View Full Version : Teeth growth...little problem

09-18-2005, 01:20 PM
Dear you all, a few years go you helped me with my poor Alfred (English bulldog) who had skin problems....but Alfred is not with me anymore .....:-(

2 years ago I decided to adopt the little Maurice (petit brabançon) and a year later the little Léopold (Belgian Griffon)..... there are both amazing dogs, but Léopold has a little problem.... he is now 1 year and 3 months old but has only a few teeth...very few... and I guess that due to the lack of teeth has a problem to keep his tongue inside his mouth.... which is funny , but I guess can be problematic to eat,...
Has anyone had a similar problem , is there anything I can do? I asked my vet who could make an x-ray, but would have to "anesthetize" him (sorry for my bad english) and don't specially want to do it only for that reason, and told me to wait for 6 or 9 months.... can teeth grow so slowly?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help

09-18-2005, 05:00 PM
why having less than a full complement of teeth would be reason to terminate a dog's life???

Although my female puppy has all the teeth expected, it's extremely doubful that she chews her food much. She literally woofs it down, swallowing without chewing. The key for you is to find a dog food where chewing is not needed. This means it could be a canned food, or even a dry food that comes in small kernels.

It sounds as though your dog just has a genetic fault that is not allowing all teeth to erupt. Most puppies will get their permanent teeth at 4-6 months. Most owners will register complaints in this time period that their puppies are chewing on everything in sight. So you are long past the stage where the teeth come in. Alter the diet accordingly and your dog should have no problems.

09-19-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by dragondawg
why having less than a full complement of teeth would be reason to terminate a dog's life???

Although my female puppy has all the teeth expected, it's extremely doubful that she chews her food much. She literally woofs it down, swallowing without chewing. The key for you is to find a dog food where chewing is not needed. This means it could be a canned food, or even a dry food that comes in small kernels.

It sounds as though your dog just has a genetic fault that is not allowing all teeth to erupt. Most puppies will get their permanent teeth at 4-6 months. Most owners will register complaints in this time period that their puppies are chewing on everything in sight. So you are long past the stage where the teeth come in. Alter the diet accordingly and your dog should have no problems.

anesthetize is just anesthesia, not euthanasia. Like what they use when they neauter or do any type of surgery or x-ray.

Those breeds (along with mny more) have squished in faces, which yes can mess with the proper placement of teeth.
Did he have all of his puppy teeth? If so then I'd probably wait a little longer. He may or may not get the rest of his teeth in.
Have you spoke to the breeder about it?

Does he have problems eating? If so I'd offer him a soft food (canned or watered down kibble). If he's having no problems I'd just feed him like you currently do.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help or offer any suggestions about his tongue.

09-19-2005, 05:22 PM
don't get too excited now. ;)