View Full Version : Dogs at work?

09-28-2005, 01:00 PM
A friend from flyball works at a pet store (they don't actually SELL pets though..just suplies) and so she is allowed to take her dogs to work with her. While joking around I said that I wish Zeke could come to work with me too...then she said something like if you're depressed or some other issues, you can get something signed by your doctor and take your dog to work I guess....How does this work, does anyone know?? Not that I would even be able to take Zeke to work..still curious...I work in a bar...would it be allowed? How do you go about it? I have suffered from bad depression in the past, but I'm OK now. I was thinking about it today and how it works.

Samantha Puppy
09-28-2005, 01:05 PM
I don't know how that could be true... What if someone in your office were horribly allergic to animals? What if your dog was really hyper around people or just like to bark and be vocal? I love my baby girl to death but she'd be a major disruption in my office!

I would think policies regarding animals in the workplace are up to the employer. As much of an animal lover as I am, I agree with that too.

09-28-2005, 01:13 PM
I used to take Nicki to work with me occasionally. She'd be 50/50 good and devil dog. I never knew which she'd be. She didn't like being made to sit inside my cubical, and wanted to wander around sniffing everything and meeting the people. I spent more time worrying what she was up to than doing my work.

Now, I work from home and LOVE it. I have Nicki by my side all day and the cats keep me company too.

I don't know about it being a law, because who knows if the dog would be able to sit quietly for 8 hours while you worked. Even today, when Nicki is old and sleeps 3/4 of the day, she'd be antsy and nutsy to get out of my office and eet everyone else. She'd whine and bark, and wimper. It'd drive me and everyone else batty.

09-28-2005, 02:13 PM

I'm about 98% sure that Zeke would be very well behaved. I know he would sit/stay if I told him to. And I would keep him away from customers incase they don't like it.

however, being a resturant, I can see how he shouldn't be there. Just WISH he could. Not like we get a lot of people here anyway -___-

Desert Arabian
09-28-2005, 02:20 PM
I really wish I could bring animals to work! We do have the occasional seeing eye dog come in to our store but that is all we allow of course.

Last week my mom and I were shopping in Chicago for my homecoming dress when I was in Sak's Fifth Avenue there was a lady with a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback shopping with her and and older lady with a Maltesse. If I knew you could shop with your pets I would have brought my neighbors dog along!!

09-28-2005, 03:23 PM
Where Robs working, there are about 10 dogs. He said the german shepard type of dog keeps bitting his feet. Turns out the dog tries to herd people by bitting their feet. He said everytime he leaves his office, the dog runs up to him & he has to fight him off heheh

He said he likes it, cause its funny to watch him doing to everyone else :)

The logo of the company even has pets in it & it has nothing to do with pets.

Samantha Puppy
09-28-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir

however, being a resturant, I can see how he shouldn't be there. Just WISH he could. Not like we get a lot of people here anyway -___- Being a restaurant, I am almost 100% positive there is no way Zeke could be there with you. The health department would close you guys down so fast your head would spin. :(

09-28-2005, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Being a restaurant, I am almost 100% positive there is no way Zeke could be there with you. The health department would close you guys down so fast your head would spin. :(

unless he was a guide dog or a helper dog. So you know what you have to do. train him to be a helper dog :)

09-28-2005, 03:52 PM
I wish I could bring my pets to work! But, I work in an environmental testing lab, and no pets are allowed :(

09-28-2005, 04:15 PM
People with mental distorters can have service dogs, but I don't think you can just take your dog to work with you without it being a service dog. I've looked it to it a little. I have a social anxiety distorter and almost never go anywhere without Justin. When I do go somewhere alone I almost always have a panic attack. I very very rarely go anywhere alone. I thought about having Nacey trained as a service dog in hopes to help me go out alone. I always do better when I have one of the dogs with me, but I don't think a service dog would help me. I fear people looking at me and worse talking to me and if I had a dog with me it would enhance that, thus making it worse.