.She asked me if she could have him, they have another big dog samson.My daughter says they will take him. I feel bad, I dont want kirby to think Im just giving him away..but he wont have any thing to do with me, and he loves my grandson to..he loves kids. I think since he is so attached to them I may just let them take him. My daughter loves him so much to. Hes much more hiper than SAmmyj, they play more with Kriby than him and he dont care either way. :rolleyes: The way he is in the pic is the way he has been the last couple of days since the kids went to vist, Pagie to her grandparents and Charles to his Dads.Ummm. :confused:
I am getting another puppy in nov. a bichon/poo baby.And if he feels this way , he might even feel worse then..it willtake a lot of time for training.
Just talking.. :rolleyes:

10-02-2005, 09:35 PM
If you think hes depressed or not happy when the kids are around,, then a new puppy could make the matters worse. as hes already in a stage of 'pounting' as it when the kids arent there...

and it could make the matters better too. he might play with the new puppy like he enjoys playing the kids. hard to say.

but if you think hes not really all that happy there,, do what you think is best.


Kirbys Mom
10-02-2005, 09:37 PM
i think that he liked when kids where around and when they are not there he is bored. maybe givin him away will make him happier?

10-03-2005, 12:48 AM
yes the kids really want him..Hes happy they are back here now. They played with him till hes wore out..lol.. :)
Here is a pic of my baby im getting november the 7th.
Yoley Bichon/poo 3 weeks

10-03-2005, 09:50 AM
Maybe you should wait until after you get your new puppy before making a final decision? Only a month away and the new puppy might be just the medicine Kirby needs to perk him up! And I'm guessing the kids would still be regular visitors, too! Has Kirby been introduced to your daughter's dog? Do they get along well?


10-03-2005, 04:16 PM
my daughter n the kids are here till wed and then will be going to OK. They want to take kirby so bad, hes playing with my grandson right now..lol..Her dog is a big one he dont notice any other dog..hes a real sweetie, but not much into playing he never was even as a baby..lol..We went to see Yoley this morning..shes a cutie..lol..the kids dont think to much of a baby, they have to be to carefully, no rough housing..lol..Kirby is just their style, and sampson my daughter big dog dont rough house either..so that is one of the big things they like about kirby, Ever since they came he hasnt had any thing to do with me or my SammyJ, but SAmmyj never did quite take to him..like I said hes a lot more palyful and pretty hyper.. :D

10-04-2005, 03:54 PM
Have you decided what to do with Kirby yet? :( It sounds like a very tough decision. Maybe Kirby will forget about the kids once they've left for a while... have you ever considered getting him therapy dog tested, and maybe taking him to children's hospitals to fulfill that desire to be around kids?

Also, where are you getting your new puppy? Hopefully the breeder has done all of the needed health tests on the parents, and have raised the pups extremely well. Have you thought about buying a purebred Bichon or Poodle from a reputable breeder? just a thought ;)

10-04-2005, 04:25 PM
The kids really want to take Kirby so hes going with them, as much for them as for him. I sat here holding him last night , and he was so sweet..I just want him to be happy. SammyJ ignores him,and I dont play like the kids do.. :) . He will still be in the family and he will be happy.
I tried to adopt..from several places..boy what a hassle..i went on pet finder and filled out so many applications..They want a fenced in yard and doggie door. :rolleyes: .I dont own the property and cant put up a fence and also cant let the dogs out without supersivison, to many coyetes and wild dogs. Lots of animals around here have been eaten by coyetes even with a fenced in yard..My sister in law and her son chased off coyetes after they killed 2 pups ,that happened not 20 feet from my door..I will not let a dog out unsupervised, or let it come and go as it pleases out here.So they wont let me adopt.The I have met the people who have Yoley, they are a couple that their pooldle and a friends biscon got togather. I dont know if it was accident or on purpose.They are all close togather..Any way the parents of Yoley are healthy and in great shape if a bit over weight..lol..and the 3 pups are all in good shape and doing good. I cant spend what a breeder of a pure breed would wont.I dont mind mixed breeds, the little mutts like SammyJ are so adorable if a bit stubborn at times :D For over a year I tried to adopt..got tired of the rat race, and I cant get to the pounds unless some one takes me.So you have to get there at jsut the right times to get the right one, If you dont have your own transportation its not the way to go..So Im getting Yoley and Im happy... :D :D :D And the kids and Kirby are happy, lol..just hope SammyJ will be happy to ..hes a bit standoffish to other dogs, Im hoping the puppy will grow on him....lol..lol..grow..lol.. ;)

10-04-2005, 05:22 PM
What the frick?
they woudlnt let you adopt because you dont have a doggy door?
thats so stupid. half the population doesnt have a doggy door. :confused:
must be real ding-wit running that shelter...

