View Full Version : Missing Tubby

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-28-2005, 09:58 AM
The other night we were walking home from our townhome association meeting. It was a nice evening and one of the neighbors had their front door open (with screen door) and sitting right smack in the middle, sniffing the breezes to his heart's content, was a BIG black kitty kat. He created a bigger bowling pin than Tubby, but other than that I could have sworn it was Tubby sitting there. Tubby always liked to survey his domain - front and back - and he adored sitting in the door and sniffing the breezes.

Then Debbie (sirrahbed) brings up how Robbie likes to be carried over the shoulder like a baby - and that's exactly how Tubby liked to be carried. He never allowed me to turn him upside down and "squish" him.

Lately CJ has started making the little mrrt sound when he sees Peanut. Tubby used to do that all the time too, to everybody, not just Peanut.

I think it all started when Twicket died. Ever since then it seems all these little reminders of Tubby are everywhere, and they're making me realize just how much I'm missing my big boy. :(

He so loved sniffing the breezes that he even did it in the motorhome. Here's a pic of him surveying what he wished was his domain. ;)

Sure do miss you Tubs. :(

09-28-2005, 10:10 AM

It's hard losing a pet. There are times I still miss my RB spaniel named Rocky, and I swear I see him when we go on our walks. I know Tubby misses his mom too especially now that he is at the RB

09-28-2005, 10:11 AM
Debbie (((HUGS))) just think.....they are all good memories. Tubby still lives and always will live in your memory and most importantly he lives everyday within your heart. (((hugs))) Meg

09-28-2005, 10:23 AM
((((Hugs)))) Debbie, I know how hard it is to loose a pet. I still miss Stubby, and Dana so much. I am sure Tubby is looking down on you from Rainbow Bridge and wishing you lots of comfort.


09-28-2005, 10:23 AM
In Loving Memory of our Dearest Tubby & may you be at RB

(((((((((Hugs Hugs ))))))))))) for meowmie

09-28-2005, 10:25 AM
I am sure that Tubby is looking down from the RB knowing how much you love and miss him. He was a beautiful boy!

09-28-2005, 02:27 PM
He'll be furrever in your heart- but I understand that knowing he will never again be in your lap is too much at times:(

Sounds all so stupid. It took me twenty years not to cry when I talk about my Meo.

09-28-2005, 02:29 PM

09-28-2005, 02:36 PM


09-28-2005, 02:46 PM
It's so hard to loose them. Those little pawprints on the heart are indeliable, even when the heart is shattered.

I miss Twicket all the time too despite the fact that I feel at peace with his death. It was his time and nothing could have changed that. I've had a much harder time with Dominique's death. A few days ago, I woke up with Ivy curled against me under the covers, exactly where Dom used to lay. For a second, I forgot Dom is gone and then I remembered and spent the rest of the day in tears.

09-28-2005, 02:52 PM
awwww (((((Debbie))))) My sweetheart RB Bert is buried at the head of my bed - right outside ther window and I will still lay there and miss him until I cry - and he has been gone about 7 years now. I think there will always be reminders of him and same for your Tubby - it gets easier and sweeter - but I think there may always be some tears and days of missing him so much.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-28-2005, 02:58 PM
Oh my, I understand so very well what you mean.... ! EVERY time I see a black cat, I think of my beloved Sydney :( . It si 3 years ago now, it still hurts so much!!
I am so happy o have another black cat. Zazou has some white too, what makes her a tux, but her little head is as black as the night!

(((((( HUGS !!!!)))))

09-28-2005, 03:38 PM

Debbie, it's been years since they have gone, but my heart still yearns to see and snuggle, Sable, Nike, and Chance.

The wounds are still too fresh from losing Scooter.


09-28-2005, 03:53 PM

I think many of us here who have lost a beloved pet friend and soulmate know how you feel; I certainly feel that way about my RB Katz.

I don't know if I ever want another tux girl, because I think I would always compare her to Katz.

Your Tubby was a very special friend to you, and lived with you for a very long time, and he looks so sweet in the picture you have posted.


09-28-2005, 04:53 PM
We all can relate to what you're feeling. So many times I see an orangie and think of Timmy, or see a black cat and Mikey comes to mind. Black & white cats remind me of Daisy and Dali...tabbies remind me of Honey and Puddy; need I go on?

I miss all of them dearly. It comes at different times and places, but the feeling is always the same:( :( :( :( :(

09-28-2005, 04:54 PM
I understand. It can be so hard sometimes.:(

09-28-2005, 11:51 PM
Sometimes I miss Bassett so bad it literally hurts my heart. I still cry when I talk about her. But I know she's with me all the time, and when it's at it's worse she comes to me in one form or another. Tubby is never far away.. all the signs you see from him are his gifts.. cherish them :)

09-29-2005, 08:02 AM

Maybe all these reminders are his way of showing you he's still here, watching you every day and giving you comfort when you need it. I truly believe not everything in life is coincidental. Sometimes things get a helping hand from angels to show you loved ones are near.

09-29-2005, 08:10 AM
It must be the season ,now the dog toys arn't reappearing ,but I remember how Merlin loved fall walks. He would chase the dry leaves around the yard.

Laura's Babies
09-29-2005, 09:23 AM
My RB Sambo has been gone now for 20, 30 years and I still miss him. He was a one in a million and we were SO close and bonded. I will never stop missing him. He was s blackie too and I have had blackies since, not to try to replace him but to enjoy for their own personalities.

