View Full Version : Fritz missed me again

09-19-2005, 09:12 AM
Fritz missed me something terrible again last night as i went to a hockey game.He looked and listened for me while sitting on the back of the chair and upstairs inside the back door.he didn't want his itching pills.Tried hiding in bologna 3 times,each time he spit it out,then a piece of banana,wouldn't touch it,then finally suceeded with some ham.He lost in the dog contest on astralenterprise 157-106 to Milo.We will have to try again next time.Only one more day for new pictures!

09-19-2005, 10:29 AM
Sorry you lost the contest. :(

A good way to let Fritz take his pills is to hide it a piece of cheese (if he likes cheese) or a soft treat (like a beggin strip or pigz in blanket).

Beenie used to give me such a hard time taking her pills.

09-19-2005, 11:47 AM
Doesn't that make you feel all warm inside knowing that you're little buddy misses you? Fritz loves you dearly.

Bummer that he lost. I may be entering Fenway into a local contest and will be asking my friends here on PetTalk to vote. But I'll keep you posted on that.

Try giving Fritz a hot dog with the pill in it. Maybe he'll eat it with a hot dog? I wouldn't eat a banana with a pill in it either Fritz. You need something more appealing....like a hot dog or a piece of bacon or peanut butter!

Good luck! Can't wait to see the pictures!


Daisy and Delilah
09-19-2005, 11:49 AM
OMG Fritz!! Spitting those pills out like that:rolleyes: What can Barry do with you little man? Did Barry leave you again Fritz? You were probably protesting his absence by spitting your pill out until somebody in the house found some delicious ham to wrap the pill in. Fritz, you're so clever!! Can we ever learn from you little guy;)

Let us tell you something Fritzie; You will never be a loser in our book cutie pie:D