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Laura's Babies
09-16-2005, 10:30 AM
We talked for 2 or more hours on the phone. SHE and Eddie have this "Hospital Syndrone" thing from being there for so long. Sounds like the nurses are watching her as close as they are watching Eddie and I think she is cracking just a tad from the strain of it all. She said the phone calls, cards and visitors have all but stopped, it has been over a month since anyone but their kids have been there to see them and she sounds so down, spirt wise.

His day is pretty ful of his OT and PT and stuff that she is now spending most of the day alone and just killing time, waiting for him to be brought back to his room. The other families that she had made friends with have been long gone. It just sounds so depressing for her. It sounds to me like they are expecting her to have a breakdown because she says no matter where she goes, they are watching her like a hawk and asking her if she is alright. The loss of contact with people on a personal level is greatly effecting her spirit. She understands with the price of gas that people have to cut back and it is a long way from where they live to Norfolk but it seems to still hurt her that no one comes anymore for a relaxing visit.

Could I ask all of you to send cards to her and to him? Cheerful "thinking of You" cards? It would mean so much that people still think of them and care enough to send a card or a note and one card, goes a long way in cheering a person up that feels like they are forgotten. PM me for the address if you would like to send one and I will get it right back to you. Just a moment of your day could pick them both up so high!!

Edited note... a friend reminded me that I needed to explaine the situation a little better and I agree since there are so many more newbies here that do not know the story.

My son in Virginia is an electrician. On May 4th he was working on a electrical panel box and it exploded on him, setting him on fire. He had 82% of his body burned second and third degree burns. He was in burn trama for 4 months, having many, many, many surgeries. He is lucky to still be alive and it is only his healthy condition before that happened and his inner strength that we credit his surviving to. It is rare that anyone burned that bad lives. We are now into the 5th month and into rebuilding his body. He has had to learn to sit up, walk, balance himself, do simple everyday things and there are still a lot of things he can not do yet. The skin on his entire body are skin grafts and Epicel (a lab grown skin grown from cells from his own skin) from the knees up to his neck, front and back.

The hospital they are in is a long way from where they live so they are pretty much up there now without friends or family. People we flocking around in the beginning, ready to help, but now, so far into it, all that has stopped. Being confined in a hospital effects your mental health and that is where the words "Hospital Syndrone" come in. They both have it now...

09-16-2005, 10:38 AM
Laura, can you PM me the address, please?

I think it is time to boost Regina, and I'm wondering if he is gone all day if it is wise or best for her to even be there during the day? Could she go back to work?

Will be glad to send cards and good wishes.....will look forward to a message from you.


09-16-2005, 11:10 AM
Laura can you PM me the address too. Maybe they would like a card from Germany?:)

09-16-2005, 11:29 AM
I am so sorry to her that she's having a bad time. I can only imagine how depressing it must be.

09-16-2005, 11:38 AM
Laura, I just sent you a PM. Is there anything else, that might help them or maybe help Regina to pass the time while she waits? Books, Magazines, crafts?

09-16-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by furrykidsmother
Is there anything else, that might help them or maybe help Regina to pass the time while she waits? Books, Magazines, crafts?

I was just wondering the same thing? Also could you PM the address. I will send her one now and again when we get to Italy then she will have another international card.

Laura's Babies
09-16-2005, 01:56 PM
Wow! She does arts and crafts things, knitting and making hats on that hat loom but she has more yarn and stuff than she can store. That is what she has been doing. She don't do magazines but she does read books but I couldn't begin to tell you what to send because she has read a ton of them since she has been there. Her church family has kept her supplied in Books to read.

One thing they might enjoy, they love their grandkids and I bet they would love little kid hand made cards or pictures if anyone has little ones that can do that..... Rather than buy something and have to ship it, what about a gift card from Wal Mart ? $5.... $10, whatever you want to spend... But uplifting cards are all I am asking for, anything else is up to what you want to do. A stuffed CAT? A angel with a note to say "For the Angel you have been through these hard times"? These are just guesses and ideas, something that I am really not to good on. Anyone have anymore ideas to share?

Her jobs she had to give up to be at the hospital 24/7 and their home town is so far away that it would be impossiable for her to do that anyway. Soon as she can, I have NO doubt she will be working again. She is a "work horse" and loves to work.

09-16-2005, 10:02 PM
I was wondering...how about fun food gifts? Does anyone have diet restrictions? Would chocolate or pop corn lift spirits?

I was thinking about how comforting food can be...

let us know!

09-16-2005, 10:47 PM
I'll take that address too please?

PJ's Mom
09-16-2005, 11:38 PM
I would love to send a card. :) Please PM me the address as well. :)

09-17-2005, 01:23 AM
I can send her a card. Should we try to spread them out some, so she is getting some every day or two for awhile, not just all at once and then back to nothing?
