View Full Version : Dawgs of pet talk unite...

03-15-2002, 06:21 PM
me's tinks its times for the dawgs of pet talk know dawgs of the world to unites and fights our parents when they gives us baths!!!

Baths are evils they takes away the smellss that wes all wurks hard to gets. Our parents tinks they are doing good buy puttings us in tubs and putting waters and shampoos on us but they aren'ts they's are making things worse for us...do they not relizes the torture we haves to deals with from the other dogs when we smells of things like wild cherrys, baby powder, and shudders pina coladas? It's humiliatings, the only things waters good four is drinkings..we no need bathes. Our cousins in the woods no needs baths or to be brushed, why do we's?

Mes understands that mummie likes to have us soft and smelling nice but its not needed, do wes complain when they stinks or are dirty? No we kiss thems and cuddles them anyways, whys can't they do the sames for us?

She's just upset 'cause when she gets bathes she looks like a drowned wat in a tunder storm...that's what moomie says. I's don't like bathes but I puts up with them 'cause its funnies to see moomies get in the tub with us and get as wet as we does. Plus I looks cute when I's get wet...Winter just looks sad...

Mes not ask for your pinion Smudge, yous upposed to be good big brother and takes my side not mummies, and mes don't look like dwoned wat take it backs...

no...you does Is seen you...your fur doesnt like waters like mines does.

shaddup...so whats do you says dawgs of pet talk are ye with me?

Cinder & Smoke
03-15-2002, 06:44 PM
But whudder we gonna doez bout the problem? :confused:

Dad's a LOT bigger'n us FurKidz. An he alluz *trapz* us inna garage - either where our trakter kar sleepz or atta Fire Station... Doorz are alluz down an there's no place ta go! :(

Enniewayz - we tries ta take our own baffz ~
Like taday - wuz reel warm an rainee - we wuz outside onna ropey srting atta shop and dint tell Dad ~
We wuz outside inna pourin rain (a reel Pawz & Klawz doozie) fer hourz ~ Gotz so soppin wet we wuz drippin wadder all ober when we comed back in!

Hmmm ~ Weez kinda still lil *damp*. Not to mention the rug unner the puter! :eek:

:rolleyes: Hope we driez out affore beddy time - Dad duz NOT like :mad: soggy doggies inna bed :eek:!

03-15-2002, 07:05 PM
youz guys just knowz how to break the ice dont you?? Just when we needz a break youz guyz cum thru...does your dad know how wonderful you R an how wunnerful you make us smile when we needs it the most?? Thanks guys. L Thanks Phred

Dixieland Dancer
03-15-2002, 07:17 PM
Crikit, Cinder and Smoke.....
This is Dixie and Dusty's mommy and I just want you to know that they love getting a bath! Even if it's not their bath time but either their daddy or me are in the tub, they think they are suppose to join us. :eek: They usually get told to go lay down, which they do reluctantly.

I think they like it soooo much because then they can go out and find NEW SMELLS to roll in and discover! :rolleyes: You guys should start enjoying your baths so you can find new smells to find too. :D

03-15-2002, 07:52 PM
Paws up fer Winters and SmudgePot!!! Hey, Star***Shine here fer me an CodyGirl here! Rollin round inna yukky stuff is da best! Don't dem hoomans know...dat's doggie o'd cologne??? Know fussy, smelly, stuff er us!! We live atta beach, and rolllin on dead sea birds and fishies are our idea of doggie heaven!!:) Now dats a smell dat get Mommie's eyes a buggin!:eek: But we think we smell reeeeeeeeel purrrty! But, sometimes we get stuk getttin a tubbie too! Luckly, we have a outside waterkloset an get our washin standin under da shower, like a rain storm! It's kinda fun! We dont go to dem doggie parlors or nothin, no mamm! Inna summer, we swim inna ocean an river an I got my bery own doggie pool, Sparky Pond. (Dats my nickname!) Still, if we hadda get inna tubbie, we sure would paw up a fuss!! We only like ta stick our faces on a tubbie rim when mommie runs the wa-wa!! We think dem hoomans stink purrrty bad too sumtimes!!:D Dawg a Pet Talk unite! We're wif Smudge and Winter, Cinder and Smoster, No more hooman bafs! Love, yer pals, Star***Shine and CodyGirl!

