View Full Version : I wanted to meet Kelly's kitties, but not this way!!

09-29-2005, 11:29 AM
I received a phone call from Kelly early this morning. The Calabasas fire is approaching her area and they have closed all of the area schools.

She has a Dr.'s appointment this morning at the hospital where she had her surgery. The hospital isn't very far from me.

She asked if she could bring her kitties for safety to my home.
Of course, I told her yes and quickly made arrangements in a guestroom to let them roam free.

They are all here now - and I don't think that Rascal, Annie and Emma are aware that they have guests. :D But introductions somehow don't seem appropriate right now.:D

After she left I went into the room to be sure that they are all alright. I only found two - Noah is very beautiful and aggressive - he let me know his displeasure over the entire event.
I think three kitties have found safe haven under the sofa.

So right now I am an eight kitty household. I will try to take some pictures later when Kelly returns.

The plan is to take all the kitties to her Mom's home which isn't in an area of fire danger. They will come back here after the Dr.'s appointment.

09-29-2005, 11:35 AM
OMG! Bless your heart, Gini. I didn't realize the fires were that close to Kelly! I was shocked to read that her mom is actually going to let her bring the kitties to her home later! :eek:

I hope everything is ok!

09-29-2005, 11:35 AM
Gini, I wasn't aware of a fire in Kelly's area. I hope that everything will turn out okay.:( I'm so glad that you could take Kelly's cats in so that they'll be safe. They're wonderful kitties but I'm sure that they'll just scared and very confused right now. Good luck. It sure sounds like you've got your hands full.:)

09-29-2005, 11:36 AM
I've been worrying about all of you out in CA today!
I'm so glad you can give Kelly's kitties a safe haven, if only for a while. She sure doesn't need to worry about them right now.

Stay safe all of you!

09-29-2005, 11:37 AM
Gini, it's wonderful that you can have Kelly's kitties while the fire is blazing. :( I bet they're not happy about the arrangement, but they'll calm down.

I saw a video on CNN.com, it looks really bad! :( Hope you'll all be safe! How far is it from you?

Hugs and headbumpies from us.

09-29-2005, 11:49 AM
L.A. is so huge - and during the day it would take me roughly an hour to drive to her home. At night - less traffic - maybe 45 minutes.

The fear is that the wind will kick up - which it does in the morning - it is 9:45 am here. The embers are just huge and they can quickly start other fires.

But the fires are close to Kelly's area. Because she would be away from home she wanted them to be safe just in case.

Karen, Kelly's Mom was here - and she mentioned that the kitties will have to stay in their carriers at her house. I don't think she or her husband care much for cats.

09-29-2005, 11:50 AM


09-29-2005, 12:06 PM
OMG, Kelly has been through so much lately, and now this! :(

Gini, it's wonderful that you're taking care of her kitties. Poor Noah must be so confused when he's acting like this!


Maya & Inka's mommy
09-29-2005, 12:06 PM
I am happy to see that Kelly's cats are safe while she is at the hospital! Thank you for that Gini :) . I hope they don't have to stay in their carriers for to long, as NO cat really enjoys that... :D

09-29-2005, 12:13 PM
So glad you were able to take the kitties in to your home. I so hope her mom givens in alittle and lets the furry kids at least roam in one room instead of being in carriers.

I will take our snow/ice anyday. I couldnt handle earth quakes or forest/brush fires.

09-29-2005, 12:25 PM
Gini, thank you for being there for Kelly and her "kids". I know that any thanks you get from us are minimal compared to the thanks you get from Kelly. I simply don't know what she will do if she must move to her parent's home and keep those kitties crated. How could one do that??? :confused:

Thanks for being there. You are the GREATEST!!!!!!!! And I would do the same thing if I weren't a world away, right now.


09-29-2005, 12:35 PM
Bless ya Gini. :)

09-29-2005, 12:51 PM
It's fantastic that you could arrange that, and that the kitties are safe.:)

09-29-2005, 12:54 PM
Hey, everyone, I didn't start this thread to get a lot of thank you's ..............I just wanted you to know of yet another challenge dumped in Kelly's lap.

There isn't a one of you out there who wouldn't have said YES!
Poor Michah had pooped in his carrier - I cleaned it up - it didn't phase me.............but I felt sorry for his humiliation.

I hope to be able to get to pet each one once Kelly returns.
I don't want to upset them any more than they already are.
The room they are in - is the same room that my gang hang out in all of the time. So even being in that room must be upsetting for them. Kelly sprayed the room with Feliway in hopes of calming them down.

Lut, they aren't in carriers at my home - but if she takes them back to her Mom's house - they may have to stay in the carriers until the fire danger is gone.

09-29-2005, 12:57 PM
Hey Gini,

Can I bring Ed over?

Just for fun?:rolleyes:

That's all you need.


