View Full Version : Can I really be this stupid???

09-30-2005, 06:24 PM
Read the paragraph before you answer! ;)

Some of you might know I am TERRIFIED of numbers because I transpose them ALL the time. A hundred times a day (I might count it one day, but then not trust my count because I am so bad with numbers! :eek: )

Well, I did a portrait for someone and agreed on the price of $210. I wrote it down on my sheet as $210 and then they asked for me to write up a receipt... so I wrote $120 on a "receipt" (which is basically my price list with a description of work to be done and whether or not a deposit was given).

Ummm..... Kim, thats a very costly mistake my dear! I'm SICK. I spent a fortune on this portrait, buying pencils I didn't have but needed to complete it, special paper, the works. And then I go and make a $90 number switch. :o

I can't ask her to pay me the extra $90. Her receipt says $120. Its a contract, isn't it? I would think so, and I wouldn't be too happy if someone tried to make me pay for their mistake.

UGH. I need that extra $90. BADLY. How stupid can I be?

Now you may answer that question ;)

Pawsitive Thinking
09-30-2005, 06:28 PM
Firstly, you are NOT stupid - you made a mistake, which everyone does every day, all the time......can you not just contact the person and explain what happened? The first agreement £210 is still valid

09-30-2005, 06:55 PM
If you both agreed the price was $210 then the final price is $210. Shame on THEM for gaining profit of $90 from YOUR mistake! Yes, you made a mistake, but they aren't being honest with you by not having been like, "Uh, hey, why the $90 discount? I thought we agreed on $210?" you know??

I would bring it up with them, explain your error, and hope they understand. Because if, like you said, the final price of $210 was agreed on, well they really can't go back on that! Yuo can't just unpaint or undraw the portrait and take your time back for working on it, can you?

09-30-2005, 07:00 PM
If the receipt says $120 and it's not specified on that receipt as a "down payment" until the work is done and a balance of the $90 is due then you've lost $90. Maybe the customer will realize once they see the receipt that it wasnt the $210 amount and you'll get the balance due.

I would suggest having your hubby handle the bookkeeping etc. You concentrate on the artistic part. When you have a potential customer have a form made up with all the important information pertaining to the job order and along with that is a quote sheet with what you have verbally told the client, have them initial it thus you have a binding receipt. Then give all these receipts to hubby who in turn makes up the invoices for you to give to people when the job in done. The stress of dealing with numbers is eliminated :)

09-30-2005, 07:01 PM
Just tell her the truth, if she is a decent person she won't make a fuss, if she isn't very nice she needs to be told too bad.

Laura's Babies
10-01-2005, 10:53 AM
I am bad about doing that too. I can say the numbers and be writting it down wrong as I write!

10-01-2005, 10:58 AM

I would call them and explaine the situation to them. If they are ANY kind of decent human beings, they'll pay you. If not, then it's an expensive lesson. My hunch is they KNOW there was a mistake made and said nothing hoping you wouldn't notice. How do I know this?? In all honesty, because I USED to be like that. I'm not anymore.

Don't EVER say you're stupid. You are very smart and talented.

Prairie Purrs
10-01-2005, 02:26 PM
It's what's called a "scrivener's error." Happens all the time. I wouldn't hesitate to ask for the full agreed-upon amount.

10-01-2005, 03:34 PM
I would talk to her and work it out if she agreed to $210 in the first place then it shouldn't be a problem.

10-03-2005, 10:44 PM
WHEW! The lady agreed to pay me the verbally agreed upon price. She didn't even argue it.

I feel soooo thankful about that! I really needed the money, and I will watch out it doesn't happen next time by creating an official reciept where the prices are all there and I circle the numbers.... no writing on my part so no more transposing numbers! LOL

10-03-2005, 10:46 PM
That's great that there were no problems and she was willing to pay the original price!