View Full Version : REALLY need prayers for Angel!

09-26-2005, 06:06 PM
I just got off the phone with the second vet who looked at her Xrays today.

NOT good news. He said her elbow is completely out of place and misformed. Her growth plates are closed (as we had previously thought) and one bone is not growing while the other is growing. Hence the bad bowing I noticed. She will live a life of pain and problems associated with the leg.

Our options are to go to an orthopaedic vet and see what they can do for us, but the second vet thinks the options will most likely be this:
~an operation to shorten the one one growing longer than the other bone.
~ amputation

The other thing that has me very worried is that in the Xrays, the bones are white, util you get to one point, where its pure black. Which leads the vet to think its a cyst or some other not-so-good entity.

The second vet wants me to return tomorrow and have them look at the leg again, and remove the cast because its not doing much for her except putting pressure on the bowed out bone. Its not going to set anythng straight since there's nowhere for the bones to go TO.

I feel like crying for her. She has been through SOOOOO much in her little life. First, her leg caught in a trap, then it not healing, then chronic undiagnosed diarreah. Now this. :(

I have to pull myself together in the next 20 minutes because her adoptive family are coming to visit her, Elfie, and Nessa at 7:30. What will I tell them? they MUMST know the truth. I have to be honest and completely up front from the start. They still want her, and I want to see her go with them.

Prayers, please for this little love!

09-26-2005, 06:36 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about little Angel. I will definitely pray for her and hope that those x-rays are nothing serious.

09-26-2005, 06:44 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Angel. You've got thoughts and prayers coming from Michigan.



09-26-2005, 06:50 PM
Poor little Angel...:( Let us know how things go tonight.

09-26-2005, 06:50 PM
I will keep good thoughts. Is a life of pain and problems associated with the leg, a quality of life you would want for the little one?
If these operations would eliminate the pain and make quality of life meaniful that would be wonderful. The flipside.... I would not want a little one suffering if operations couldnt help.

09-26-2005, 06:51 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Angel is having such tremendous problems. but think......she is still a lucky lady. She is not alone, suffering these illnesses. She has people trying to help her and loving her the whole time. She has a family waiting for her. She is a lot luckier than many who go hungry and are lonely.

My wish for her is a safe and speedy recovery regardless of what needs to be done. She's a survivor!

09-26-2005, 06:52 PM


09-26-2005, 07:09 PM
Poor Sweet Angel! I don't know what to say, but you and she will be in my prayers!

09-26-2005, 07:11 PM
I think you should be honest wtih the people adopting
Angel, but I think you will be anyway. I hope she has the surgery.

Whichever one helps her towards a happier life. Prayers for the
best for Angel.

09-26-2005, 08:04 PM
Thoughts and prayers continuing from here in Nebraska...............


09-26-2005, 08:09 PM
Well, she is just one amazing kitty. I no sooner got done telling her new family about her leg, and she spent the past hour and half dancing for them :rolleyes: The lept over and under chairs. Took flying leaps off my high work table. Attacked the feather teaser. Did everything but back stand on her head. I took a zillion ophotos of her and her sisters while her new parents were here. They were SOOOO cute and they KNOW these people are their new mom and dad.

09-26-2005, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Well, she is just one amazing kitty. I no sooner got done telling her new family about her leg, and she spent the past hour and half dancing for them :rolleyes: The lept over and under chairs. Took flying leaps off my high work table. Attacked the feather teaser. Did everything but back stand on her head. I took a zillion ophotos of her and her sisters while her new parents were here. They were SOOOO cute and they KNOW these people are their new mom and dad.

Typical kitty! Well, if anyone can come through such a rough start, Angel can. And if she does end up having to have her leg amputated in the future, I doubt it will slow her down at all. 3-legged kitties seem to do real well at the Catnapper house. :D

09-26-2005, 09:43 PM
Prayers for a little Angel.

09-26-2005, 10:03 PM
Poor Angel! She's been through so much already.

I am glad to hear she didn't let it slow her down in front of her new parents. :D I guess they are not fazed by this new info?

09-26-2005, 10:06 PM

Angel's problems sound very similar to my Felicia's problems. Felicia's one leg is more deformed than the other. She has no elbow joint. The bones missed during growth and her leg is permanently fused at a 90 degree angle. If and when the time comes, I will have it amputated. The surgery suggested by the specialist sounded horribly painful to me. Felicia's other leg is bowed, much like Angel's it sounds.

