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09-19-2005, 10:24 PM
Riley and Rocky have had a great week. I need to get their wings clipped soon. They have been going on little rendevous.:rolleyes: ;)

Winter is rolling in way to fast for my liking, so I guess I have to start thinking about heating for the birds. We have heating in our house but do you think I need an additional heater for my little brats? :p What temp do they like it at?





09-20-2005, 01:56 PM
Bringing this back up to the top.

09-20-2005, 02:17 PM
They're such cuties!! I don't know about the heating question though.

09-20-2005, 02:22 PM
;) ;) They are just adorable.. I dont know of the heating & I would think what temp your house is on is ok.. Ask at a pet store that has Cockatiels

09-21-2005, 10:53 AM
They're cute :)

09-21-2005, 11:32 AM
I know nothing of birds, but they are very pretty! :D

09-23-2005, 11:11 AM
Thank you all for the nice comments.

09-23-2005, 12:25 PM
They are really cute, sorry I missed this when you first posted it :).

From what I've read, tiels are hardier than most "tropical" bird species as they live in the wild in areas where it gets cooler at night than say parrots species who live in jungles. In the winter, we keep the furnace at 72 in the daytime and 70 at night (and I cover her cage at night with a blanket), and she seems to do fine.

By the way, I have found this site to be an EXCELLENT resource in regards to any cockatiel questions and info you might seek: http://www.cockatielcottage.net/

Under the FAQ part, there is information on ideal temps too (65-80), but warns that tiels do not do well with SUDDEN temperature fluctuations.

09-24-2005, 06:24 AM
hello there riley & rocky! welcome board too powerful! :)

I'm glad to see there's another additional of pretty birdies around here, yay.

for temps, how cold is your house? I've seen some sunlights so I think it's perfectly fine. I would say birdies like 70-85 degree, not much different from above posted.

I'd loveto know a little more, how old are they and are they brothers? how did you rescue them?

have another lovely week, birdies. :D

09-27-2005, 11:41 AM
Judging from information I have read and what you guys are telling me I think they should be alright with the current heating we have. I can always add a little heater for them if needed.

I got them from a petstore, Riley was the first to come home, and I soon realized that he wasn't happy so we went back and go him a "friend" about a month later.


09-27-2005, 12:41 PM
Oh, how adorable! They're both so sweet. Regarding heating...I live in California, so it doesn't get too cold during the winter around here, however, it 'does' get cold, and we normally keep the heat set at 65 degrees...at the most. The tiels do just fine. During the day, it is warm enough downstairs, but at night, we turn the heater down really low because it makes the house dry, and thus makes it hard to sleep. Sometimes the temperature in the house drops to 60, or even less. I keep the birds in my room at night, where it is warmer, and cover their cage with their own, personal, warm blanket. :D They do just fine. I don't think they'd appreciate too much heat, but 70 is a good temperature. They do okay at 65 too, but I notice they begin to cuddle more at that temperature...which makes me think they're feeling cold. We keep them warm but not too warm. If its close to 70 in your house...even a little less, the birds should be fine. Just keep them away from drafts, of course. They're warm blooded animals, so they don't need any special 'heating' like a reptile would. Just the normal house heating that us humans use. ;)

09-27-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird they don't need any special 'heating' like a reptile would. Just the normal house heating that us humans use. ;) [/B]

Haha, i wasn't thinking about getting a heating lamp, if that was what you were thinking ;) ;)

Their cage has a play pen on top that we can not take off, so it is challenging trying to find a blanket that will cover the whole cage :p We use a sheet right now but it is obviosely not very warm. If the need arises I will go out and find a warmer cage cover. My two aren't into the "cuddeling" like yours. Actually, for about a week or so I had one rope perch in the cage and one tiny perch and they would both scrap over the large rope perch for a sleeping spot. For the most part they get along alright though.

Thanks everyone.