View Full Version : Never Again!!!

10-01-2005, 05:05 PM
Today was the last day of everyone's antibiotic for the campy. I *HOPE* its all gone! To make sure nobody got reinfected from old litter (they can get reinfected from infected poo), I changed all the litterboxes. No big deal, right? WRONG!

I just dumped, disinfected, scrubbed, and refilled 7 litterboxes. My back is aching, my nose is sneezing from the dust, and my hands feel like dried prunes from all the bleach. NEVER AGAIN will I do all 7 boxes at once! What a chore! Do you have ANY idea how much work that was????? :eek: :eek:

Of course, I had 6 eager helpers! :p :D

Of course every single one of them had to christen the fresh litter! :rolleyes: :p

10-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Cleaning 7 litter boxes is hard work indeed! Even cleaning the two boxes Luna and Lily have is a lot of work, especially as my bathroom always requires a complete cleaning after that.

And isn't it funny that cats always have to use a fresh litter box? Mine are doing that every time! :)

Hope the nasty campy stuff has disappeared from your house for good!


10-01-2005, 05:29 PM
:eek: 7 litter boxes? I hope that the antibiotics worked and no more yucky Campy!!

Laura's Babies
10-01-2005, 05:43 PM
Just today, while making a fresh box for my babies, Giz jumped right on in with the first scoop of fresh litter and USED IT! (She couldn't even wait until I was finished!...she has no shame)

7 boxes? Hope you have a easy set up for that but it sounds like you don't.EEEEEEK!

10-01-2005, 05:52 PM
NEVER AGAIN will I do all 7 boxes at once! What a chore! Do you have ANY idea how much work that was?????
ummmmmm, :o YES! :p

hope all comes out good in the end. :D (LOL)

10-02-2005, 08:14 AM
Actually Yes,as There Are 7 Boxes For The Found Cats,that Are Cleaned Twice,or Three Times Daily If The Box,is One,of The More Heavily Used Ones.
They Concentrate On Three,and Only Use,the Others If The Big Three Are Full.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-02-2005, 11:06 AM
7 boxes :confused: :eek: :confused:

OMG, I am already exhausted after 2 boxes. And now, since we have Zazou, there is a 3rd box :rolleyes: :eek:

Correction: my cats have 4 boxes, as there is also one in their "sleeping room" :D

10-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Oh Kim, fingers and paws crossed here that the nasty campy is all gone, FOR GOOD!!!!!!

Seven boxes!!!!!! :eek: I go nuts just cleaning out the 3 that I have.

10-03-2005, 06:42 AM
Oh Kim, you definately need rest after cleaning 7 litterboxes!! :eek:
I hope the campy has gone for good!

Fister is always ready to jump right in after I cleaned his - he also likes to lick it. :rolleyes:

10-03-2005, 07:06 AM
Kim, I feel your pain. I must carry the litter (new and used) up and down a long set of steps as well. I usually plan a complete change of litter for the entire weekend. I once hired a kid from my neighborhood to lug the used litter down stairs and to the trash cans. It is a huge undertaking, for sure.

I am glad you lived through this event. I usually have a glass of wine afterward.

And, it is an expensive deal too, to change that much litter and replenish it!

What we do for our pets! :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

10-03-2005, 06:25 PM
And I thought THREE litter boxes were bad! :p Shadow actually gets in the box WHILE I'm cleaning it, and I even started picking HIM up in the scoop one day. He weighs about 14 pounds now (and only 6 months old! :eek: ) so needless to say the scoop broke! But I threatened to throw him out with all the old poopy, clumpy litter. He wasn't too worried. I think he actually wanted to see me try a little harder! :D

10-03-2005, 06:32 PM
Whew! Scrubing 7 boxes in the same day! :eek: It kills my back when I scrub just one! You poor woman. :(

10-03-2005, 08:34 PM
I think SCOOPING two boxes a day is enough work! I can't imagine CLEANING 7 all in one day. Wow...that'd about kill me! ;)

At least its done and you can reward yourself with something yummy and chocolate. ;)