View Full Version : Odd happening today

09-27-2005, 11:25 PM
While running errands, I stopped by the bank to deposit a couple checks (no that's not the odd happening...). There' no easy place at the ATM to do all the writing required to document the checks, etc, so I walked in the back and sat on their couch to do this paperwork. I glanced around and it seemed like the tellers and receptionist, etc were discussing a shower ... baby shower, I think.

I wandered outside again and dinked with the ATM transferring money between accounts, checking levels, depositing the money ... whatnot. Anyway, I kept hearing voices asking people to step over to the end of the building. I ignored them, intent on doing my errands/it had nothing to do with me/ whatever. Finally one of the voices got louder and said "Pssst, lady at the ATM, come over HERE." I glanced up and a couple Sherriffs were gathering people around the corner of the building. I'd finally gathered all my stuff up and came over. I could scarcely hear what they were saying. It turns out there had been a robbery alarm tripped inside the bank. They must have been there a while, cause they knew I'd been in the bank and wanted to know what I'd seen. They seemed discouraged that I hadn't noticed a blessed thing except the shower discussion. They finally went in found it had been a false alarm.

I'm not sure why I feel so guilty/shepish for not noticing anything...

09-27-2005, 11:34 PM
Geez, you were minding your own business, why would you notice? Hey! As long as it was a false alarm and you weren't hurt, rest easy.

Cinder & Smoke
09-28-2005, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee

... a couple Sherriffs were gathering people ...

... there had been a robbery alarm tripped inside the bank...
They ... wanted to know what I'd seen.


They must do it differently on the Left Coast! :rolleyes:

Around here most PDs CALL the Bank after an alarm drop;

the PD asks for a Ms. "So-and-so" - a CODE name that the Bank
employees KNOW is cop-talk for "We got an alarm from your bank -
IS everything OK?"

The Bank is suposed to reply with one of two coded messages:
#1 is "No, So-and-so isn't here today, can you call back tomorrow?
I have a 'customer' with me"
which means "We DO have a problem / robbery in progress!"

or #2 is "Yes, I'm Ms. So-and-so; I'm wearing (describes outfit);
and I'll meet an Officer out front."
Means everything is A-OK - but she HAS to go out to the patrol car (ALONE)
and explain what happened to trigger the alarm.

Works pretty well till a new teller answers the Cop Call and doesn't
know any of the codes! :p

09-28-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

They must do it differently on the Left Coast! :rolleyes:

Around here most PDs CALL the Bank after an alarm drop;


I guess we do do it differently. Your way makes a LOT more sense.

I think what bothered me the most was that I'd always thought I'd be a pretty good witness. And I was TOTALLY oblivious to the half dozen or so sherriff cars and motorcycles all around the parking lot... And me in the middle of all the drama, totally spacing out in my own thoughts. :o :rolleyes: :(