View Full Version : Agressive bird?

09-20-2005, 03:53 PM
Paulie is being a demon!! Lately he's taking to literally attacking people. Example- my aunt was over and she brought her 3 year old grandson with her, well he went to look at Paulie who was on his perch, I was watching him and he was just looking not even close to Paulie, well Paulie jumped on the floor, he does this a lot, and chased the little boy into the kitchen! I tried to get him but Paulie hates me and then went after me! well he tried to attack the boy's toes and managed to bite one when my dad came over and got him. Paulie only loves my mom and dad, if he's in a bad mood he'll do what I just said, jump off his cage and try to attack someone, sometimes he'll do it for no reason! Any advice on how to make him nicer?

edit: also since we don't know how old he is(since he was found outside) maybe he's going through terrible twos? Someone told me birds go through it and the vet said he was young...

09-20-2005, 04:32 PM
If he is just hitting sexual maturity he may be having hormonal surges that make him temperamental.

What kind of bird is Paulie, and how long have you had him?

09-20-2005, 06:20 PM
He's a Quaker Parrot and we've had him since June 10th.