View Full Version : To ALL teenage girls, weird question but. . .

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 05:24 PM
Do you have any tricks for getting rid of hickies :o Its a wierd question, i know, but I really really want to get rid of this hickie so my mom doesnt see it, I know that they dont just "disappear" but I need to do something to it so it is so visible, i loaded it down with makeup but I am scared to even go downstairs for fear of my mother seeing it/ or my dad :rolleyes: Please, please if you have ANY tricks, please post them. Some peope at my school told me to freeze a spoon and rub it in circular motions to help dull it out ???:confused:

09-28-2005, 05:26 PM
sorry I wouldn't know, I've never made out with someone:o , but if you have long hair maybe you can leave your hair over the mark or there's the traditional turtle neck!

09-28-2005, 05:29 PM
Random thread,lol! Mabye try some concealer?Not foundation but actual concealer.Thats all i can think of,other than that,if you have long hair just try to cover it up,like she said;)

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by animal_rescue
sorry I wouldn't know, I've never made out with someone:o , but if you have long hair maybe you can leave your hair over the mark or there's the traditional turtle neck!

I have long hair, but it is fairly layered, so it doesnt cover it up. Also, I dont even own a turtle neck, and if I did, and I wore it my mom would think I was insain :o Thanks for the suggestion though!!

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
Random thread,lol! Mabye try some concealer?Not foundation but actual concealer.Thats all i can think of,other than that,if you have long hair just try to cover it up,like she said;)

I loaded it down with concealer, then put some foundation over it so it wasnt so obvious, but it is pretty dark, so it isnt covering it up very much. Also, after my shower should I just bring my makeup stuff downstairs and re-due my makeup to cover it up?? Probably ehh?

09-28-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
I loaded it down with concealer, then put some foundation over it so it wasnt so obvious, but it is pretty dark, so it isnt covering it up very much. Also, after my shower should I just bring my makeup stuff downstairs and re-due my makeup to cover it up?? Probably ehh?

oh ok.:p Yes i would re-do my make-up.I cant think of anything else that can help you:o

09-28-2005, 06:22 PM
my tip is to not get one in the first place :p or do it on the back of the neck ;)

kinda layer the makeup, put a little on, wait a few minutes for it to "settle", then add some more, wait, etc etc. I've done that with some of my fresh scars and always works.

Desert Arabian
09-28-2005, 06:26 PM
My boyfriend knows that hickies are a big no-no and I do not accept them...so...I am of no advice cause I have never had one before. If I did I suppose I would try to cake on concealer and foundation to cover it up- I hope I don't have to do that any time soon hehe! :p

09-28-2005, 06:33 PM
Try Visene on your neck. I've heard it reduces the capilaries that cause the bruising.

If not - use GREEN concealor to take away the reddish tint and then a light duting of powder.

That said, I'd kill my daughter if she tried to hide a hickie... its a parental right to tease and mortify their child for being stupid and letting their boyfriend make hickies on them!:p

09-28-2005, 06:56 PM
At risk of sounding stupid...:o:o:o...What the heck is a hickie? :o

Okay, I KNOW all of PT is going to laugh at me now, BUT...while I can guess and assume, I don't quite KNOW exactly what it is. :o


Laugh away. ;)

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

That said, I'd kill my daughter if she tried to hide a hickie... its a parental right to tease and mortify their child for being stupid and letting their boyfriend make hickies on them!:p

Lol! Yeah yeah, thanks mom ;) I was like, hey, you better not have gave me a hickie, and then he told some of our friends to look, and they all said they couldnt see anything, but obviously they were lying :rolleyes: my sister got her mirror out and i freaked and my boyfriend, said, in a vary appologetic way "I love you" kinda like saying, please forgive me, im sorry. He does that every time he does something he knows i dont like, silly boys :o ;)

haha, thought this was funny, here's what it is looks like :

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
At risk of sounding stupid...:o:o:o...What the heck is a hickie? :o

Okay, I KNOW all of PT is going to laugh at me now, BUT...while I can guess, I don't quite KNOW what it is. :o


Laugh away. ;)

*holding back the laughter* look at the pic! Lol, doesnt go away for a few days. My suggestion, from experience, dont let your boyfriend suck on your neck :o

