View Full Version : If you could SQUISH anybody's kitty...

09-27-2005, 10:46 AM
who would it be?

Okay, I'm a freak..I squish my kitties. I pick them up, flip them over holding them like babies, and kiss their noses. I even have a saying "Pick you up, flip you over and give you a little kiss!" LOL

Shadow just stares at me and purrs sometimes, Whisper cries like he's abused, and Callie just turns her head away from me. I guess it just comes with being one of my kitties. Poor things. Maybe they should get their own lawyer and sue me for aboose!

Anyway, if you could squish anybody's kitty...who would it be? I would probably have to squish PEANUT because she's so dainty and gorgeous. I just want to reach through the computer screen and kisses her nose. :D

09-27-2005, 10:51 AM
:) Well never thought of Squishing = but however yes Half Pint like it & some times turns her head away & Calitt & the rest loves it & Autumn it depends on what day of the week it is.. But yes I pick my girls up alot & give them big mouth whisker kisses..

09-27-2005, 11:07 AM
I always get this urge to SQUISH when I see pictures of Samantha:D Lots of kitties are extra squishable though - all of them in fact!!

09-27-2005, 11:15 AM
Mine all get quished too.

Allen screams his head off,

Pouncer typically enjoys it, unless another kitty is aorund, then he growls at me :rolleyes:

Harry gets a scared look on his face and wraps his paws around my neck.

Abby screams murder and squirms til I let her go - she hates to be belly up in my arms.

Flutter complains but at the same time loves it

09-27-2005, 11:37 AM
Halo is my "squishable" cat. She'll put up with just about anything. Cammie refuses to even acknowledge my existence, so squishing her is out of the question. :rolleyes: Pepper is much too busy to settle down to be squished.

The PT kitty I'd most like to squish would be catmandu/Gary's Moose. He reminds me so much of Halo and he just looks like a big, snuggly kitty to cuddle.

09-27-2005, 11:50 AM
I have to say its a tie between "squishing" Missy's Boomer he just so cute and Kim's Harry.

09-27-2005, 12:04 PM
Oh most definitely little Willy! He is just so adorable!

My girls get squished all the time! Sasha loves to be in my arms belly up and she just expects kissies! Tabitha loves kisses, but will only tolerate them if her belly is facing the floor! Silly girls!

Whatever it takes tho... belly up or belly down! They know their meowmie loves them and loves to squish them!

:D :D :D

Samantha Puppy
09-27-2005, 12:06 PM
Kirin may put up a fight, but not a big one. He lets me kissy on his face until I'm ready to stop.

Sushi is only "in the mood" first thing in the morning or right at bedtime. Any other time, he pushes me away and runs.

Maya is not a fan of squishing. She puts up a hell over a fight, but she WILL come cuddle with you on the couch... IF it's her idea.

Kimi is a cuddlebug. She'll let you pick her up and unless it's right around dinnertime, let you hold her as long as you want.

If I could squish anyone else's kitties... I'd have to say any of Sirrabed's crew or Sirrahsim's Boomer... and probably jazzcat's Rocky and Rumor.

09-27-2005, 12:15 PM
What? No one wants to squish Butter???? :eek:

smokey the elder
09-27-2005, 12:30 PM
Maybe with Kevlar armor...;) :p

Edwina's Secretary
09-27-2005, 12:33 PM
I'll squish Butter!!!:D :D :D

09-27-2005, 12:47 PM
I think I'd hurt myself if I flipped Zam over. ;) :D

09-27-2005, 01:04 PM
Sorry, but my Joxer is so wonderfully squishable that I don't need any other kitties to squish.:D

09-27-2005, 01:10 PM


Ally Cat's Mommy
09-27-2005, 01:50 PM
I would need a forklift to flip Connor over, and Ally would leave me scarred for live!!!

I would LOVE to squish catloverforever's ABNER :D

Would HH Edwina allow me to squish her???? (And Eddie too - but I think he would put up with the indignity MUCH more easily than HH Edwina!!!)

Edwina's Secretary
09-27-2005, 02:32 PM
It takes two to squish Eddie!


09-27-2005, 02:33 PM
What a happy cat!!! :D :D :D LOL!!!

09-27-2005, 02:37 PM
:eek: Eddie does not look happy being squished!! That's the look we get here too. ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-27-2005, 02:56 PM
ROFL - i totally forgor about that pic of darling Eddie! Maybe I will just admire him from a distance.

09-27-2005, 03:02 PM
LOL LOL LOL I chuckled at the title of this thread, because I knew exactly what it meant! LOL I squish my cats too. Sergei is a very squish-a-licious cat. Anyone can squish on him, and they do! LOL
I also squish Marius when he "works the room" and curls his paws while lying on his back like this:
He knows I can't ignore him when he does this... :rolleyes:

Some of the PT kitties I'd like to squish include:
Starr and Pearl
Eddie sure does look squish-able

...and so many more! :o


09-27-2005, 03:12 PM
We are available for the squishing!!!:D



any takers???:D

09-27-2005, 03:13 PM

Oh heck, I'd like to squish everyone's kitties!!

