View Full Version : Loki's Vet Visit

09-21-2005, 10:55 AM
Well I took my cat, Loki to the vet yesterday for his rabies shot. He's a strictly indoors cat, and an only child. He's a Bengal, and he's allergic to all his shots.

The whole car ride to the vet was very loud. I'd swear I had a siren going off like I was taking an emergency pet to the vet or something because there was loud REOW going off at regular intervals.

First they took his tembutture, and he wasn't too thrilled about that.

Then she checked his heart rate and for some reason it was really fast... ;)

Then I told them that I was concerned he might have ear mights because he had a little bit of light brown wax in his ears and he had been scratching them. The vet went to check his ears while I held him, and Loki bit down twice into my finger. There was hissing that I never hear from my sweet baby. That was not pleasant. They told me that if I took some Advil or Tylenol right after a bite or bad scratch like that it would help with the soreness. So I did. Good tip for everyone to know!

Then Mr. Loki got his Benadryl shot. Again with the hissing! He didn't appreciate that very much, but it sure made him sluggish. Then we had to wait 30 minutes before his rabies shot.

Next came the rabies shot. Shortly thereafter we got on the road to go pick up his daddy. He sat in my lap the whole way to daddy's work and reowed. Once Daddy got in the car he let me hold him like a baby and he calmed down a lot and even got a little sleepy but he never fell asleep.

Then about 5 minutes away from our apartment when he was sitting in my lap in the passenger seat, the poor baby started throwing up :( I caught it in my hands. That was soooo gross. I couldn't open the door. Couldn't roll down the window and Daniel was NOT helping. I asked him to roll down the window from his switch on the driver's side, and he did so I could toss out my "handful".

Then when we got home, Loki threw up 2 more times. He was sluggish all evening and pretty stand-offish. Rough night for the baby! But he's doing fine today.

09-21-2005, 11:17 AM
Poor baby! Sounds like maybe just the stress from the ride, being at the vets, shots etc. It is very traumatic for them (and us too). I hope he is doing much better today. The rabies shot may make him a little sluggish for a day or so.

09-21-2005, 11:21 AM
Yeah that's what I was thinking. It was kind of a long ride home. And he only started throwing up after he started looking around outside the car windows, so he probably got a little motion sick. My poor baby! But he seems to be back to his normal, sweet self this morning, and polishing my legs!