View Full Version : Whats the most expensive thing you have ever bought for your pet(s)?

09-27-2005, 12:53 PM
Well actually my mom bought it I think...LOL but anyways, the most expensive thing we ever bought for Roxy was her Igloo Doghouse, for Skye was her little house thingy that she doesnt even use:rolleyes: , and for Rufus, was his really cool cage with the glow in the dark hamster wheel :D.

09-27-2005, 01:05 PM
A truck.;)

09-27-2005, 01:06 PM
really? cool!!!

Anita Cholaine
09-27-2005, 01:25 PM
We never bought Anita something too expensive... She doesn't like very expensive things though. She loves normal toys, like tenis balls or anything she finds in the house....:)

09-27-2005, 01:29 PM
Yeah we usually dont buy expensive things either, my cat will be entertained with a straw:rolleyes: Roxy will be entertained with food, and Rufus doesnt really care LOL

09-27-2005, 01:55 PM
Hmmm I'd really have to say a van! We didn't buy it for any other reason than to haul the dogs around:p

But if your talking about unnecessary things I'd have to say the most expensive thing we ever bought was a large studded collar for Angus. It was probably more than 10+years ago and we paid $50 for it...but boy did it look sharp on him:)

09-27-2005, 01:58 PM
$50 for a collar?:eek: :eek: sounds like something i would do LOL Roxy used to have a $12 collar, but it was too big. Waste of money when it didnt even fit LOL:rolleyes:

09-27-2005, 02:28 PM
Probably their crates.....

09-27-2005, 02:35 PM
The cat trees..Nothing but the best for my babies. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-27-2005, 02:40 PM
Ally and Connor aren't really fussed about expensive toys - the most expensive thing I have bought them are their airline approved crates (just in case), and we also renew their import permits for South Africa every six months - again just in case we need to get out of here in a hurry. (When the Iraq war started hubby's company offered us evacuation tickets to fly home, and I would not go as the cats didn't have up-to-date paperwork ;)

My BIGGEST cat expense is still to come - the cost of flying them with us when we eventually do leave here - over $1200 each.

09-27-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Ally and Connor aren't really fussed about expensive toys - the most expensive thing I have bought them are their airline approved crates (just in case), and we also renew their import permits for South Africa every six months - again just in case we need to get out of here in a hurry. (When the Iraq war started hubby's company offered us evacuation tickets to fly home, and I would not go as the cats didn't have up-to-date paperwork ;)

My BIGGEST cat expense is still to come - the cost of flying them with us when we eventually do leave here - over $1200 each. :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-27-2005, 02:48 PM
We moved 3000 miles, bought four acres of land, fenced it all, which cost more than I care to admit! Besides that the most expensive dog item has been my sleds. I have three of them now!

For the cats, the most expensive bill was Pete's surgery. His vet bills totalled over 4 grand by the time he was healthy again. Other than that, the cats' expenses are pretty cheap!

09-27-2005, 02:57 PM

09-27-2005, 03:12 PM
A mini van.

09-27-2005, 03:14 PM
i don´t buy expensive things, but if you sum up all useless stuff they are quite something, I have bought 4 doghouses, well first two and they were used but when i decided they were too old and changed them for another two, my dogs didn´t use them, and still haven´t they prefer to hang below a tree or below the grill (it´s made of bricks, and has three places live caves beneath it) they just love it there.

also once i bought a harness, very pretty, hunter green, but it was a bit big so i never used it, so i thought when i get a bigger dog maybe i´ll use it but since i always have had huskies maybe i never will, so if anyone wants it , just let me know to see what we can do for shipping.

09-27-2005, 03:20 PM
If its too big for a husky, i dont think it would fit roxy lol

09-27-2005, 03:24 PM
A van

Their vet appointments (once a year I take them all in, dogs, cats, ferrets, get all of their flea & heartworm meds for the year, vaccines if need be) usually about 2-2.5 thousand.

Raustyk's cruciate repairs

Kaige is the most expensive dog I bought

I once bought a big, soft $65 dog bed for Nanook, that was about 15 years ago when dog beds were cheap, now it's hard to find a super big, super soft one for that price. :rolleyes: (now I make them)

09-27-2005, 04:50 PM
I really don't know what the most expensive thing has been, i'd immagine Izzy's (iguana) cage. That has cost a mint.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-27-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
For the cats, the most expensive bill was Pete's surgery. His vet bills totalled over 4 grand by the time he was healthy again. Other than that, the cats' expenses are pretty cheap!

I'm thinking along these same lines. The most expensive thing I ever got Tubby was his semi-annual blood work to monitor his kidneys - about $250.00 every six months for 3 1/2 years. The most expensive thing I ever got Peanut was surgery to remove the tumor in her bladder. I belive CJ's most expensive purchase is going to be his allergy testing....once I actually get a chance to take him in and have him tested that is.

