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09-21-2005, 07:02 PM
Ugh... I woke this morning with a sore throat and have had a post-nasal drip thing happening all day. Now my head feels all heavy and I KNOW I'm getting a cold.

Anything I can do to fight off this cold? Tried and true methods? New creations? ANYTHING?

I do not have time to get sick!!!

09-21-2005, 07:02 PM
Thera-Flu works well for me.

09-21-2005, 07:21 PM
No suggestions Kim just commiserations, I too have been sick with the cold, I always have to be careful it does not develop into something more serious like it did a few years ago, so for me plenty of bed rest, fluids, nasal spray, anti-viral tissues ,lozenges has been helping me, I am into my third day now and feeling somewhat better, that Difflam throat spray is really good, used it first day and now my throat is almost better.

I am keeping indoors as the weather is atrocious in NZ right now, so much for spring, we have torrents of rain coming down, it is bitterly cold and snow in places, ugh !!

Just take good care of yourself and try and REST it is the only way our bodies can get better really.

09-21-2005, 07:23 PM
They say that vitamin c can really help you get better faster. For the symptoms I like tylenol sinus.

09-21-2005, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Ugh... I woke this morning with a sore throat and have had a post-nasal drip thing happening all day. Now my head feels all heavy and I KNOW I'm getting a cold.

Anything I can do to fight off this cold? Tried and true methods? New creations? ANYTHING?

I do not have time to get sick!!!

I have the exact same thing, so do a few friends. Must be going around. I don't mind, gives me an excuse to stay home from school! :D

09-21-2005, 07:33 PM
aww i'm sorry and i woke up and had the throw up flu and now i have to miss agility class:(

09-22-2005, 01:02 AM
I swear by yukky Cold-Eze at the very first symptom. I also gargle with Listerine and spray my nose with Saline solution, and take extra stength Tylonel.. Knock on Wood, I haven't had a full fledged cold in decades. I'm not a fanatic, but I do try to remember to wash my hands with antibacterial soap and not touch my face after I go out, like food shopping or to the mall.

09-22-2005, 01:07 AM
Ick... I'm wide awake at 2:00 AM. Can't sleep. I go from hot to cold, then back to hot. The kittens were trampling all over me... Pouncer was doing everything he could to get his treats.

How's this for irony? I keep waking myself up because I am snoring so loud! :D I am congested to the hilt -- how'd it hit me this fast???

I took two Robitussin Cold & Sinus gel tabs before bed, and I live on Tylenol Sinus all summer long.... and yet I'm congested and snoring worse than hubby!

WHIIIIIINE .... how can I be sick? This stinks!

09-22-2005, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by caseysmom
They say that vitamin c can really help you get better faster. For the symptoms I like tylenol sinus.

Yesssss this helps.

Benedryl and dayquil/nyquil have always worked for me. :)

09-22-2005, 01:22 AM
If I don't have to work I take some shots of booze, that way if I wake up feeling crappy........:confused: :rolleyes:

Thera Flu rocks.

09-22-2005, 03:14 AM
Sorry, there is no cure for the common cold if that's all you have, usually lasts about seven days with the middle two being the worst. If it's something more serious then a visit to the doctor would be needed. Hope you get well soon!

09-22-2005, 05:06 AM
I am SO sorry that you are sick. I usually suck on vitamin C drops AND losenges (sp?) with zinc in them. Plus I drink a hot tea that has Echinecea in it. As for medicine, Nyquil.

09-22-2005, 05:18 AM
The last couple years since I've been faithful in taking multi vitamin, Vitamin C plus allergy pill everyday, I dont get colds.
Hubby who is a school teacher hasnt had a cold in over a year since I started him on the Vitamin C daily. Last year they didnt give teachers flu shots so it was important to get him started on Vitamin C (he takes it year round). Plenty of rest, fluids and exercise keeps us in check.
FYI tid bit....... #1 spreader of germs .... dirty hands.
Prevention of spreading.... wash hands often.
My public service announcement for the day :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-22-2005, 09:48 AM
Go right now to the drugstore and get some Zicam! This really only works if you catch it as soon as you start feeling icky.

I've got some on hand and have used it quite often when I felt a cold coming on. You'll still get the cold and feel icky, but I've found it shortens the duration.

09-22-2005, 09:56 AM
:( So sorry you dont feel well.. Hey try this tie so garlic around your neck.. They say garlic runs anything away.. No realy I have heard if you take garlic pills that does help..

09-22-2005, 12:57 PM
I always take echinacea (http://www.kcweb.com/herb/echin.htm) when I get a cold, along with vitamin C.

I hope you feel better soon.