View Full Version : I need advice...

09-24-2005, 11:36 PM
Guys, my life is falling around me.

I need to know how I can get a loan to cover all the money I owe for bills and rent. You all did an amazing thing for me in sending me all that money. It paid my rent for August and I'm eternally grateful.

I have the worst credit imaginable. I tried getting a loan through a place specializing in bad credit and I was denied. :(

If I don't get a loan, I'll lose my apartment, car and cats. :( (Everytime I look at my cats, I start to cry :( ) My mom has always said that I can live with her, but I cannot bring my cats. :(

I don't know what to do. On top of all my health problems, this too.

Does anyone have any advice?

09-24-2005, 11:38 PM

Sorry I don't have any advice, I wish I did.

09-24-2005, 11:39 PM
no advice either just support - love and prayers.

09-25-2005, 12:02 AM
You can come move in with me and we can be roomies :)

I know that isn't really possible but I wish I could help :( *hugs*

09-25-2005, 01:25 AM
thanks, sweeties


PJ's Mom
09-25-2005, 01:33 AM
Have you tried any of the local charities in your neighborhood? Salvation Army, churches, etc? If you tell them your situation and tell them you're about to start a new job, they may be able to help, or direct you to someone who can help.

I wish I knew something else to tell you. :(

Good luck. :)

09-25-2005, 02:12 AM
I think living with your mom would help for now, you could save money when you start working. Is she really adament about the cats? Maybe you could get her to compromise???

09-25-2005, 05:14 AM
I'd contact those credit counseling service (pick one that is a .org they dont charge a fee) they can make arrangements with creditors for reduced payments. You might want to consider bankrupty but do it quickly because as of October 17th the rules change that dont allow debts to be erased (Chapter 7). On/after 17th only way to do it by Chapter 13 (repaying debts). Here's a good site for information that I found when I did a search to get the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 information correct. Call around and get fee charges. Ones that do this type of work allot charge less for their services. http://www.totalbankruptcy.com/index.asp

09-25-2005, 06:55 AM
Kelly, my Robyn is just about your age so I will comment as if your situation was our situation. I would plead with her to come and move in as I think lessening some of the stress in her life would go a long way. At least temporarily there would be no rent to worry about. That said, of course I would have her bring the kitties. I am not criticizing your mom because I guess she has her reasons. I would ask a good friend or family member to care for the kitties temporarily until you are back on your feet with your own place. Your mom might even be able to help with a car payment or two. I would sure try. That is what Moms are for. :) You have come so far to have this get you down Kelly. I hope things start to look up soon. (((hugs)))

09-25-2005, 07:07 AM
I have no advice either but wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. I know this has to be so difficult but things have a way of working out.

finn's mom
09-25-2005, 07:11 AM
I don't have any good advice except to move in with your mother and find someone else to keep your cats. Is there a no kill shelter or rescue that could help or lead you in the right direction? Just finding someone that could temporarily keep your cats...I'm sorry that you're going through this...

edited: And, maybe I've missed something or am just stepping over a line by suggesting this...would David be able to keep the kitties temporarily? Again, I have no idea if y'all still communicate or anything...just a thought, though...

09-25-2005, 08:36 AM
Kelly, I have to second Pam's advice. I know if I were your mother it's what I would do too. I'd do everything I could.
I hope you find something that works for you sweetie.

09-25-2005, 08:55 AM
Justin works for In Charge Debt solutions (http://incharge.org/). It's a company that really works to help you in whichever way is best for you. There is a toll free number in the top right of the website that you can call. Justin said to becareful getting involved with most debt consolidators, as a lot of them are bad news. He said In Charge really is a good company. If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I'll see if he can help you. He's not a debt consolidator though, he works in the education department and runs their web sites.

Good luck, Kelly

09-25-2005, 09:07 AM
Kelly, have you had your mom detail for you why she feels she can't have the cats if you come to live with her? There just might be some things you could do to convince her that her concerns can be handled in a manner which would not present the problems she is anticipating. Maybe keeping the cats in a single room or even a separate area such as a basement if it is a dry and holds no dangers. No that wouldn't be ideal or desirable, but it might be *workable*. Maybe you could convince her to give you a trial period of say 3 or 4 weeks during which the cats would be with you and if after that time she still felt that she just couldn't accommodate them, there would be a plan in place to house them elsewhere, such as a no kill shelter. Would your mom agree to you bringing just two of your cats? Do you have any aunts, uncles, extended family who might be willing take in one or more of your little brood?