You are the hostess with the mostess.....:)

09-29-2005, 01:12 PM
What MOFF said! Thank you Gini for taking in Kelly's babies. Their safety is one less thing she's got to worry about!

Stay safe you guys!!!

09-29-2005, 01:39 PM
I'm assuming it's that front guest room??? Gee, for all the "guests" you have in there, that room could write a book. :D :D You say you don't want thank yous but how could we not?? You've been Kelly's lifeline so many times over and we all give you big {{{hugs}}} and thank you for it. For us living so far away, it's comforting to know that she has someone outside the family to rely on.

Looking forward to pictures and an update when Kelly gets back.

09-29-2005, 01:51 PM
Some of the finest of the fine have stayed in that room (and I don't even know all of them) but the vibes alone should sooth a furrowed fur brow and I'm sure it will. You all hang tight and this too shall pass. Gini, you have already passed with flying colors in the PetTalk Gold Star Department :cool:

09-29-2005, 01:56 PM
Of course you didn't make this post for thank you's, but you know what, Gini, you deserve them, every one of them, and I know that Kelly will be just as thankful as we all are. Truly, thank you, as you have taken a bit of a burden off of our sweet friend's shoulders, and that deserves some thanks. I don't think one of us has forgotten all that Kelly has dealt with, but we are thankful that she has close friends, physically, like you, to help her in tough times. :)

Love you both, and all those sweet kitties too.


09-29-2005, 01:58 PM
:) That was so sweet of you Gini to do this for Kelly.. I know she is so relieved that the babies are safe.. I would have done the same in a heart beat..

09-29-2005, 02:05 PM
Could you give them some catnip? That always makes my babies feel better!

09-29-2005, 02:34 PM
Kelly and her Mom were sweet enough to invite me to lunch, but I have work to do - people like their payroll on time!

I went into the kitty room to see how everyone is doing and Micah is sooo adorable and friendly. You should see the black pants I am wearing. Great choice - lower third of the pants legs are now solid fawn color!!

Noah still has a lot to say - but he couldn't be bothered to get up - just laid there and hissed at me.

Did she bring five cats? I only see two......................I am certain that three of them are firmly attached to the underside of the sofa.

Kelly has information about her Dr.'s visit, but I think that is for her to share................I will just say that it is positive and a step in the right direction.

Rascal, Annie and Emma are all sound asleep on my bed. Thank goodness for solid doors in an old house - I still don't think they know we have visitors.;)

09-29-2005, 02:41 PM
whew... thanks for the update, I'll go look for Kelly's post.

p.s. Don't forget to change your pants before serving dinner or saying "good evening" to your kids ;)

Laura's Babies
09-29-2005, 02:46 PM
My heart goes out to Kelly! I know what it is like to face the possiability of loosing your home and everything you own.... But you can deal with that as long as you know your babies are alright and to have someone step up and take them in where they will be safe is a God Send!! ANY one of us would have jumped at the chance to take them in for as long as needed, it just happened that YOU were in the right place to be able to do it. You are a God Send for her and her babies. Please keep us posted on her house/fire.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-29-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by gini
Lut, they aren't in carriers at my home - but if she takes them back to her Mom's house - they may have to stay in the carriers until the fire danger is gone.

Of course not, Gini, I was referring to her Mom's house :)

09-29-2005, 03:53 PM
yikes.. hope everything will be okay. oh that's so california! fire, fire & fires..

gini, why can't cats stay over yours for the night to be sure? they go to mother's, being in carriers..for how long? :(

hope they and everyone's okay until the fire's gone..

09-29-2005, 04:11 PM
Oh, I have the best news. Kelly and her Mom came back after their lunch and when Kelly opened the door to the kitty's guest room - there all five of them were.

They were lined up in a row - they had little picket signs that they had made that said:


Now how could we turn that down? So they will be staying with me until Saturday. Yippee!!

09-29-2005, 04:21 PM
What an angel you have been to Kelly and her kitties, Gini. Such an unselfish and caring thing to do!

It must be harrowing for Kelly and the gang; her for worrying about them, and the stress the upheaval has on them because you can't EXPLAIN to a cat that what you're doing is temporary and for their own good!

It has to be such a relief to her to have you as a friend.

Bless you!

09-29-2005, 04:21 PM
:eek: Smart little buggers aren't they??:D

I know they will be lots more comfy with you than caged up in tiny carriers for days. After all, they need to potty some time!


09-29-2005, 04:23 PM
:( Poor Kelly. How close are the fires? Thank you for being kind enough to take them in!! I hope everything is okay.

Cinder & Smoke
09-29-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by gini

Rascal, Annie and Emma are all sound asleep on my bed.

I still don't think they know we have visitors. ;)


That's happened a tyme or two to Boots (da Kat)! :p

I *love* to watch the expression on his face when he finally
saunters into the living room and
>spots< the Guest Dawggie ...

:eek: WHO'S THAT and WHERE did IT come from!!??
:eek: ... :mad: ... :rolleyes:


09-29-2005, 04:52 PM
Everyone is going to have a great time :)
So glad they get to stay with you Gini.

09-29-2005, 05:27 PM
Oh gini - how wonderful that you are close enough to help and willing to do so. I just LOVE it when I read about Pt'ers taking care of one another:D

Feel better soon Kelly!

Gini - hope your orange crew continues to be tolerant of the furry houseguests;)

09-29-2005, 05:59 PM
I'm speechless. {{{Gini}}}. What a relief for Kelly this must be...

09-29-2005, 06:13 PM

Thank you for always taking the time to help others!!!
You are truly wonderful.


09-29-2005, 06:21 PM


09-29-2005, 07:31 PM
Oh Gini, I'm so jealous. You will have them until Saturday?? Gee, can I come over the visit?? I do a great job of scooping...;) :D Oh yes, and I do floors, too! :D

Not to mention how I well I can wake up from a deep sleep and change bed sheets.;)

09-29-2005, 10:09 PM
Well, Kelly may have brought over five cats - but she may have to go home with only four! Micah is such a wonderful cat. I went into the room and made an attempt to take a tail count. I found two behind the sofa - Noah and Phoebe are under the entertainment center. Noah hissed at me - but again didn't bother to get up. Micah was all over me - and when I bent down to look for the kitties behind the sofa - Micah was right there giving me little pats on my check and biting my hair. And he is sooo pretty. Do you think she would notice one missing?

Kelly called a few minutes ago and she is at her Mother's for the evening. Her Mom doesn't have a computer, so Kelly can't get online to bring us up to date.

She said that from the tv reports - the fires are about a mile from her apartment and on the other side of the freeway. So pray God that the winds stay low and don't drive the fires South of the freeway where she lives.

09-29-2005, 11:23 PM
Thank you Gini for being such a good friend to Kelly. It must be such a relief to Kelly knowing that her babies are safe.

I pray with all my might that the fires stay away from Kelly's apartment. On top of everything she has been through, she certainly doesn't need this.

09-30-2005, 12:18 AM
aawww Mom - your the best!!!

09-30-2005, 12:35 AM
Gini, I'm glad that you're able to watch Kelly's cats until Saturday. Hopefully the fire will be under control by then and I sure hope that it won't get to where Kelly lives. I know what you mean by Micah. When I met Kelly's cats, he was my favorite too.;)

09-30-2005, 08:09 AM
Maybe Micah smells the orange on you Gini ;)

09-30-2005, 08:26 AM
Gini, you're simply wonderful!! :D Kelly must be SO relieved to know her kitties are safe and with you. :) I'm glad you're enjoying having them - how could you not. ;)

I really hope the fires won't go across the highway to Kelly's area. She's had enough as it is!

Hugs to you and Kelly, and scritchies to all the kitties.

09-30-2005, 09:43 AM
Gini your great to take in Kelly's cats. I went through the Cedar fire in San Diego a couple of years ago and it was a nightmare trying to find somewhere to go that would accept pets. I'm sure it's a major relief to Kelly to not have to worry about her cats being well taken care of.

09-30-2005, 10:15 AM
Gini, how did the night go? Everyone get a good sleep??

09-30-2005, 10:32 AM
After I went to bed last night I heard a "little argument" - my three flew off of the bed and went to the back door. They were sure this noise was coming from outside. PHEW! But I think only words were exchanged because it quieted right down after that.

This morning I went to check on everyone - and out comes JONAH. Oh, you have no idea what a beautiful white kitty he is - he is big - and his coat is in such good conditon I couldn't believe it - he came right over to me and wanted loving. He got it!

Micah didn't like that too much. So I was careful to give equal attention.

Cleaned up the litter box, changed the water - but the food bowl is still pretty full. Micah ate in front of me - but I don't think any of them have eaten much.

Noah was a complete brat again - started hissing and I ignored him. When I started playing with a wand for Jonah and Micah he suddenly changed his tune - oh, a toy - what is that?

Phoebe showed herself for only a minute - and Basel is still hiding.

It must be so confusing for all of them - who is this lady and why are we here? AND WHERE'S OUR MOM???????

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-30-2005, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the update, Gini!! I am relieved that all goes reasonably well :)

09-30-2005, 11:13 AM
How wonderful that you are able to help in such a disturbing situation!

I hope and pray that those fires stop FAST!

Hurricanes, fires.... what NEXT???? Hopefully a mild winter for all of us!

09-30-2005, 11:37 AM
Gini, how very kind of you to help Kelly and the kitties. :)

Whenever I get down about how bad people can be I can always find some wonderful act of kindness here that restores my faith.

09-30-2005, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Donnaj4962
How wonderful that you are able to help in such a disturbing situation!