and sounds like the kids are going to keep Kirby on his toes from now on out. :D

10-04-2005, 06:10 PM
But most of them, and I called what was an alliance for shelters last week and talked to a lady named Jane, She Said yes, the dogs welfare and wellbeing was foremost and I would do best to find a breeder and buy a puppy there..ummm..thats really wanting to find homes for the adoptable..Well not really, I have found out the most wanted breeds to go the most expensive areas...Kirby came to me from one of those areas , his former owner,got him a year ago from one of the "adoption Shelters" Paid 300 in adoption fees..Now why 300 dollars to adopt a 2 year old terrier/poodle mix? There is something smelly about this whole situation. Now if I had wanted just any kind of dog, cause they siad if I was going to be "Picky" I prob would never get a dog from them.But If I would have just taken any dog mostly a large dog breed, it would not be that much of a problem. But the smaller breeds, needed special arrangement and special care.Like larger dogs dont.I was very disappointed in her attituded as her being a care giver for some of the dogs being adopted, hers were large poodles, now if i had wanted one of them, they could work something out..Shame on them.Wish I had kept the email address and phone number so we could all tell her what we feel about that kind of attitude.My daughter loves the large breeds and small..but she has a special thing for the big lugs..lol..I love them all two, but the smaller ones fit with my home size and me better.Any way this shelter business isnt all its cracked up to be.. :(

10-04-2005, 06:12 PM
Sounds like Kirby will be busy with the kids. I know you have to be sad he is leaving though. I'm sure your daughter and her kids will give him the best home possible.

The puppy you are getting is so adorable!

10-04-2005, 06:15 PM
Yes I gave him a bone today..lol..my way of saying I love you..and I know you will be happy..hes napping right now, and so is SAmmyJ..
Isnt she a cutie..I can hardly wait to hug her..only held her for a few..lol.. :)

10-04-2005, 06:24 PM
:( Sorry you had such a frustrating experience, but I do not agree with bashing shelters. I've never heard of a rescue or shelter that only adopts out to homes with doggy doors ~ and I've volunteered and spoken to at least 20 different shelters and rescues. Fenced yards, I do agree with that part for large or energetic dogs! Then again, I know a BC Rescue that will gladly adopt out a very high-energy BC puppy to a home without a fenced yard, as long as the people are very active and happy to take their dog on several daily walks and runs on-leash and frequent trips to the dog park.

The thing about 99% of shelters and rescues is that they really do dedicate their lives to saving animals and finding wonderful homes for them. Yes, they can be picky, but that's because they truly want to end the cycle of abandonment of pet dogs. $300 is a bit steep for a rescue ~ but, then again, you'll be paying more than that for a mixed breed puppy that doesn't even have all of their shots, isn't spayed/neutered, isn't housetrained or temperament evaluated, etc. JUST altering a dog can cost $80-100+, on top of the medications, shots, food, and care that rescues put into the dogs.

Anyway, I hope your puppy is very healthy + happy. It's kind of disapointing that one (or two) small-scale rescues turning you away would cause you to immediately turn to a BYB instead, but each to his/her own.

10-04-2005, 07:09 PM
(/QUOTE)$300 is a bit steep for a rescue ~ but, then again, you'll be paying more than that for a mixed breed puppy that doesn't even have all of their shots, isn't spayed/neutered, isn't housetrained or temperament evaluated, etc. JUST altering a dog can cost $80-100+, on top of the medications, shots, food, and care that rescues put into the dogs.

Anyway, I hope your puppy is very healthy + happy. It's kind of disapointing that one (or two) small-scale rescues turning you away would cause you to immediately turn to a BYB instead, but each to his/her own.[/QUOTE]

it wasnt one or 2, im serious, go to pet finder and ck out the shelters here there are lots, I cked at all of them. And my puppy cost 300 dollars.The shots are going to cost me 12 dollars and to get her spayed is going to be 20.
She will be vet cked and have her first shots. I relized that rescures put a lot into their work, but you should have seen the response I got evey one was no. I could have got one at the pound like I said, if I had a way to keep going there , and cking. But I wouldnt know what I was getting there either, what kind of medications it might need later or so on. My experences with rescue shelters here left me with a very sad look at them. Iam saying here, because im sure there are a lot of good ones other places, but I talked to one in californina, jsut over the line that said the same thing.So I gave up and bought a puppy. :D Im very happy with the puppy, and I knew that training and all would take time, but I live alone and am home 90 percent of the time and have all the time in the world to do it..My sister has a Lhaso apso that was 450 dollars, she got her at 6 weeks, which showed lack of concern on the sellers part, But she is healthy , groomed every 3 weeks, her fur grows really fast. My sister is in a much higher money bracket..lol..but she also took a chance ..and her jasmine is in wonderful shape and the vet says she is doing great.She didnt even try to adopt, said it was a hassel she didnt wantand would rather buy like that than have people comeing to ck her home and telling her how to raise her dog. Im sorry but my experence did not give me much hope for the rescue dogs out here.It was a sad experence.