I do believe that having your mom willing to provide you with a place to live is going to be your best bet to regrouping financially. Your health challenges make it extremely difficult to make any progress with your financial situation, so that has to be your first priority. Your health is the key to not only support yourself but your kitty family. Sometimes you can only do the best you can and you have to forgive yourself for not being able to do better.

09-25-2005, 09:54 AM

I so wish we lived closer. We could move in together cats and all, and help each other out. (Are you willing to relocate???) I agree with Pam. Are there any friends willing to FOSTER them till you get back on your feet? I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but would David be willing temporarily foster the cats? Please don't be angry with me, it's only a suggestion.

I want to call you right now but where you are it's only 8 a.m. (It's 11 a.m. here) How about a compromise with your mom. Tell her you'll keep all your cats and their paraphernalia in your room with the door closed.

Oh honey, I really wish I knew what to say. I've been seriously thinking about just packing up my stuff, putting it in storage, putting my puddies in their crates and heading back to CT. Only thing is I'd need a place to live temporarily.

My o-so-dear brother (NOT) during his little "rage" over the phone, suggested I call anyone and everyone I know including my 3 cousins who I don't have much contact with, and ask them if they can put me up for a while till I find a job. I don't hear HIM suggesting I come to his house.

Anyway, this is your post, not mine. I'll call you today. You can cry on my shoulder all you want, because I love you and I'm here for you.

I keep telling myself that this is God's way of testing us. But we've BOTH been through so much crap, I'm beginning to wonder.



09-25-2005, 10:42 AM
Kelly- I'm sorry I don't have any advice, but we are here to support you with thoughts and prayers. I hope everything works out.

09-25-2005, 11:44 AM
Kelly, I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't know what to tell you in this situation. I wish things were better for you. I wish you weren't living alone......though I know you like your independance, the fact is, you NEED someone right now. You are fortunate to have a good mother, willing to take you in. I wish she would allow you to bring the cats too...but listen. If you keep your faith in God strong, I know He would arrange something for the cats. You shouldn't be pulled into a 'life trap' because you have pets. I don't know if you would like me saying this...I know how very dear your cats are to you, BUT...you do need to be with someone in this situation. Things are getting hard for you, and at such times, you need family to fall back on. I hope there would be someone willing to care for your cats temporarily until you are back on your feet.

Now...about what you said regarding God in your last thread....you said that you don't want anyone talking you out of it, BUT...I was honestly very saddened to read your feelings. I am not in your shoes and definitely can't feel what you are feeling, but Kelly, honestly, I do believe leaving God or turning from Him would make matters worse for you. If there's anyone that can HELP you right now, it is God...the One who takes care of the provisions of all of us. Don't turn away from God. Remember the purpose of life. None of us are here forever. God made illness, hardships, death, etc. as a means to test us. There are millions and millions of people throughout the world that are in even worse situations. Don't think God is 'picking' on you. Everyone goes through trials in life, and God rewards those who bear the pain with patience. If you realize that life in itself is a test...that it is not forever and is going to end one day, you would realize God's purpose is not to torture someone. It is to test His beings, or to tell them something. Turning away is not the answer.

I know things are hard for you right now, and that at times like this, it becomes difficult to see things from a positive light, but remember...after every storm, the sun shines again. Keep your faith strong, and pray and pray. If you are sincere, I know God's help will come. It is hard, I know...but do your best, and be patient. We're all here for you at times of difficulty. You are in my prayers.

Anita Cholaine
09-25-2005, 12:40 PM
I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to send as many hugs and good thoughts as possible. You deserve the best in your life so much, and I'm really sorry to hear that you're geting through all this......
Good luck and best wishes:) (((hugs)))

09-25-2005, 05:56 PM
Kelly, I'm sorry that you're in this situation again:( but maybe you should consider moving in with your mom. Hopefully you can work out a way to also keep your cats with you or have some one look after them at their place until you can get back on your feet again. I hope that everything will work out. Good luck. (((HUGS)))

09-25-2005, 06:09 PM
I hope I am not over stepping my bounds here but Kelly's parents just ( less then a month ago) moved into a breath-takingly gorgeous brand spanking new million dollar home so I believe that is one of the reasons she doesn't want her cats coming with her.
While I don't agree with it - I know how she feels in the respect if I moved back with my parents my mom has made it known that my cats would not welcome either, just Keegan.
I asked Kelly about David and he hasn't even called her back from when she went into the hospital Tuesday nite.
I don't want to answer or speak publically for Kelly for the rest of the comments b/c they are directed at her and personal. I just wanted to add my input and hope I don't offend Kelly or anyone else.

