View Full Version : Other cats attacking Princess

03-14-2002, 09:45 AM
My tortie Princess seems to be the reciever of many attacks from several of my furkids. This accounts for her not eating with the others, sometimes staying out at night, keeping to herself, and generally being too scared to come in with the others at sun-down. I am a bit perplexed at this behavior, because she does not bother the others, and is a generally all-round good little cat. She is also a very beautiful kitty -a vividly-colored tortie,even though she has white colored whiskers on her right side and black ones on her left. Also there is something dignified about her appearance. But the others sure don't appreciate her around them. When she does come in she is always seeking affection from me, and lays in my lap whenever she can, burying her head in the fold of my arm. Last evening I caught what was keeping her from coming in. She was attacked by 4 of my other outside furkids. I had to go outside and pick her up and bring her inside and then she was still scared because she kept looking around for her attackers. I have a good notion to keep her inside for a while, both day and night. Is this normal behavior, and will this problem pass with time? I certainly hope so, because she will not defend herself amidst all the opposition to her presence.

An update on Princess: I kept her inside all day yesterday 3/16, and there was no problems with the other cats. Now, it appears that her attackers are all outside furkids. Perhaps she will stay inside more, now that she can sleep and eat without being harrassed. She is inside today sleeping in her windowsil box.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-14-2002, 11:21 AM
Awww, poor Princess! :( I don't know if cats are like this, but I know dogs and other "pack" animals usually have an Alpha and an Omega within their group. The Omega is usually the one that gets beat up all the time and this may be Princess's position. I didn't think cats were pack-type animals, but maybe it's something similar to this. I would definitely keep her in and away from those who are picking on her. She may just start feeling comfortable and gain a little confidence. It's no wonder she seeks out your lap because that might be the only safe place in the house. I always have a soft spot for the underdog, so I feel so bad for poor little Princess. :(

03-14-2002, 12:45 PM
AWWWW Wayne - this sounds so pitiful:( :( Definately make a special nook for your little Princess and give her a lot of kisses from me!!!!!

03-14-2002, 03:10 PM
Oh Wayne - I certainly sympathise - 'cos poor old Ketchum gets beaten up off Dan. I reckon it's because when we rescued Ketchum he'd had his op., but when we got Dan he was a year old and had only just had his op., - maybe his King of the Castle vibes were still strong - and still are!!
Ketchum is so loving and head buts Dan, for which he gets a bat round the ear - poor boy. Needless to say he comes to me or hubby for lots of cuddling and scritching of the neck. He's a great big softy and never holds a grudge against Dan.
Maybe keeping Princess away from the others for a little while might make it easier for her. Ketchum always has HIS safe pace to go (under our bed or on it if he's alone!!).
Best of luck Wayne - I hope this sorts out soon.


03-16-2002, 06:49 AM
There seems to be a peculiar nature about attacked cats -that they will not defend themselves. My Abby Queen used to be that way also, but now she is not afaid of any of them. The problem appears to start early in life, when while they are yet kittens they come under continual attack from one of the older queens. This sets the pattern, until (If) they learn to fight back. (Princess is in my lap now that I'm writing this. ) When she is inside she has her own little box on a windowsill, where she is not bothered, but sleeps there all night, in full view of the others. But after she is inside for a while, all the fussing stops. However, it is difficult to keep her inside, because as soon as I open the door, she darts outside and may not be seen again for over a full day. The cats do not necessarily have a "pecking order", but will attempt to keep away any who will not defend themselves. I have lost tract of furkids in the past due to this behavior and am a bit worried about Princess doing the same.


03-19-2002, 03:08 PM
Hey Wayne,

Poor Princess!! :( I'll send her twin (Noel) over there to defend her...she's good at attacking Noah... :)

03-20-2002, 06:32 AM
Aww... poor Princess!!! I guess keeping her indoors is a good idea if the others don't bother her when she's in the house.... I just feel so sad for her.. give her an extra cuddle for me, please?

C.C.'s Mom
03-20-2002, 08:15 AM
What can I say... poor sweet Princess. I hope you can find a suitable solution very soon.

03-31-2002, 12:17 PM
Mama and Fluffy both give Princess a bad time. Between now and the last post on this subject, she was missing for 8 days, and again for about 5 days after returning for about 2 days. Early this morning, unexpectedly for me, she was meowing at me to pick her up and bring her back inside to her little windowsil box, being about 150 ft. away from the house. She had been missing for 5 days. She was one hungry and scared little kitty, with her coat all ruffled up. Now, she is back in her window box sleeping and often gets up and demands affection , which she gets. I also place food and water next to her window box.

I believe that I have finally figured out why Princess is under constanat attack. Her mother, Motley Cat (rb) looked exactly like her, and she was a "terror" around the other cats and wasn't afraid to take on any of the others in a battle for territory. Motley got a reputation from the others, leaving her alone. I remember one day, my Aby Queen saw Motley outside the house through a window. She immediately took cover because of the fear of her. Unfortunately, Princess looks enough like Motley to be easily mistaken for her, except her personality is nothing like her mom's.

I am at a loss to know what to do. I do not like the idea of her staying away for days on end. Whenever she gets hastled by the two current nursing queens she runs off for another week or so, before coming back, usually very hungry and dirty. I am thinking that if I got those two queens spayed would this end the problem? (It is either this, or I will have to re-home her. She is such a pretty and affectionate "little girl" and I don't want to give her to just anyone) Because if it will, I intend to have spaying done very soon. Does any one know? :confused:

4/2 An update on Princess; I have purposely kept her in the house for going on 3 days now. She , Tigress. Mackerella, Ophie, and Fawn appear to be getting along better without so much mistrust . Last night she slept on the bed. for the first time, with me including a few other furkids -with no fussing. I am finding that if I keep one of the queens outside, the other one is too busy with the kittens to be bothered with Princess' presence. I plan to keep her inside as much as possible by keeping their window access door partially closed, so the others will become accustomed to having her around. She is definitely an indoor and an affectionate lap-kitty.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-01-2002, 11:44 AM
Wayne, sorry I can't offer any advice on the spaying of the two. I would think it would help because if they are protecting their little ones, there won't be any little ones to protect and they might stop chasing Princess away. You might want to try calling your Vet. A lot of times they will answer questions over the phone with no charge, so it's worth a call.

I hope it works out because I hate the idea of Princess being chased away like you do, and thankfully she has been able to make it back home everytime, but there is no guarantee, and also like you, I'd rather see her re-homed if necessary so she doesn't need to fend for herself when chased off.

Poor Princess....:(