03-15-2002, 09:40 PM
moomie seems to like to gifs us bathes more in the winter...hmmm Winters name is winter...its all her fault..grrrr...but she likes to gives in bathes in the winter when all that yummy whites stuff is on the grounds. Winters and I luvs the whites stuff it tastes good plus its fun to throws each uthers in, but moomies and granma and granpa tinks that it makes us smells worse so she gifs us baths and then she wonts let us out to play in the white stuffs for a couple hours after da bath.

She also laughededs at me because I'm suposed to bes a water dawg but I donts like water...not even rivers one of aunties friends taked me to a river once and tried to gets me to plays in it but I wouldn't no no no, its waters waters bad stuff unless your drinking it or getting a squirty drink from the hose in da summer.

bathes aren't mes fault...I can't helps if my name is Winter...

03-15-2002, 10:17 PM
My name's Angel & I'm a petite little golden Tibetan Spaniel...but I HATE baths. My mother always says, 'But, Angel, have you ever DIED from taking a bath?' DYING has nothing to do with it...it's what baths do to my DIGNITY.
She puts me in a baby- bath...would you believe. A white plastic human baby- bath...& I'm 8 yrs old, which is middle-aged in a dog's life.
I mean...would my mother get out & sit in a baby bath in the middle of the backyard...with all the neighbours watching?????
The best tip I can give to my fellow doggies is to RUN AND HIDE as soon as you see ANYTHING that means BATH. Like she starts pulling out the dog towels or getting the shampoo off the shelf....or, horror, picking up the baby-bath.
My next tip is to hide behind the big spreading mango tree. It works fine...like you're in the shade,too. But our pesky neighbours always say, when they hear my mother calling me, 'Angel's behind the mango tree.'
All I've got to do now is figure out how to get rid of the neighbours. So I visit with my friend, Elvis the Doberman, every afternoon & he's giving me a few tips on how to do that. But I'm open to suggestions.:)

03-15-2002, 11:52 PM
I gotz my Mama trained... She has to getz in the tub witz ME !!:D Daddy sez itz quite the sight!!!:o

03-16-2002, 06:49 AM
Bella here! I love havin' baths. The only thing better than havin' a bath is goin' outside after a rain and playing in a mud puddle! We got lots of craters in the yard that I formed wiff my own widdle front paws and when it rains they fill up just nice enough for me to have some fun. The inside tub thing is fun too. I just love gettin' wet. My mom tells me I am a crazy girl and sometimes calls me Stinker Bell when I digs and stuff. Yessiree water is fun, clean or dirty I don't care! Sometimes when I go to the groomer lady I use to pee onna floor :o when we'd get there. I was just so excited about getting in that big tub there and seein' all my other buddies gettin' in that tub that I sort of "let it rip!" Now that I'm gettin' use to it my bladder behaves a little better at the groomer lady's. I would just love to run in the big ocean with Star and Cody. My mom said she would have a heart attack cuz I'm so silly and might try to swim to China! :rolleyes:

03-16-2002, 11:27 AM
Where do I sign my paw print for NO MORE BIDDIE BATHS. When I was nuttin but a pupster, my Mom tried that mess on me at home. I fought her with every ounce of strength I have and I am a pretty strong girl. So then she says that she was going to get inta the tubbie with me to show me it was OKAY. Sheeez, all that did was give me some nice pink flesh to sink my nails inta as I sprung for freedom. She don't try to give me biddie baths at home no more. Ha. Now I go to Benji's Barking Lot where my own personal groomer, Cathy, takes care of every thing to make me the raving beauty that I am. Not that I have changed my mind about biddie baths or anything, but I do have to admit that I come out of The Lot looking and smelling pretty good. Then Mom plasters her nose in my fur saying how she loves the way I smell. That's the worstest part. Her plastering her face in my fur.

03-17-2002, 08:37 PM
We's just relizeded somethins...when the white stuffs melts, there gonna be more muds and stuffs on the grounds and Smudge and mes likes to plays in yard and stuff...we gonna be getting more and more baths :( and we boths luvs our mummie so wes always goes downstairs when she askeds us two. Woe is us....


03-17-2002, 08:51 PM
Hey guys Sadie here...and I just wanna ta vote for more water!!! I luv baths!!! I try to climb in the shower with my mom every chance I get!!!

Cincy here...I agree with the other dogs...no baths!!!

No, I like baths!!!

No more baths!!!