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View Full Version : Cross your fingers for me.. (met someone on campus..)

09-28-2005, 01:08 PM
Ok.. another guy.. I know, I'm always meeting someone.. but this time, I think it's for real, but I'm not sure.. but.. I think he's hinting me.. but what do you think??

His name is Mike and he's 5'5", brown eyes, brown hair, very althetic/muscular/football built.. and he is just adorable, and I am quite attracted to him, but I love his personality. He is the "preppy" boy type, but he is just exactly like me, very laid back, down to earth, loves movies, etc. We have the same outlooks/opinions on things..

We watched a movie together on Saturday night - I had him pick out the movie and he picked "The Notebook" and I was like, are you sure? He said yeah, and he hasn't seen it and he loves movies.. and I'm like okay.. and we laid in bed together, and just watched the movie.. and he didn't even TRY ONE thing.. except playing with my hand/rubbing my back.. but that was it.. We hugged and he gave me a huge hug, pretty tight one too.. and he said he'll talk to me later.. and later that night, he got online before he went to bed, and messaged me saying he had fun hanging out with me, and I said me too.. and I asked him if he was up to hang out again and he said that sounded good..

But anyway..

Some things I think he may be hinting at me:

- I had this on my AIM profile:

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "that's her.."

Mike left me a message yesterday saying "Hey, I like that quote in your profile...that's the guy I want to be"

Hmm.. and I actually mentioned it to him last night and he's like, yeah, what about that quote, and I go, yeah.. it's how I feel.. and he goes "really, me too" and we both have the same opinions on relationships, stuff related to it.. I'm like, hmmm..

(I'm doing my best to hold back and this is sounding too good to be TRUE..)

- We talked about movies, and he mentioned his favorites.. and since that I didn't see a lot of the movies he liked.. and he said "Well we have some movie watching to do".. and I'm like, what, us? He goes "well I guess not.... lol yeah us" and I joked about having a all night movie marathon thing.. and he goes "yeah that sounds like a good plan".. so we are gonna do that..


Again, sounds too good to be true.. and I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes all up because every time I seem to meet someone, it crashes & burns.. MAYBE GOD HAD ENOUGH OF ME COMPLAINING AND HE SENT this guy when I wasn't looking..

We met on Facebook - he randomly added me last week and he said that he was glad that he did..

I'll apologize here - I'm sorry I wrote a lot, like it is a novel, but.. yeah.. :)

I guess I'm asking.. cross your fingers... and I hope this one works out.. cause I like him.. and he is actually a good guy.. not a lot of them out there, if you ask me.

09-28-2005, 01:17 PM
What ever happened with the guy who's been a best friend for two years? Still a friend? Did anything come of that?

Regarding this guy, if you think he's into you, then he is. Don't read too much into things. Just take thigns as they come.

09-28-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
What ever happened with the guy who's been a best friend for two years? Still a friend? Did anything come of that?

Regarding this guy, if you think he's into you, then he is. Don't read too much into things. Just take thigns as they come.

I told him - and he doesn't talk much to me anymore - He promised to come for my 21st and he never came. Go figure. I don't know, we are still friends I guess, but not that close anymore..

finn's mom
09-28-2005, 01:36 PM
He sounds wonderful! Go with your heart, be careful, and, have fun. As long as you are 100% open with him and yourself, you'll know what to do. Don't be afraid to speak up, or ask questions of him. It may not be the best thing in the world for you to get overly serious about dating anyone right now, as it will probably distract you from school. But, if you're unhappy socially, you may not blossom in the other areas of your life. I know that's how I function, I have to have a good balance between fun, social activities, and, work, or I'm crappy at both of them. ;) Anyway, the point is, just have a good time, but, take care of the important things, too.