With Tubby getting sick last year and then dying, CJ's arrival and constant battle with diarrhea and Peanut's surgery, I've spent several thousand dollars on the kitties in the last year - and I don't regret a penny of it. I would much rather spend the money on their health than on a toy they will play with for two seconds and then ignore for the rest of its useful life. ;) :rolleyes: :)

09-27-2005, 05:10 PM
Squeek's cat tree.

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-27-2005, 05:15 PM
Um...I think the most expensive thing we've ever bought for Blaze, was a plane ticket from California to Kentucky!!! (when we moved!):D And yup, he has ridden a plane before obviously...I can think of more, but I don't feel like it right now really...;)

09-27-2005, 05:23 PM
Well,we did have to buy the Jeep for them so they could fit;)

09-27-2005, 05:31 PM
umm zoey and t.j. both got a show crate that was 300 each and i paid for it because there was no way my mom would ever pay that much for it

09-27-2005, 05:42 PM
Good health. LOL sounds lame but for the money I spend on vet visits and good dog food... it adds up!!

09-27-2005, 07:08 PM
I'm sure it'd be the cat trees.

As far as something utterly frivolous was Micah's "diamond/peridot" studded collar:


09-27-2005, 07:24 PM

Although our intentions weren't specifically FOR Kiara, she swims in it more than ANYONE. She swims EVERYday while we swim every other day on most weeks.

Other than that...
Probably their crates or plane ticket to Utah.

09-27-2005, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Jessika
Good health. LOL sounds lame but for the money I spend on vet visits and good dog food... it adds up!!

me too.

09-27-2005, 08:03 PM
The most expensive thing we bought for the dogs was the huge kennel outside. We paid $100 for the thing, bought a doghouse and cemented the whole thing in. It is pretty big, completely safe, 6 foot chainlinked walls and ceiling, cement floor and a huge roomy doghouse....we originally thought instead of putting the dogs in crates while we were in school/worked they would enjoy being outside on nice days. The first time we ever put Micki and Mini in the kennel the whole thing was a disaster... the squirrells decided to sit on top of the kennel roof causing my two squirrell crazy dogs to go nutso, the neighbors ended up calling the animal control and we were left with a warning because our dogs were "disturbing the peace"...I could see this as a problem if it was early in the morning or late at night but this was in the middle of the day!! So they have never stepped one foot in that kennel again, I'd say it was the most expensive thing we have gotten for them and not been able to use. We did put Jack and Sassy in there together last week because they are relatively quiet, there were some old car seats in there that my dad took out of a derby car, we got home and Jack shredded the whole seat....he will never be left in there again. Oops, kinda got carried away, sorry I wrote so much, I know it was a simple question...

09-27-2005, 08:08 PM
The fenced in yard. We had a 6 ft wooden fence across the back of our yard, then when we got Lacey we had a 4 ft chain link put up. $1,500. ;)

09-27-2005, 09:03 PM
I think the cat tree is the most expensive thing I've bought for the kitties. I think I spent a little over $100 for it.

09-27-2005, 09:14 PM
I duno..I spend a lot of money on just food, vet bills and toys!! I don't know exactly what was most expensive..when it comes to them I don't think so much of the price (but regret it later when I have no money :o) Josie's training costs me the most though probably ;) We also go 2 fenced in yards for them. One at our old place, and another at the newer place we moved to (we built both of them on our own..phew)

They're too damn expensive!

09-27-2005, 09:58 PM
$1400 surgery!

But for tangible things... probably the crate. I think it was $90.

09-27-2005, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by wolfie
$1400 surgery!

But for tangible things... probably the crate. I think it was $90.
but hey you saved you doggie life!! right?

09-28-2005, 01:07 AM
i think mostly on food he eats lots.....and treats...:D

09-28-2005, 02:49 AM
Tuna's $1500 intestinal surgery. Stupid cat. Sometimes I wish I didn't love him so much. :D

09-28-2005, 02:59 AM
For Kai, his health. He's one expensive pooch!

For Kaedyn, his training. It'll cost me roughly $600 for private lessons.

And for the birdies, their cage.

I'm thinking about getting a digital SLR camera though.. (you know, just to take better pictures of the pets). If I get it, it'll definitely be the most expensive thing I've bought (for them, of course ;)).

09-28-2005, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by sammy101
Well,we did have to buy the Jeep for them so they could fit;)

Us too! We bought our Jeep Liberty, with mainly Dale in mind. He could no longer fit comfortably in my Civic...so he was our reason for upgrading :) We also made sure we got leather interior so that his hair wouldn't stick to the seats...the way it did to the fabric seats.

Other than that...Harlee's crate was like $90...oh and their training was probably around $150 each...