09-27-2005, 03:24 PM
I wonder if Abby is as squishy as Shadow. LOL


I would squish her any day!

09-27-2005, 03:28 PM
LOL!! I am sure she is just as squishy as your Shadow:D And I too could squish on Shadow.:) I love it how they look so much alike:)

09-27-2005, 03:36 PM
Remus HATES to be squished by anyone but me...and even with me he isn't too keen on the idea.

Spook an Onyx love it though, they purr like boat motors and give you a nasty look when you set them down (especially Onyx!)

I've squished Redhedd's Mishi...what a great kitty to squish! Although Im sure he got pretty tired of me! :D

I'd love to squish the Sirrah kitties in purrson, especially that handsome Dylan boy!

09-27-2005, 04:19 PM
I wouldn't know where to start or finish. But......

Peanut is right up there at the beginning. Willie might just be next......

But my all time favorite had to be our bad boy Gabe. He was so darn fluffy and loveable. I would brush him every morning, in the bathroom, with MY hairbrush. He actually liked it. Then I would give the boy a big squishy hug.

Why, even Grammy Crackers liked to squish Gabe.

And Barb's Tigris looks quite squishable!

Now doesn't he look like he needs a good squishing?

09-27-2005, 04:31 PM
So many kitties to squish, so little time... :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-27-2005, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I wouldn't know where to start or finish. But......

Peanut is right up there at the beginning. Willie might just be next......

Now doesn't he look like he needs a good squishing?

Thanks SAS, I'll pass on the Peanut squishing as soon as I get home. :D

As for Gabe, he sure does look like he needs a good squishing, but I'll leave him and Butter and my mom's Cranker to better squishers than myself. ;)

Neither of my two really like squishings. Peanut has learned to put up with them since she is just so squishable I can't help myself.

I think CJ is starting to accept it, but maybe not. Last night he wouldn't eat his pill, so Terry said "Why not just shove it in?" I knew I had to do it but I also knew I had to catch CJ off guard to do it. He was looking out the back door and looking particularly adorable, so I picked him up and squished him. He made such ungodly noises that after I let him go, Terry (who was upstairs and had only heard the ruckus) asked if I had gotten the pill in. I told him I hadn't even tried yet and that all I was doing was smooching CJ! CJ finally laid down somewhere, I got the pill and shoved it in with not a peep out of him. So, pills go in soundlessly but squishing provokes loud protests and sounds of feline torture.....maybe he's not learning to accept it. :rolleyes: :D

My biggest squish crush is Tenny. :D

09-27-2005, 05:27 PM
If I could SQUISH anybody's kitty???? MMMMMMMM!!!!
Where to start????????

Let's see now.....I would love to SQUISH...............

..........................EVERYBODY'S KITTIES.................................

With BEAVIS first in line. :D

09-27-2005, 05:45 PM
Hmm.... after Groucho I'd love to squish Willy, Kasha, Homer, Cracker Jack, Flutter, Angel, Poppy, Allen, Pearl, Ivy, Inka, Polly Paws, Maya, Peanut, Tuesday, Star, Pouncer, Callie, Zazou, each and every kitty in the PT family then when I'm done squishing start the tummy rubs!

But I especially want to hug, squish, snuggle, smooch, and tummy rub ALL the shelter kitties to let them know there IS love for them too in this big ol' world.....

09-27-2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
I've squished Redhedd's Mishi...what a great kitty to squish! Although Im sure he got pretty tired of me! :D I squish Mishi all the time. He usually ends up with his feet splayed just like Eddie :D

I try squishing Mitzi but she HATES it .... I do it anyway; she's SO abused :rolleyes:

I'd LOVE to squish Dylan and Beavis and Eddie and Magoo and Noah and .... oh heck, I'd love to squish 'em all! :p

09-28-2005, 12:24 AM
Pippin is the only squish-able one in the Tribe...for the moment. Scooter is working on it. The other guys are too squirmy for being squished. Norbert would re-arrange my face, I think.
I would want to squish MooShoo just for the fun of it. :p

09-28-2005, 02:17 AM
Tilly hates to be squished but Nutmeg is VERY squishable. Anyone up for a Nutmeg squish? :D

Lightning SuperCat
09-28-2005, 05:53 AM
Lightning is VERY squishable but he HATES it and MEOWS like he is being terribly aboosed!!!
I think I would like to squish Willie!!! He is just adorable! I would also like to squish EVERYBODYS kitties! :p They're all too hard to resist!!! :p

09-28-2005, 08:16 AM
I want to squish Magoo. Then I have my own Ebony the silly girl loves squishy.

09-28-2005, 10:53 AM
Sammy is the squisher in in my dynamic duo. I can squish him so hard that he lets out an ugh sound. He's so squeezy I can't stand it. Payton just has too much to get into to be bothered by a squish.

Hmm, of the PT kitties, all of them, of course, but spefically, Boomer, Millie, and Doogie. Any of them that are pushing 15+ on the scale. I love me a tubby kitty!

