View Full Version : Forgot to tell you....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-21-2005, 09:55 AM
This past week we were at a motorhome rally in Columbus, OH. There were 243 American Coach motorhomes in attendance and it's just my luck that the one parked across the street had two cats with them. Now, you would originally think this is a good thing - right? I did too until I saw both cats running around outside, all while they were still parking motorhomes so there were cars and motorhomes driving all over the place, and these two cats running around. :mad:

One of them was a Tonkinese. Beautiful cat and they called that one their "big buck cat." And "Oh no, he never gets to go outside." Well, I thought, just what is he doing outside right now then? Especially with all these cars and motorhomes all over the place? :eek:

The other one, a gray/silver tabby, was "definitely an outside cat." They found him/her in a campground they were at. The cat was all alone, friendly and very hungry, so they fed it and got to know it while they were at the campground and took it with them when they left. Now, whenever they get to a campground, the cat goes out - no collar, no nothing. I didn't ask them if they had chipped him/her because they didn't seem like the kind of people who would.

So all week long I'm seeing this cat all over the place, including by their front door wanting in. One day at happy hour, the man comes over and says "So, has anyone seen my cats?" I thought - oh great. :rolleyes: :mad: So later when I saw the tabby, I tried to approach it and take it to them, but he/she ran away. I went to tell the lady and she wasn't concerned at all and said "Oh, she/he's an outside cat and we don't worry about him/her." But she did come over and call to the cat, who did come running and she put the cat back in the motorhome.

Then the morning we're getting ready to leave, both cats are out and about again. I just prayed we wouldn't run over one of them as we left. :( We didn't - thank goodness - but the whole experience was so unnerving. It was obvious that the "outside cat" knew where it's home was even though they had just pulled in, and the cat was well fed and looked healthy enough, but why do they have to let it roam like that? :confused: :rolleyes: :mad: :(

Pawsitive Thinking
09-21-2005, 10:14 AM
Guess who would shout loudest if they lost their cat?

09-21-2005, 10:16 AM
:confused: I know some people that have pets :rolleyes: it makes you wonder where their brains are sometimes.. Now my dad (RIP) traveled with his cat but always had his kitty harnessed when they went out.. Oh I would have been a nervous wreck if I would have seen what you saw..

09-21-2005, 10:23 AM
I'd have been a nervous wreck too! I hate to say it, but eventually they will cross paths with wheels... and what is the owner going ot say then? Blame the person who hit the cat? :mad:

09-21-2005, 03:49 PM
Oh, that would have driven me CRAZY. What is WRONG with people?

I'd have been worried silly.

09-21-2005, 04:01 PM
Oh my, my, my. Some people just drive me nuts. I don't think I would have been able to bite my tongue if I saw this.
What IF and I pray with all my might that this never happens, their cat did get run over. Would they just go and find another one at a campground.:mad: