View Full Version : Jumper's fur

03-16-2002, 02:09 PM
is beginning to grow back, now that I have been taking better care of him and following the vet's instructions. The older he gets the more Abyssinian he looks and acts. Jumper is also beginning to recognize his name. Whenever I call him, I conceal his medicine in some speicial favored canned cat food. But on a daily basis I have to pick him up and walk around the house with him on his back, in my arms. Otherwise, he goes on meowing forays and begins to disrupt things, like pulling down my messges from off the cork-board, or playing with things around my bed! Often, he begins to talk to me whenever I say something to him. And then I have to drop whatever I'm doing and go over and pick him up. He begins to purr immediately and becomes limp like an old rag in my arms. He just loves it.:D When he is outside playing with the other cats, he looks so strange, with his thin body, and long neck with a small head and large ears. Also, his gait is different, in that he runs around more reminescent of a kit fox. What a pet cat! Jumper is almost human!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-16-2002, 08:11 PM
Glad to hear Jumper's fur is growing back Wayne. :)

Tubby does the same thing with being carried around. When I first come home from work he is constantly at my feet meowing. He will keep this up until I pick him up. He like to be held like a baby (not cradle style, but up on my shoulder so he's facing backwards) and will rub his head on mine and will sometimes bite my hair. A minute or two of this and he's fine for the rest of the evening. :rolleyes:

03-16-2002, 09:20 PM
That's so good to hear ! What a character he sounds like :rolleyes:

Both my boy kittys seem to like being held like babies too. My females did not seem to like it much.

03-16-2002, 10:03 PM
both of my cats love to be held over my shoulder......especially while i am on the computer .. like right now....one handed typing...ugh....:rolleyes:

03-17-2002, 07:49 PM
It is interesting that the, especially my Aby females, do not like to be cuddled -not like the males. Even my Abyssinian Bluzette, an all blue Aby girl, meows much while I'm with her inside the house, as she is becoming a regualr indoor kitty. But in my response to her calling, she hates to be picked up and will not stand for any close cuddling, but only allows any affection if her paws are solidly placed on something that is not movable. This partial affection appears to satisfy her need for attention.