09-28-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
*holding back the laughter* look at the pic! Lol, doesnt go away for a few days. My suggestion, from experience, dont let your boyfriend suck on your neck :o


I didn't even know you could possibly get a mark from someone doing that. Ouch. :p It doesn't go away for days? Jeez...I don't have a boyfriend, but I'll have to keep that in mind when I have a husband someday. Don't want any MARKS on me. :o LOL! Funny thread. :D

Tell your parents you got hurt, and ended up getting a 'bruise'. ;)

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

I didn't even know you could possibly get a mark from someone doing that. Ouch. :p It doesn't go away for days? Jeez...I don't have a boyfriend, but I'll have to keep that in mind when I have a husband someday. Don't want any MARKS on me. :o LOL! Funny thread. :D

Tell your parents you got hurt, and ended up getting a 'bruise'. ;)

Hopefully i wont have to tell them anything, because they wont see it! ;) :p. If they do see it, I was thinking of just telling them I got burnt from my flat iron that i use everyday. . .?

09-28-2005, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Hopefully i wont have to tell them anything, because they wont see it! ;) :p. If they do see it, I was thinking of just telling them I got burnt from my flat iron that i use everyday. . .?
mmmhmmmm... they won't buy it. Think your mom hasn't tried that excuse when she was your age? Don't try to tell her that the car seat belt straps gave you "rug burn" either. :p

She'll pretend to buy your story, but she'll KNOW what it really is.

This my dear is what they made turtle necks for. :D

09-28-2005, 07:28 PM
what if you were like a big sweat shirt?? kinda pop the collor where it is. ha ha ha never heard me say pop the collor!! wow

09-28-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Lol! Yeah yeah, thanks mom ;) I was like, hey, you better not have gave me a hickie, and then he told some of our friends to look, and they all said they couldnt see anything, but obviously they were lying :rolleyes: my sister got her mirror out and i freaked and my boyfriend, said, in a vary appologetic way "I love you" kinda like saying, please forgive me, im sorry. He does that every time he does something he knows i dont like, silly boys :o ;)

haha, thought this was funny, here's what it is looks like :

Oh, I'm so trying not to laugh but ha ha ha, if my mom saw one on me oh she'd have a field day of making fun of me!:p

Toby's my baby
09-28-2005, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
mmmhmmmm... they won't buy it. Think your mom hasn't tried that excuse when she was your age? Don't try to tell her that the car seat belt straps gave you "rug burn" either. :p

She'll pretend to buy your story, but she'll KNOW what it really is.

This my dear is what they made turtle necks for. :D

Ok, ok. . . lol.

I wish my mom was more like your parents or you sound! If my mom saw this she would probably kill me, and im not even going to start with my dad, he would probably make me transfer to a new school! lol

09-28-2005, 07:44 PM
FYI my friend just told me that once when she had a huge hicky. She made up a story that she was driving home and she accidently hit a cat, swerved, and the seat belt hurt her. She was so distraught over the cat that her mom didn't even look at the "bruise" lol! You might want to try that:p

edit: forgot to mention that the "bruise" was on the wrong side! LOL

09-28-2005, 08:00 PM
oh come on just it over with and go down stairs and if your parents notice it tell them ya got pinched or hurt lol

09-28-2005, 08:13 PM
A turtleneck is the answer!! ;)

09-28-2005, 08:16 PM
loool that will be a nice look for a couple of days:p

They don't go away, and there really isnt anything to do to get them to go away....except..COVER-UP lol! Just tell them that you were having a pinching contest at school:p ;)

09-28-2005, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Tweety_Pie
loool that will be a nice look for a couple of days:p

They don't go away, and there really isnt anything to do to get them to go away....except..COVER-UP lol! Just tell them that you were having a pinching contest at school:p ;)
wow a pinching contest at school, where is your school it souind like lots of fun?

Samantha Puppy
09-28-2005, 08:39 PM
Turtlenecks helped until I realized that neither my boyfriend nor I were vampires so sucking each other's necks wasn't necessary!! :D

09-28-2005, 09:19 PM
The cold spoon trick works OK, but it isn't really immediate. My parents tease me and my sister mercilessly on the rare occasion that either one of us or our boyfriends get any marks.