One more thing...we got our split rail fence just for Dale!! :) (and now Harlee)...that was around $800 ( since we installed it ourselves)...

09-28-2005, 08:31 AM
We dont have to have a big car for Roxy. She sits on my lap LOL. :D

finn's mom
09-28-2005, 09:48 AM
Probably Finn's crate. But, that was a necessary thing...let's see...as far as just something I wanted to get, that I could have gotten a functional one for a lot less...ok, for my RB boy, Bruno...it would have to be his leather collar and leash, each was over $40. So, close to $90 for a leash and collar set. And, for Finn... his life jacket cost over $30. There have been several beds I have seen that, once he matures, I'll buy him...:) I've seen a few for over $100, and, that'll top the list, I'm sure.

09-28-2005, 09:50 AM
I don't mind spending money on my pets :) they deserve it. Even the un-necessary things:D

09-28-2005, 09:56 AM
When I first brough Miley and Graemer home, I ordered really fancy collars for them. I think they were around $70 each. They were (past tense) beads on elastic with really neat charms in the middle that hung down their little chests. They were hand made and looked really nice on the cats.

BUT the cats thought otherwise and proceeded to chew them off and then to pieces. I still have part of one of the collars. What a collosal waste of money that was.

They did look so nice on the cats though. I think the collars lasted all of two days before they were destroyed.

I have an expensive cat tree for them too.

The biggest vet bill was for Graemer, right before he died. The one vet bill for 1/2 day at a specialist's was $2,100.00. He died there. He was worth every penny. I really wish I could have saved him. He was a dear kitty, filled with spunk and lots of love!

In general, the most money is spent at the Vet's.

09-28-2005, 09:58 AM
Autumn has her big luxury crate and Sunny has his self cleaning litter box. Besides those two things I'm pretty cheap. I like to buy a lot of cheap things rather than a few expensive things. Autumn has several collars and a big box of squeak toys because if they are under a buck a piece I grab a whole cart load. I found some cute hawaiian themed hats for dogs at walmart for a quarter each, then I bought all the colours so I ended up paying two bucks. Still cheap but I do this with everything.

09-28-2005, 09:59 AM
Jeep Liberty here too. I had a lil' 2 door Toyota Rav 4 and traded it in for the bigger SUV, before I got Oz. I've had several people give me the look at having an SUV, suggesting I need a lil' economy car. Uh how would Oz and Gull fit in the back seat of lil' car?

My mom has my Rav 4 now and she took Oz to the grocery store with her. He was half in the front, half in the back and hunched over. A lil' car just isn't practical with 2 big dogs.


09-28-2005, 10:02 AM
Wal-Mart has really good deals on Pet Stuff. Roxy doesnt really play with toys much though. Skye has alot of cheaper toys rather than a few pricey ones. The only toy Rufus has is his car :) Actually, heres his car :)


09-28-2005, 10:05 AM
I guess it would have to be the car. We got a 2002 Kia Rio so Lucy could look out the window:D that's one of her favorite things to do and it has four doors. Our old car a 1991 Ford Escort completely died so it was time for a new vehicle anyway.

I am going to buy the cats a big cat tree, they would just love it as long as it was right by the window.

09-28-2005, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Roxyluvsme13
Wal-Mart has really good deals on Pet Stuff. Roxy doesnt really play with toys much though. Skye has alot of cheaper toys rather than a few pricey ones. The only toy Rufus has is his car :) Actually, heres his car :)


Yeah, Lucy loves her toys! We go to Walmart and buy toys because if she and Riley fight over it and rip it, it would cost $2 to replace as opposed to $6. They seem to love everything we buy them as long as it makes a noise.

09-28-2005, 11:13 AM
Probably Maggy's Coach collar and jacket. I make my cats' cat trees, so I save a lot there, I just have to buy supplies. Maggy's hospitalization and surguries are up there too. I bought Payton's plane ticket for him to come live with us (I should have left him w/ my mom!).

I think that's it.

Here's her collar:
And her jacket:

09-28-2005, 11:15 AM
Maggy has a Coach collar and jacket? How Cool!!!!

09-28-2005, 11:17 AM
I added pictures. :o

09-28-2005, 11:21 AM
I Love them! They are so cute! I wish Roxy had a Louis Vuitton collar:rolleyes::)

09-28-2005, 11:45 AM
I bought Guapo a Louis Vuitton dog carrier. Actually my cousin sent it to me from Florida, but I payed him back for it:)

09-28-2005, 11:48 AM
You're So Lucky!!!!! I want a Louis Vuitton SOOOO bad....I have a Dooney&Bourke though if anybody knows what that is...

09-28-2005, 12:05 PM
I almost bought Maggy a Coach carrier, but I know we'd never use it. When we're out, she doesn't like to be carried.

