View Full Version : Kitty Trap

09-22-2005, 12:50 PM
Last night, we played a nice little trick on the kitties. They've been getting on our coffee table a lot lately, and they KNOW they're not supposed to be there, as evidenced by their mad scrambles to get OFF of the table when we come in the room. The problem is, cats are smart. They know that if we're not there, they can get away with it. All three of them do it, but the worst offenders are Noodles and Mozart. Noodles has completely destroyed an entire roll of paper towels that was left on the table. The other two just sleep there, I think.

So we taped the table. We put some tape sticky-side up in strategic locations on the table. This is the clear stuff, so you can't see it unless the light is right. The trap was set.

The first time, it was sprung before we even made it to bed. Noodles jumped up, and got it on his butt. It was SO FUNNY watching him butt scoot across the floor trying to get it off. We finally caught him, and pulled it off. We replaced the tape he'd picked up, and went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, and I hear this strange little "swishing" noise coming from the kitchen. Into the bathroom walks Noodles, who has gotten another piece of tape wrapped around his arm like a bracelet, and it's rubbing against his other leg. You can tell at this point that he's given up getting it off. I'm too groggy to trust myself with scissors, so I leave it on him.

In the morning, Nathan removes the tape from Noodles, and also frees Mozart from the piece that's plastered down the side of his leg. A few more rounds of this, and I think they'll stay off the coffee table.

09-22-2005, 08:29 PM


09-22-2005, 08:54 PM
It also worked for us. We ordered Sticky Paws (http://www.petco.com/Shop/Product.aspx?R=4532&sku=677540&redirectURL=%2fShop%2fSearchResults.aspx%3fN%3d0%2 6Ntt%3dsticky&N=0&Ntt=sticky) from Petco and put it on our kitchen countertop. (Getting on the kitchen countertops is a no-no in our house). It worked like a charm. We also put it on the corners of our furniture to discourage Cammie from sharpening her claws on it. That worked too.

09-23-2005, 01:30 AM
I got that but it didn't seem to stick to my furniture very tight.

When my Simon jumped on top of the refrigerator and those glass plates fell down that was all it took for him to leave it alone. I don't care if he jumps up and gets up on the shelf to lay in the basket but he will not venture to do it again.That made the most unholy racket he ever heard. LOL

Do you have any old dishes you want to get rid of? Maybe a booby trap where lots of dishes fall and make a racket will do the job. LOL:eek:

Lightning SuperCat
09-23-2005, 08:38 AM
We just squirt Lightning with water and yell at him, that seems to work for us. The tape is is a funny idea, though! :p

09-23-2005, 11:05 AM
LOL I might have to try that, my cats think that the kitchen counter is their lounger - and when I run the dishwasher it's their own little 'sauna' :rolleyes:

09-23-2005, 12:35 PM
I just put some stickypaws on our futon as Payton seems to think it's his new scrathing post. Let's hope it works. Payton too likes to jump up on counters when we're not there. The only problem is that I'd have to put stickypaws on everything from 4 feet and up! :rolleyes:

09-23-2005, 03:24 PM
Just when I said Simon won't jump up on the frig anymore he has to prove me wrong----typical cat. He jumped up there today and looked around. Didn't stay for long. I think it's just because his butt is getting too big to sleep in that basket up there. All 16 pounds of him. LOL