View Full Version : haha, people are weird!

09-21-2005, 10:24 PM
lol on one board I go to(a few poeple here are members) there is a big fight that makes no sence at all, one breeder was called into question a breeder I happen to know a lot about as I am in close contact with people who know her well, and because one of my dogs comes out of this breeders lines and people mentioned a few things they knew about her, including me, although I made sure to watch what I mentioned as I did not want to get any of the people that both the breeder and I are in contact with in trouble, the breeder then comes on and starts a personal bash fest against another member of the board, then everyone started defending that member, because most of these people know the member being bashed personally in RL lol then of coarse the breeder in question calls upon the help of my old flyball club, who e-mailed me personally calling me a lier insisting that I am not actually in contact with anyone who knows the breeder, and accusing me of slander..which I find amusing seeing as most of the stuff I said came from the accusers own mouth lol :rolleyes: I said nothing bad, I told no lies or exaduerations, in fact the above accuser showed my mom what I wrote figering she would stop me from spreading this so called "slander" and my moms recation was "and? where is this slander, everything she wrote is true" :p haha my mom thinks she might try to sue me for slander..well good luck trying to sue a 17 year old for telling the truth!