View Full Version : Check it out.....

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-16-2002, 12:33 AM
I posted about this in another thread but.............

There is a web site that I stumbled across one day and I just loved it.....It is for this rat terrier named Ty.....
Well you don't have to like rat terriers to love this site.....Ty's mom (or whoever designed his site) put some immagination into it.....I couldn't however get the guestbook opened to sign it......I would love to see if Ty's mommy will put some of his pics on pet talk here for us to see......anyway on his site there is a link to his friend Timmy, who is a mini pin.......blah blah blah well i'm saying all of this for whoever is interested to check it out, espically the pictures of both Ty and Timmy (funny stuff and VERY CUTE pics), and espically the diary and fly ball journal (well o.k. check out all of it). I couldn't get the site address so go to google.com (or any search engine) and type in ty the rat terrier and click on his page...................I just had a feeling you pet lovers out there might enjoy it, I KNOW I DID. :D :) :cool:

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-16-2002, 01:18 AM
OMG Ty was DOTD March 29 2000, he is such a cutie pie.:)