I hope and pray that those fires stop FAST!

Hurricanes, fires.... what NEXT???? Hopefully a mild winter for all of us!

When the plague and pestilence start I am packing up and going over the hill to Gini's house.....

She'll take ANYONE IN...

PTers, Bag ladies, Refugee Kitties and ???????:eek: ;) :rolleyes: :cool: :o

09-30-2005, 12:46 PM
Refugee baggy PT'ers? :eek:

09-30-2005, 12:46 PM
Gini it's so nice to think of your house as a safe haven. One day I'll be there too ;)

I hope so much that Kelly will be safe from the fire and that she and the kittys are soon happy and healthy together again.

09-30-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

PTers, Bag ladies, Refugee Kitties and ???????:eek: ;) :rolleyes: :cool: :o

and don't forget Firemen!

09-30-2005, 02:02 PM
This is what friends do, and Gini, for sure, you are a good friend to many. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy some time with Kelly's special babies. What a blessing you are for them!!!! :)

Hope you have a good Friday and Saturday with them, and thank you again for being there to ease Kelly's mind.

How would you like to have 7 of your own? LOL!!!! :eek:


09-30-2005, 04:51 PM
So Gini, has Rupert gone into hiding?? :D

09-30-2005, 05:15 PM
If Gini starts Rupert up, I can picture the commotion! :eek: You better not, Gini!

Keep safe! :)

09-30-2005, 06:07 PM
I came home from an appointment and went in to check on my guests.

Micah came running over - he is one insistant boy! I picked him up and gave him scritches in the appropriate places.

Noah was curled up on the sofa and he just looked at me - no hissing. By now I must just be the lady that comes in and plays in their litter box and leaves..........totally harmless.

Three other kitties were in hiding!!

What is interesting is that none of my own kitties have questioned why all of the other doors are closed - or have asked to have them opened. Shhh, I am not telling them either.

Wait - I think I see a "room service" order being slipped under the door for me? Fresh tuna? Roasted turkey? Good try kids!

Laura's Babies
10-01-2005, 09:32 AM
Donna, PLEASE don't ask that! That thought scares me! :eek:

Gina, any news today, heard from your "guests" Mom? Is her home safe? (Please let it be safe!!) I know you are enjoying your guests and you must remember, you can NOT get attached! They belong to someone else and (hopefully) have a good home (still)!

10-01-2005, 05:58 PM
A HUGE Thank You to my Mom, Gini!!!

My kitties were safe and had a WONDERFUL time with their auntie (or grandma??) in Los Angeles. My place and car are safe...even CeCelia, the fish is OK. :)

I started a thread in General with a TON of pictures: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1278620&posted=1#post1278620

10-01-2005, 06:43 PM
Bless you for helping Kelly and easing her mind about the safety of her furkids. News and film clips from the fire are on our news out here every night, how horrible!! My prayers are being prayed for Kelly and all the other folks out there in harms way.....

10-02-2005, 12:31 AM
Dear Kelly,


It was a sad parting for me - to see Kelly and her beautiful family drive out of my driveway. These little guys had been so scared and couldn't understand why they were cooped up in my den.
I could easily have kept at least four of them. Noah does have an attitude and I feel certain, that given the chance he could have taken a chunk of my arm. But can you blame him, poor baby? But you should have seen him when HIS MOM came into the room - a completely different and loving little boy he became.

Micah is just something else - he is all love - and head bumpies and kisses and love bites and all of those good things we adore about our cats.

Jonah is beyond beautiful - even though he seemed to like life under my entertainment center - we told him he was going HOME and that got him to come out. The remainder of Kelly's family seemed to go into their carriers somewhat willingly.

The most important thing here - is that everyone was SAFE........I am sure that they will be snuggling extra tight with Mom tonight. It is at times like this that we realize how MUCH they depend on us to take good care of them.

They are so fragile and precious - and innocent - and dear - I cannot imagine life without a pet or two or three!

10-02-2005, 08:33 PM
Thanks, again, Gini! ((hugs))

I'm sorry Noah was a bit scared/bratty. :( I wish he'd act appreciative...but I know they all were. While it was hard for them (and me) to be away, your house was by far the next best thing. It was so peaceful and quiet...and they got to love and play with their auntie! Lucky kitties! :)

Love ya,
Kelly :)

10-03-2005, 12:21 AM
I need a Micah fix!! :D :D

10-03-2005, 12:22 AM
I need a Micah fix!! :D :D
Come on over!! You're MORE than welcome, anytime!!

And, I promise Noah wont be mean to you on his turf. ;)

10-04-2005, 09:48 AM
Micah is such an Aby!

10-04-2005, 07:25 PM
Thank God your cats are back home safe and sound...

You ran the danger of having them CATNAPPED!!!! :eek: :mad: ;)