Cinder & Smoke
09-25-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

... Kelly's parents just ( less then a month ago) moved into a
breath-takingly gorgeous brand spanking new million dollar home ~

so I believe that is one of the reasons
she doesn't want her cats coming with her.


But you'd think that there otta be a
* spare closet,
* an empty bedroon,
* a spot in the basement ...
* even a place in the garage ...

that could be pressed into service as a Cattery for a while.

Just telling Kelly to get rid of HER "Kids" doesn't seem like a very
"Motherly" thing to do!

/s/ Phred

09-25-2005, 06:54 PM
Stace, thank you. I didn't know how to say it here without emotion. My parents know my cats are my very happiness. While that may not be healthy, they're all I have right now.

My mom has made it clear several times that they aren't welcome in their home...garage, bathroom, closet or not. Its not an option for them.

My debt isn't anything other than my car payment and utilities. I have 1 or 2 credit cards that I'm going to call and explain my situation. While I agree the credit counseling idea is a good one, I don't really think I'm a candidate for that. (a BIG thank you for all that suggested, offered links and sent me PMs...I really do appreciate your effort and ideas :) )

While I love my mom, living with her isn't healthy for me. I'm stressed out in her home and that's NOT good for my health. All my close friends who know her, tell me moving with her is NOT in my best interests. I don't wish to badmouth her...I love her and appreciate what she has done for me. But I honestly don't think I'd do well living with them. Especially sinse they know how much my cats mean to me and still wont budge for the short time I'd be there. (of course they'd be in my room ONLY, and would be cleanly like they are at my house)

That's why a loan is the only way to solve my problems. Does anyone know of a company that can help me??

09-25-2005, 07:08 PM
I hope I've conveyed my gratefulness to you all for listening and offering advice/support. (((hugs)))

I know it'll work out. I actually feel better emotionally today. Haven't cried yet, yay! ;)

I have called my parents to see if I can come by after my orientation (tomorrow) to talk. I'm going to see if they can make me a loan or if they can help co-sign on a loan so that I have money to catch up and to put in savings "just in case".

I'm going to present it as a business propostion, being honest about where I am, and what I'm willing to do to pay every cent back. I'm looking into some at-home work I can do to suppliment my paycheck to ensure I'll have enough from now on and will be able to pay them back monthly.

PCB, thanks so much for your concern. I still love God. I'm just hurt and confused. I still believe and I know He's here. I just don't understand all this and know that when its over, maybe I will. (((hugs)))

09-25-2005, 07:37 PM
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow! I hav a feeling that, a few months from now, this will all seem like a minor blip on the way to happiness!

09-25-2005, 09:24 PM
I saw this yesterday and honestly didn't know what to tell you. I'm glad you're feeling better and can hopefully get things worked out. Just keep taking a day at a time and that way it won't be too much to handle.

09-26-2005, 10:15 AM

I would also look at your local credit unions for a loan. I know mine back here has been helping me get my credit staightened out.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-27-2005, 04:58 AM

If your Mom can help you out at all, would she give you a small "advance" on next month's salary so you could move in with her and put the cats in a BOARDING facility until you get sorted out?

09-27-2005, 11:44 AM
Without going into any personal info I just really want everyone to know that they really need to continue praying for Kelly. She needs a miracle in her life right now.

09-27-2005, 11:56 AM
Sometimes it takes a little time to get things worked out. It just seems like an immediate catastrophe in the moment. This may be a bit far-fetched, but there's a heck of alot of cat-lovers on PT, do you think maybe a few would each be willing to board one of your cats at their homes for a couple months so you can get on your feet? That way it's not too much for a single person. You could regroup at your parents TEMPORARILY, and get a fresh start. Just a thought.

09-27-2005, 12:08 PM
Gosh, I just feel so helpless in this situation. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I have no idea what. Kelly, I've given your contact info to Jill (I hope that's ok), so she can contact you and perhaps talk with you about her experiences with Crohn's.
I can totally understand why you are frustrated and hurt and questioning things right now. You are doing everything you possibly can to feel better, and it just seems when things start to look up, something else happens. :(
You're welcome at our tiny home anytime. It would be crowded with your kitties, but we'd make do!
