View Full Version : Pain. :(

09-27-2005, 04:07 PM
The other night around 3am in the morning, I wake up to falling off my bed and bashing my foot onto the dog crate that was in my room. Nala had been laying on my bed and she was laying with her legs against the wall and her back to me. She decided to stretch and bam, there I go off the bed. Funny story, actually, and I laugh at it. Except for when I try to walk.

My pinky toe is broken and swollen purple, and i'm not sure if I did something to my actual foot, but when I try to walk the pain goes up into the whole side of my foot and into my leg. I may have pulled/sprained a muscle or something? I've broken my toes MANY times and have NEVER had pain like this because of it. It hurts like HELL. Today was horrible at work I was limping all over the place.

Thankfully I have off tomorrow and i'll be able to rest it, so hopefully that'll help some.

I apologize for this bit of whining, just needing to vent, thanks for listening. :)


09-27-2005, 04:09 PM
Poor Kay!!! Does your foot kind of burn? If so, you could have a fracture in your foot....i fractured my ankle on a trampoline a few months ago...

09-27-2005, 04:10 PM
and I would also recommend going to see a Dr.

Sounds as though you pulled something...or are pulling something as a result of favoring your sore tootsie.....

Ouch. Sounds as though a doggie may be in the dog house.....

Ouch. Ouch.

:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :confused:

09-27-2005, 04:14 PM
Yeah, if the pain is still this bad tomorrow I'm heading to the doctors. I tried taping my toe but it didn't help any, and it got all bundled up from walking around at work.

I kept telling people today that Nala was going back to the Humane Society. :rolleyes: (Just kidding of course, She still sleeps on my bed everynight, just at the end! :rolleyes: ) Maybe it's time to trade her in for a shorter dog, anyone got a basset hound? :p

09-27-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I kept telling people today that Nala was going back to the Humane Society. :rolleyes: (Just kidding of course, She still sleeps on my bed everynight, just at the end! :rolleyes: ) Maybe it's time to trade her in for a shorter dog, anyone got a basset hound? :p
LOL! You could never trade beautiful Nala. :)

09-27-2005, 04:24 PM
hope you get better, take care, and maybe LOL consider a babycrib LOL just messing with you, get well soon, keep us posted

09-27-2005, 04:26 PM
Kay take some Motrin/Ibuprofen and take it easy until the morning and then head to the Doctor. :)

09-27-2005, 04:41 PM
Ouch, that sounds painful! Hope you feel better soon and I agree, some Ibuprofen should help ease the pain.

Queen of Poop
09-27-2005, 05:01 PM
A trip to the doctor definately needs to be in your very near future. Sounds more serious than a sprain or deep bruise. Feel better!

PJ's Mom
09-27-2005, 05:26 PM

Get better soon. It really sucks to be in pain. :(

I'll send Bailey over. She's a great little nurse as long as you feed her. :D

09-27-2005, 06:09 PM
Sorry to hear about the pain Kay, I've been forced to sleep funny because of the dogs on the bed as well so I know very well how hard it can be. It almost sounds like you pinched a nerve or something which could explain the shooting pains and such, but I'm not a doctor so don't take my word for it.

And take it from someone who has two small dogs sleeping with them it doesn't make it any easier to sleep in fact it makes it harder because there's the whole squish factor and well if you have a dog like Beaker they still stretch out only under the covers at the same time.

09-27-2005, 07:45 PM
OH NO! :eek:
I didn't understand that it was broken. Poor thing. I hope you feel better soon. Better get checked out at the doctor. Please take care of yourself.

09-27-2005, 08:10 PM
Wanna trade Nala for Kyra?????? ;) I would love to have a large tan Muttlie here, we have plenty of birdies to keep her occupied...Kyra is nice and small and likes to curl up right by your neck, no pushing off the bed here :D ;)

I hope your foot gets better, I know how kicking a crate can be but I have yet to break a toe on one, hope its not anything serious and will be better in no time!!

09-27-2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yeah, if the pain is still this bad tomorrow I'm heading to the doctors. I tried taping my toe but it didn't help any, and it got all bundled up from walking around at work.

I kept telling people today that Nala was going back to the Humane Society. :rolleyes: (Just kidding of course, She still sleeps on my bed everynight, just at the end! :rolleyes: ) Maybe it's time to trade her in for a shorter dog, anyone got a basset hound? :p

Sorry about your foot!

