View Full Version : Citronella spray collars

09-18-2005, 01:06 AM
Has anyone here used them? Did it work?

I would like to get on for Visa -- she's not a bad barker at all, but when she does bark, it's always at a time when she really isn't supposed to, and it is becoming a bit of a problem.

Visa's breeder uses one on one of her dogs -- the only problem she found is that when Jag barked, the collar would spray into Jag's mane. So she had to shave the hair off of her throat. Visa is a show dog, so there is no way I'm shaving her. I'm trying to think of a way to keep her hair out of the way without looking ridiculous. I think a bandana would work for a while but eventually her mane would just cover it. Any ideas for that? I've also heard that sometimes the collar goes off when the dog doesn't even bark. Visa's breeder hasn't experienced that at all, I'm just wondering if it's a common thing.

Thanks in advance. :)

09-18-2005, 12:49 PM
bump :)