View Full Version : I normally don't get into....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2005, 03:30 PM
....the asking for prayers for a friend of a friend of your sister's second cousin's wife's ex-husband type of thing....but this is one of our best friends, so I thought I'd ask anyway.

As I mentioned, one of our best friends was diagnosed with prostate cancer a little over a month ago. Last week while we were gone, he went in for radiation. They were going to try that first then see how things were going before they tried surgery and chemo. I know nothing about cancer, radiation and chemo, except that the treatment usually makes you feel sicker than you did before the treatment. They thought they caught it early enough that he had a good prognosis....

.....until today. Terry got an urgent phone call from this friend. He was in a lot of pain and wanted Terry to take him to the ER. I don't know anymore than that because Terry just called and I couldn't talk long because the boss is here.

This friend is only 52 years old. He has a 16 1/2 year old son and has recently been in the most stable relationship he's had in a long time. Life had been going good for him - now this. So if you could, please send a good thought or prayer his way.

Thanks. :(

09-21-2005, 03:45 PM
Poor guy. :( Many healing vibes sent!!

09-21-2005, 03:47 PM
Sending Prayers and Hugs (((((HUGs))))))) ((((PRAYERS)))))

09-21-2005, 03:48 PM
Prayers for him from here too

09-21-2005, 03:51 PM
:( So sorry your freind of a freind is having such a hard time now.. No problem with me & my girls sending lots lots of ((((( prayers ))))) (((((( hugs ))))) ..

09-21-2005, 03:58 PM
to my rule and do my best to send some good energy his way...
and Bella promises to send a little loving head bumpie and an extra special purr...

Lots of love,
Sus and the Bellacat

09-21-2005, 04:14 PM
Prayers for your friend. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2005, 05:04 PM
Thanks so much everyone. I'm about ready to leave work, so I'll find out more and update tomorrow. Hopefully it's just a side effect of the radiation and he's ok by now....

09-21-2005, 05:12 PM
That happended to my uncle. He died (hope i don't worry you) from that cancer. They found it early enough so they put him on medicine for it. Then he was getting better so the doctor didn't prescribe it. He got sick the next week because he wasn't on the medicine. He was only 40years old. It was soo tragic because it was so unexpected. Prayers are one the way:(

09-21-2005, 05:38 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for your dear friend.

09-21-2005, 05:39 PM
Your friend is in our thoughts and prayers. Do you know if his cancer was caught early or is more advanced? Do you feel comfortable asking him? Bobcat had prostate cancer in 1999. It was caught in the early stages. His doctor implanted radioactive seeds (like grains of rice) in his prostate, right on the cancer. The seeds stay "hot" for 70 days and they completely killed the cancer. He didn't need chemo nor radiation. He has been completely cancer free for 5 years now.

Perhaps this isn't an option for your friend. It worked for Bobcat. He was never sick at all, though he did have to wear a catheter for quite awhile until all the swelling went down.

09-21-2005, 06:04 PM
Debbie, please add my thoughts and prayers for your friend. Normally prostate cancer is curable if found early enough. It has happened to someone I know. He's in his 70's and in complete remission now. He went though radiation as well.

Radiation and chemo take a big toll on the body and yes, it can be painful and make you extremely sick. There are other meds now that can help with the nausea.

I'll watch for an update tomorrow.

09-21-2005, 06:07 PM
Prayers for your friend! He is far too young.......

Anita Cholaine
09-21-2005, 06:17 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts for your friend.......(((hugs)))

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-22-2005, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
His doctor implanted radioactive seeds (like grains of rice) in his prostate, right on the cancer. The seeds stay "hot" for 70 days and they completely killed the cancer. He didn't need chemo nor radiation. He has been completely cancer free for 5 years now. [/SIZE]

That is exactly what they did! I don't know why I'm amazed that someone else had this done, but it's probably because I've never known anyone with prostate cancer before, so I'm unfamiliar with the techniques used to fight it.

They released him from the hospital, and after stopping to pick up some pain meds, it was 7:00 pm before Terry dropped him off at home. I have to commend Terry because he is normally not a very patient person, but he hung around the waiting room the whole time our friend was being treated.