If it helps at all, neither problem slows Felicia down in any way. She takes flying leaps off 6 foot high bookshelves onto the bed to ambush her big brothers. She runs and plays like a normal young cat. She eats well, she purrs and snuggles. She does not act like she's in pain. She's adapted remarkably well.

She's almost 3 now. My vet told me not to expect her to live past her first year. He now expects she will live a fairly normal life span. She will develop arthritis younger than most, but we can deal with that.

I call Felicia my handicapped cat. Felicia has no idea she's any different than the other cats.

Sending many prayers and good thoughts for your little Angel. I hope she does as well as Felicia.

09-26-2005, 10:51 PM
Glacier, thank you for telling me about Felicia. I do remember now you posting about her beofre. Angel does not let her leg slow her down. I think its all she's ever known, so she has learned to compensate fr it.

Lori, her new parents are not upset by her leg at all... in fact they love her all the more for it. They want me to take care of her til any surgery is complete. They appologized for making me run her around to the vet... but thats what foster moms do! Its no biggie for me to run her around, I WANT to. I want to see her healthy, and I want to see her go to her forever home with her three legged sisters.

I will miss her something fierce when she's gone, but I know she is going to the best of homes, and will be loved forever. I know they will be prepared to do whatever they need to do to see that she never experiences pain or discomfort.

09-26-2005, 11:01 PM
That is great Kim!!!!!! I'm so glad this doesn't change her adoption and aren't they all (Angel and her new parents) lucky to have you for a foster meowmie. :)

09-27-2005, 02:44 AM
Sending all my best thoughts for Angel:)

I am glad that Glacier posted- I remember Felicia's story in general but didn't know it was similar to Angel's.

I hope so much there is help out there for that sweet little girl:)

09-27-2005, 04:35 AM
Poor little girl! What an awful thing to happen to her. But it sounds like nothing is holding her OR her prospective purrents back.

Keeping all fingers and paws crossed in this household for the very best outcome for little Angel!!!

09-27-2005, 05:45 AM
Kim - I am awed by all that you are able to do for Angel. I hope she does not have pain - sounds like she doesn't know anything is wrong. She has a wonderful foster mom - and a family waiting for her to thrive:D

09-27-2005, 07:11 AM
Kim, it sounds to me like a fund should be set up for Angel. What do you think? We could send a few dollars, maybe to the Vet, if there is an operation needed? Please let us know!

SAS and an Angel fan

09-27-2005, 09:32 AM
The Tribe of 6 is thinking of Angel these days and sending lots of good katkarma her way. We hope she gets through all her medical challenges and has a long wonderful life with her new family.
Keep saving these little ones Catnapper! They need you.

09-27-2005, 09:46 AM
Good thoughts coming your way for little Angel!!!! She sounds like a courageous little one, and I know that she is getting the help that she needs with her foster meowmie... and that her new parents will continue that care once the time is right. I do admire you immensley for being able to foster. I think I would end up the crazy lady with all the cats!

09-27-2005, 10:35 AM
Any updates? Hope everything is okay.

09-27-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Kim, it sounds to me like a fund should be set up for Angel. What do you think? We could send a few dollars, maybe to the Vet, if there is an operation needed? Please let us know!

SAS and an Angel fan

Count me in. Lisa

09-27-2005, 10:50 AM
Where did you find this adoptive family they are really ready to take 3 cats with leg problems? There must be a special place in heaven for them. I do hope they can be convinced to join us and we can keep up with the sweet little loves.

09-27-2005, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the offer to start a fund. I don't know -- there are so many needy kitties out there! but if you all insist on helping Miss Angel, I will see what the rescue says about that!

As for her new hoomans, they are WONDERFUL people with hearts of gold. They brought me flowers last night... and the kitties have been having a ball knocking the vase over and eating the leaves. I've never had adoptive families bring me flowers before! Heck, my own husband doesn't bring me flowers! :D :p

09-27-2005, 05:31 PM
Poor sweet Angel. Gosh I pray that everything will work out for the poor dear. I'm so glad to hear that her new mewomie and pawpie haven't changed their minds on adopting this precious little girl.