I love that picture of Tubby looking out the screen door. RIP Tubby, we all still miss you, especially your Mommie!

09-29-2005, 09:59 AM
Oh Debbie, I know how hard it was for you to say goodbye to Tubby. :( He was SO special and one of my favourites here. Tubby will be in your heart forever, and I'm sure he'll keep sending you little signs that he's OK where he is now. :)

We're sending you hugs and headbumpies.

Felicia's Mom
09-29-2005, 10:31 AM
I know how you feel, I think of Inky and Shadow whenever I see black cats. A Silver Tabby reminds me of my Cleo.

09-29-2005, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

Maybe all these reminders are his way of showing you he's still here, watching you every day and giving you comfort when you need it. I truly believe not everything in life is coincidental. Sometimes things get a helping hand from angels to show you loved ones are near.

Very well said Kim.

After 5 years I still tear up talking about my RB C-Fer.

09-30-2005, 03:16 AM
Those bonds formed beyond words are the strongest and the most painful to deal with the lose.

I still miss my white cat Mite 20 years after.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-30-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Tubby is never far away.. all the signs you see from him are his gifts.. cherish them :)
Originally posted by Catnapper
Maybe all these reminders are his way of showing you he's still here, watching you every day and giving you comfort when you need it. I truly believe not everything in life is coincidental. Sometimes things get a helping hand from angels to show you loved ones are near.

What a totally sweet way to think of all these reminders! Thank you both so much for pointing this out to me. You're right, and I'm actually glad for all the reminders because it keeps Tubby alive and well in my memories.

Thank you, everyone, so much for the hugs and thoughts. You guys are such a great bunch and always make me feel better. :)

09-30-2005, 10:31 AM
Debbie, please forgive me for not seeing this sooner. I'm afaid that I have a hard time catching up with Cat General. What a sweet reminder and I do believe that Tubby is really by your side every night. It's funny but every time I see an all black kitty, I think of Tubby too.

slick xoxo

09-30-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this thread.
Samantha and I miss Tubby too.:(

I dread the day that Samantha leaves me.
She means so much to me and we have such a special long-term bond with each other.
I try to enjoy every little thing she does while she is still here with me.
I find myself watching her sleep a lot just because she is so cute.
I'm glad that she had a good check up last month and has been in such good health over the years.
I understand what a special bond you had with Tubby for so many years.
I really miss him and other sweet Pet Talk kitties like Tucker, Tex and Twicket.
Hugs to you Debbie.
Please give Peanut and Cracker Jack some extra hugs and kisses from me.;)

09-30-2005, 12:53 PM
I dread the day that Samantha leaves me. I know just how you feel. Just last night around 10:30pm I was settled on the couch to watch some TV and Speckles, who is 18, was right beside me. I took some time to give her some loving and I asked her to let me know when she wanted to cross the bridge. Of course, she's purrfectly healthy now, but I promised her that I will be there with her and hold her gently when the time comes. Then the tears flowed.....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-30-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by slick
I know just how you feel.

Me too, with Peanut. Knowing that it was cancer, knowing how fast cancer can kick in and take a life, and knowing how fast Tubby went down hill all just adds up to me being a big worry wart about Peanut. She's 17 now, and is really a spry chicken since her surgery, but knowing all of the above makes me treasure every moment with her and her silly little boxes. She is starting to get the weakness in her back legs like Tubby had. Nothing serious, just a stumble now and then, but it's enough for me to notice.

Like you, Slick, I've told her to make sure and tell me when it's time, and to be sure to tell me if the cancer returns and she's not feeling well. She is more active now - after the surgery - than she had been for a long time before, so I kick myself everytime I think about how long she must have been uncomfortable before I noticed what she was trying to tell me.

I admit I don't have the bond with her like I did with Tubby, but she is still my precious little girl and I dread the day I have to say goodbye. :(

I just love that picture Vermontcat. Thanks for posting it again. :)

09-30-2005, 02:00 PM
Oh Debbie, we miss Tubby, too, and completely understand your sorrow over losing him. :(

Last night, my parents were here to see Helen's Volleyball game and spent the night with us. My dad looked at Mimi and asked me how long she had been with us, and Helen piped up and said, "longer than I have, Hugh". And that's the truth.

So far, so good, and like you with Peanut, and others with their "seniors", I thank God every single day that she is still with me.

My thoughts are with you, my friend. I don't think that pain associated with loss of a human loved one or a furry loved one ever totally leaves us. I guess that's a real reminder that we really, really loved and cared for them. :)


10-01-2005, 09:35 AM
Debbie, I think Tubby holds a special place in all our hearts. He was such a beautiful boy and I know he brought great joy to your life! ((HUGS))

10-02-2005, 02:31 AM
When Bassett had to leave me, I had to ask her to show me what to do. When she did die, it was peaceful for her. As much as I miss her knowing she went without pain is a huge comfort.

I remember the night before I started my vet assistant course I was laying in bed. I was a little bit nervous because it was new and I was having trouble getting to sleep. I remember hearing a purr and I thought, wow.. that sounds just like Bassett. Then I looked down to the end of the bed and nothing was there, but when I moved my foot it was warm.. and I knew she was there helping me along.

They never really die.. their bodies give out with age but they carry on and keep us in comfort. A bond like that can't be broken. I talk to her and think about her every day, and I know she hears me.