09-28-2005, 02:36 PM
Miley, Juni Rose, Cloe (although she might be too quick to be squished)
Butter (of course!!!!! although it may be dangerous)
Glacier's Boots, Willy, Abner

plus all the kitties I forgot:D especially the Abys ;)

09-28-2005, 02:57 PM
Of ours, Samson is the most "squishable." Saphirah allows it, especially if it's her Daddy doing the squishing. Chloe HATES to be turned on her back when you are holding her. Her cuddling must be on her terms.

As for PT cats, any of CCL's brats would do.:D

09-28-2005, 03:23 PM
No squishers in my kitty family, so For me if I had a choice on PT it would have to be Zam, that kitty just is the most cutest cuddly kitty, I LOVE YOU Zam...:D but are you squishable?????:)

09-28-2005, 05:25 PM
I would loooove to squish Fister!! But I guess with Fister it's a matter of "That'll be the day...!" Well, I shall keep on trying... just so that you know it, FISTER! :D :D

As for my own Bella - she is unsquishable. I had a friend of mine try it once, and he barely got out of it alive...!! :eek:

Sus and the Bellacat

09-28-2005, 06:42 PM
THIS IS A SICK ADMISSION...I made it once before.

I sneak up on the Edster, Flip him over and squish him like a baby and I sing........

Daddy's little baby loves shortnin shortnin
Daddy's little baby loves shortnin bread.
{repeat 1x}

Put on the skillet. Put on the lid.
All I want is some shortnin bread.
{repeat 1x}

Hands on your hips. Hands on your head.
Give me some of that shortnin bread.
(repeat 1x}

He gives off this huge meow and jumps, If he is lucky he won't get my blood on his fur.

Touch your toes. Touch your head.
Give me some of that shortnin bread.
(repeat 1x}

Daddy's little baby loves shortnin shortnin.
Daddy's little baby loves shortnin bread
{repeat 1x}

09-28-2005, 07:16 PM
I want to SQUISH Johanna's Tenny and Dakky, Debbie's Peanut, Kelly's Noah and Jonah, Tracey's Skye, Lut's Inka, Staci's Kylie, AND........well........every other squishy kitty out there. :D I love squishing kitties (and tiels too...I think my tiels are tired of being squished these past 6 years). :p

09-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I wouldn't know where to start or finish. But......

Peanut is right up there at the beginning. Willie might just be next......

But my all time favorite had to be our bad boy Gabe. He was so darn fluffy and loveable. I would brush him every morning, in the bathroom, with MY hairbrush. He actually liked it. Then I would give the boy a big squishy hug.

Why, even Grammy Crackers liked to squish Gabe.

And Barb's Tigris looks quite squishable!

Now doesn't he look like he needs a good squishing?

Ahh!! My Gabey (and yours of course too ;)) :) Good to see his face pop up on Pettalk!! He sure was squishable and oh so soft...I know I say it every time there is mention of his name, but I just can't help it...I am so thankful that Gabe found you Sallyanne...you were so perfect for him...and of course Grammy Crackers was too. I am so thankful that you have a house full of cats to keep you company, and that Gabe and Grammy have each other at the bridge...even though we wish they were still with us...okay, no tears :) It was really good to see him...thanks for bringing back happy memories!! Love to you and all of your squishable kitties!! Hope someday to squish them all :)

09-28-2005, 09:10 PM
All the kitties :D

09-29-2005, 06:11 AM
Warning: squish at your own risk!

:) That said, thank you Sallyanne for remembering Gabe in this thread. He was such a handsome boy and it has been a long time since he was mentioned here. Surely there is much squishing going on at the Rainbow Bridge. :)

09-29-2005, 06:54 AM
I remember Grammy Crackers ;) and Gabe (I think my screenname was Sia1 then) and their story made me cry. I'm glad though that they have each other and are snuggling right now.

09-29-2005, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Warning: squish at your own risk!

True. That is why I was so happy that Gabe was so approving of Sallyanne ( But how could you not!!) ;) Other than Rob and myself...Sas was the only other person that Gabe would allow a squish from !!

09-29-2005, 04:26 PM
Chuck is the best for squishing! He is so soft that sometimes he is my pillow on the sofa! LOL

09-30-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
I always get this urge to SQUISH when I see pictures of Samantha:D Lots of kitties are extra squishable though - all of them in fact!!

Squish away Debbie, if you dare!;)
Actually if her paws are curled up like that, it's a good sign that she wants some loving but when she decides she's had enough then look out!

There are lots of squishable kitties at Pet Talk, the long haired ones seem more squishy for some reason.
It would be fun to squish Storm and Tenny and how about a squished Blueberry!:D

Queen of Poop
09-30-2005, 01:19 PM
I would squish them all once and come back for a second round. My husband won't allow us to have a kitty so I make do with squishing the ferrets. Sebastian likes it and will give me a little kiss, Miko just wants to run and wiggles like he's being killed. Sasha the border collie x loves me to squish her. If I had a favorite I would have to say Glacier's Boots - he's just so cool.