I have a basset/lab who shares a king sized bed with me (until hubbys back) you'd think she was a great dane!! LOL she spreads out but her legs aren't that long but she likes to roll around in her sleep. Also, when hubby was home, Lucy had one side and we had the other, she was kicking him in the back.:D

09-27-2005, 08:23 PM
Owe! :eek:

can you move the crates to somewhere else or put something soft and mooshy over them,, so if evil Nala decides to push you off the bed.. you wont wack your body parts on the very hard crates? LOL

and i feel your pain.. sorta..
a few months back,, i was walking across our.. so called bridge.. going across the stream.(just two logs spread appart) and in the middle of it.. we had a pliewood board for our pump to set on. and i stood on the board waiting for my dad to come across(he walked in the stream instead.. since he just broke his wrist.. and too stupid and stubborn to get to the hospital rght away :rolleyes: ) and SNAP the board i was standing on broke... and threw me off ballance,, and instints told me to jump in the stream instead of falling spread egle on the log. and i probably landed on the most jagged pointy most evil freaking rock in the stream. it left a HUGE brusie on the middle of my foot. and i codulnt lay my foot down flat for a long time.. i had to get around useing my tippy toes on that foot for a while.

luckiely my foot has recovred.. but my dads wrist still isnt quite right yet. :(

Ginger's Mom
09-27-2005, 08:24 PM
Oooh, sorry to hear about your foot. Too bad that keeping it taped and wrapped isn't helping. I hope that the ibuprofen and rest will help it. In the meantime, I think the least Nala can do is bring you your breakfast in bed tomorrow so you can rest longer.

just me
09-27-2005, 08:46 PM
Sorry about your toe/foot.
Sounds like you did something in there.
A broken toe is very painful.
Sending get better thoughts your way...

Toby's my baby
09-27-2005, 08:51 PM
O i am so sorry about your foot! I hope everything is all right! If i were you I would go to the doctor and get it x-rayed. I walked on a broken ankle and played basketball for a year, because the radiologist who read the x-ray of mine missed the broken bone, however that happened, i dont know :o. Good luck!

09-27-2005, 08:55 PM
:eek: OUCHIE!!! I am so sorry, Kay. :( Feel better soon!! ((hugs))


Krista and the fuzz butts :)

p.s. you could never trade Nala for anything!! :p I mean she's a pretty lady and lucky to have you!! :D so are the other 2 muttlies!! :D

09-27-2005, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I kept telling people today that Nala was going back to the Humane Society. :rolleyes: (Just kidding of course, She still sleeps on my bed everynight, just at the end! :rolleyes: ) Maybe it's time to trade her in for a shorter dog, anyone got a basset hound? :p

I've got two, but you can't have them.;) :p

Hope your foot feels better.:)

Daisy and Delilah
09-27-2005, 10:43 PM
Kay, you need to get to the doctor for an x-ray. I've had several broken toes in the past and a broken ankle. The pain you described is exactly what a break will feel like. I'll bet you will probably get woken up from the pain tonight. Good luck and let us know what the dr. says:(

Nala can come to live at my house but I don't think I can trade one of the girls away;)

09-27-2005, 10:53 PM
Ouch! hope your foot is feeling better soon.

I did something similar once. I trip over Glacier the cat in the middle of the night and kicked the end of my bed. When I turned on the light, while screaming my fool head off, all my toes were pointing the wrong direction. It was disgusting. I was too embarassed to call anyone at that hour so I took a cab to the hospital where a doctor pulled them back into position for me. yuk!!

09-27-2005, 11:18 PM
Sorry about the pain in your toe. I hope you get to feeling better really soon, Kay.


09-27-2005, 11:32 PM
I had a roller blade accident about 6 years ago....now mind you I was almost 40 at the time and had no business on roller blades....I think I broke something and I never went in....it still bothers me....

case in point...you don't want to ache when your old like me so go in and get it checked.

09-27-2005, 11:40 PM
Maybe YOU need to sleep in the cage! :p You know I'm kidding. If your toe is discolored, sounds broken to me. Off to the docs for you! I hope you feel better, sweetie.

09-28-2005, 12:24 PM

How's the foot? See a doctor yet?

09-28-2005, 12:36 PM
I actually just woke up about a half hour ago, that's how good I slept!

My foot feels fine this morning. I'm guessing it just felt overly painful from working all day. The cage had actually only been in there because I kept CoCo the dog we found in there at night and I hadn't been able to take it out yet.

If I touch my actual foot in that area there is no pain, only when touch my toe. I've had broken toes before and the only thing they can do is tape it to another toe and give you pain medications.
If it gets worse, i'll go to a doctor.
I'm wearing large fluffy socks today so i'm guessing having that padding on my feet his helping quite a bit.

Speaking fo Nala.. she did lay in the same spot last night and tried taking up as much room as she could. :rolleyes: NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

09-28-2005, 12:39 PM
I am sorry to hear about your foot, BUT, that story is funny. Poor Toe!

09-28-2005, 12:44 PM
OUCH !!!!!!!! :( Oh Kay so sorry to hear about your toe & I know it must hurt bad.. I stumpt mine a few weeks back & your right you can not walk on it..

:rolleyes: Poor Nala little baby & bet she wonders what did I do to make you limp.. You have to admitt it is funny in a way..:)

09-29-2005, 12:34 PM
it´s good to know youre a little better, hopefully it´s not broken, but MAN DO THAY HURT!!