One method that has worked for me was to brush the spot with a toothbrush (not too hard!) and then use a cold spoon after about 15 minutes. That usually tones it down enough to make makeup more effective.

09-28-2005, 11:14 PM
Thank God I've never had one before but from what I heard that they hurt!! That is huge!! :o :eek: Good luck getting rid of it!!

PJ's Mom
09-28-2005, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Toby's my baby
Hopefully i wont have to tell them anything, because they wont see it! ;) :p. If they do see it, I was thinking of just telling them I got burnt from my flat iron that i use everyday. . .?

Ah the curling iron excuse. I used it often. :D

I don't think they ever believed me, though. ;)

09-28-2005, 11:47 PM
buy YELLOW concealer stick apply to area and than apply your own foundation afterwards...works really good for bruises
and for eyes i think you get lime green concealer stick apply and put you foundation on after.

09-29-2005, 12:15 AM
When I was in high school those were referred to as monkey bites....does that take anybody back?

I am sure for a while they were cool to me when I was a teen but now I think .....why???????

Toby's my baby
09-29-2005, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by kimboe
buy YELLOW concealer stick apply to area and than apply your own foundation afterwards...works really good for bruises
and for eyes i think you get lime green concealer stick apply and put you foundation on after.

Thats what i have been doing :) I have yellow concealer already to tone down my skin because I have really red checks, so I already use it, thank goodness. So far so good, they havent noticed it yet! :cool:

new mom to a veiled
09-29-2005, 11:28 AM
Okay...........I'll admit it has been quite a while since I was a teenager...............but try using a thin layer of white toothpaste, let it dry then put some concealer and foundation over it!!! I hope that helps!!!!!

09-29-2005, 11:55 AM
I have always had long enough hair so that always worked for me but I have to wear it up at work, so I put foundation on and it kind of helps but it is still noticeable:p

09-29-2005, 11:59 AM
If it wasn't so big, you could put a bandaid on it and say it was a gross zit. I was always carefull.... the one time it did happen it was winter and I wore turtlenecks everyday!

09-29-2005, 12:35 PM
I don't think you people are giving parents enough credit! I've had a hickey before, only once, but when I did, it was one on both sides of my neck, and it was the dead of summer!!!!! :eek: In SC, a turtleneck doesn't do it in the summertime.

Fess up if it comes up, otherwise, ignore it and it will go away and if a boy attempts to do anything close to that again, slap him!!!!!!!! :D

09-29-2005, 01:03 PM
I'm sorry if I sounded rude when I said it was big. If a guy ever tries to give me one, I'll smack him upside the head!! LOL!

09-29-2005, 01:13 PM
Cut a potato in half and put it on it for at least 15 minutes. The starch helps it out apparently. Don't know how or why but it really does work.. my friend came home one night with BLACK hickies on the side of her neck and was freaking out cause she didn't want her dad to see, so my mom did this. Doesn't make them go away completely but makes them fade so they can easily be covered up!

Lots of concealer and stuff

Good luck!

09-30-2005, 12:29 AM
you know what - I may be showing my 'stuffiness' but Paren'ts aren't as dumb as you make them to be. If you have something that is so blatantly obvious and you want to hide it from your parents - something tells me you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Nor do I think this thread is appropriate b/c this is a family site. And people have been ripped apart for less..

That being said - yes I have had hickies.

10-07-2005, 05:59 AM
I totally agree! It should have at least been put in the dog house, if at all. I would think decieving parents wouldn't be favored here. Just my 2 cents. As for the mark, live and learn, I guess.

Laura's Babies
10-07-2005, 10:50 AM
I have really had the curling iron slip out of my hand and scorch my neck and everybody thought it was a hickie. Looks exactly like one, only when the scab would start to peel away would they believe me, that it was a BURN!

Best way to hid it is to not get it to start with.

I have seen as a joke, a group would hold someone down and put one on them and leave them to explaine to their parents how they got it.

10-07-2005, 10:59 AM
Best way to hid it is to not get it to start with.

You got that right Laura!

So, did your parents find out? I personally would laugh my bottom off if my kids got one, but be furious to all heck if they tried ot hide it from me!

10-08-2005, 07:18 PM
well i suppose that frozen spoon trick would probably work. lol.