I guess what happened was that, like Bobcat, he had a catheter in last week right after the "procedure" but then they removed it. He hasn't really been able to urinate since they removed the catheter - just little dribbles here and there - and it must have all been building up inside, which is not only painful but quite harmful too. So they reinserted the catheter and gave him some pain meds. I guess he hasn't been sleeping well at all the last few nights because of the pain, so hopefully he got a good nights sleep last night. Terry said he looked like he was in rough shape, so I'm glad he finally called and I'm doubly glad Terry was in the area to help him out.

Thanks Kuhio, for the encouraging words. They feel they did catch it early and are hoping the radiation will do its thing and surgery and chemo won't be necessary.

Thanks so much everyone. I'll probably call him a little later this afternoon to see how he's doing and if he needs anything.

09-22-2005, 10:08 AM
Thank goodness you and Terry are there for him. I will continue my prayers for him. It must be hard on his son as well. How is he coping?

09-22-2005, 10:35 AM
Deb, what a wonderful hubby you have rushing to the aid of a friend like that.
I hope it's all just side effects and he's doing better today.

I'll say a prayer for him.

09-22-2005, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I guess what happened was that, like Bobcat, he had a catheter in last week right after the "procedure" but then they removed it. He hasn't really been able to urinate since they removed the catheter - just little dribbles here and there - and it must have all been building up inside, which is not only painful but quite harmful too. So they reinserted the catheter and gave him some pain meds. I guess he hasn't been sleeping well at all the last few nights because of the pain, so hopefully he got a good nights sleep last night. Terry said he looked like he was in rough shape, so I'm glad he finally called and I'm doubly glad Terry was in the area to help him out.

Bobcat had a few of these kinds of setbacks too. I don't want to get too graphic, but he ended up having a catheter in a lot longer than the doctors had planned. Until he's all healed up, it's important that he get his bladder scanned regularly. It will show how much waste is building up and if he truly is emptying his bladder. Now, this next part is not for the squeamish.....

You might not feel comfortable having this conversation with him, but here's what worked for Bobcat. After several weeks of wearing a catheter and a couple of bladder infections, the doctor started trying to talk Bobcat into "self catheterization". In that way, he wouldn't have to have a bag strapped to his leg and all that. But, it would involve inserting a tube several times a day to drain his bladder. :eek: Well, as you can imagine, this was not something a guy wants to think about. But, here's what the doctor didn't tell us for weeks and weeks.... The tube/catheter that you would insert is much, much, smaller than the tube in there now. Once the nurse showed Bobcat how to do it, it was a piece of cake. Without the large tube in there constantly irritating "things", he healed up much faster.

Please give your friend our best. I can PM you our phone number if he wants to talk to Bobcat and get a guys take on things.


09-22-2005, 11:56 AM
I've read recently about green tea being beneficial for people with prostate cancer. They might have used green tea extract in the study. My recollection isn't the best, but it would be worth exploring to see if you could find something on the web.

Lisa, how wonderful that you could share Bobcat's journey with Debbie. It might be exactly the kind of support that her friend needs right now.

09-22-2005, 02:19 PM

Prayers on the way for your friend.I know this condition is
curable, if caught early enough. I pray that he is one that can
be successfully treated.

09-22-2005, 05:12 PM
Prayers are on the way for a quick recovery for your friend! The only cancers I have had in my family is lung (he died:(), breast cancer (she is alive and well!), and kidney cancer (he is alive and well!) Cnacer is beatable, just let him know to never give up!-No matter how bad the pain is!

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

09-22-2005, 10:33 PM
Debbie, you can count on my prayers for your friend. Goodness how much we learn from each other when we share these experiences.

How terrific that Terry could be there for him - what a great friend he is to your friend!!

09-22-2005, 10:56 PM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your friends way. I sure hope that he's able to beat this.

09-23-2005, 12:22 AM
Best thoughts and wishes to your friend Debbie, I know how painful trouble in that area can be.

09-23-2005, 10:34 AM

Having been a mom of a cancer survivor, I will sends LOTS of prayers and light candles in honor of your friend. PT Prayers do work!!