09-28-2005, 01:28 PM
Fenced in the back yard to the tune of $2800.00 :eek: :eek:
We did it ourselves too!!! So that is JUST the cost of the material!
Besides that, their crates they were $110 each.

Desert Arabian
09-28-2005, 02:53 PM
$200 indoor cage (rats), $150 outdoor hutch (rabbits/rats), $170 indoor cage (rabbits), $135 pet stroller (rats/rabbits/cats), well over $3,000 in vet bills (rabbits/rats)- that is about it, all of the little things add up though, hay mats for the rabbits are $20 a piece and they get one every two weeks- pets are not cheap!!

This is coming from my pocket too, not my parents! They pay for the cats however, I don't spend much of my personal money on them since I do not own them- but I do spoil them from time to time.

It's all worth it. :)

09-28-2005, 02:56 PM
It is Worth It :)

09-28-2005, 03:09 PM
I spent over $500.00 to get Oscar (fish) healthy, & had to spend 50.00 for 4yrs to keep herhealthy, until she was too far gone, & I put her down the day after my b-day last month.

But I do spend loads of cash on my fishies, I love them so much :D

09-28-2005, 09:20 PM
got some pretty expensive things posted so far! I think the most Ive spent on one item would probably be either the crate or the cat tree (plus oversized shipping for both). I also bought a $50 collar for alki. lol then theres Brock's "medicine" (digestive enzymes) which costs about $140 (or more, I think it just went up) a bottle, each bottle lasting a month or so now I think. but my dad is paying for that right now thankfully.........:o

09-28-2005, 09:24 PM
wow! Ive seen a few coach collars on dogs at work lately! also a few others of another designer, cant remember which now. too funny :) how much did maggie's coach collar cost??

09-28-2005, 09:41 PM
Or hey, my $2000 camera to take pics of them with haha

09-28-2005, 10:03 PM
I can't even think of my cat in money terms!

09-28-2005, 10:15 PM
One item, probably the dog run ($200) plus bricks for the bottom (not sure how much they were), also an $80 dogloo in it. I don't even use it anymore though. :rolleyes:

I've spent well over $200 many times on vet trips as well. Add in dog food (almost $30 for 17 lb bag), millions of toys and treats......training classes (first 3 at Petsmart $85 per 6 wk class) and agility classes ($75 per 6 wk class I think I went to 3 sets of classes) $100 for a plane ticket, 2 crates $50-$90 each, $50 biker dog, $50 leather harness, etc etc yeah he's one expensive spoiled pooch! :D

09-28-2005, 10:41 PM
Definitely my Subaru Outback....because huskies look so good in it! (yeah, I fell for the ads, HaHaHa). Next is probably the 6' kennel fencing, it's really nice and worth the expense, we keep buying sections to add more space in the kennel. We'll be fencing in more space next spring after the greenhouse comes down. Then the two igloo houses they no longer use:rolleyes: , and of course yearly vet trips.

Well actually Sherman was pretty expensive, and we got him for Star, does that count?

09-29-2005, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by cyber-sibes

Well actually Sherman was pretty expensive, and we got him for Star, does that count?
Of Course :):D

09-29-2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by veegan
how much did maggie's coach collar cost??

I think I paid about $80 for her collar. Spoiled little brat. :rolleyes: lol

She didn't ask for it. It's my Coach fetish, not hers. :o

09-29-2005, 09:38 AM
LOL if i had the money Roxy and Skye would so have Louis Vuitton collars :D How much did her coat cost?

09-29-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Roxyluvsme13
LOL if i had the money Roxy and Skye would so have Louis Vuitton collars :D How much did her coat cost?

About $150. :eek:

She doesn't even like it!

09-29-2005, 09:46 AM
:eek: :eek:

09-29-2005, 10:02 AM
:rolleyes: OMG I would not know at this point with 6 cats & 3 dogs.. They all have so much.. Guess the dogs would be their newest [3 months old] this years igloo dog house each.. The cats just got a new 3 story with 2 houses & three teirs..
But in total a bunch of money.. :) But they all are very well worth it..:D

09-29-2005, 01:07 PM
I always wanted to get our girls Coach, but 3 of them are the same as a house payment !!!!
Beautiful !!

Originally posted by Lobodeb
Probably Maggy's Coach collar and jacket. I make my cats' cat trees, so I save a lot there, I just have to buy supplies. Maggy's hospitalization and surguries are up there too. I bought Payton's plane ticket for him to come live with us (I should have left him w/ my mom!).

I think that's it.

Here's her collar:
And her jacket:

09-29-2005, 01:16 PM
Lot of money on our kids.
Originally I moved out of the apt. so Tonee could have a yard. So house and then fence the yd $$$$
Truck with back seat for the girls $$$$
most recently, dSLR and 'L' lenses for better photographs of them $$$$
I'm sure they would want me to have the best !! ;)
End result, priceless !!