View Full Version : What are your favorite noises? :)

09-14-2005, 02:14 PM
Since we had a thread on noises we dislike, what about ones we really like?

Mine mostly pertain to my dogs.
I love hearing Simba snore. It's actually soothing to me.
I love the sound of them panting.
The sound of their tags.
Their barks.

I also like..
The sound of an Acoustic Guitar.
The ocean/waves.
The howling of wind.

and many more... ;)

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-14-2005, 02:17 PM
Ooh, lots!:) Here's a few:

-the sound of Blaze "clicking" across the floor (lol!:D)
-Blaze's bark and dog tags (me too);)
-the sound of horses galloping across fields
-the whinny of a horse
-the sound of rain pattering gently on the windows
-the sound of my dad laughing (really, I love his laugh so much!)
-and just hearing my good friends talk to me on the phone, since I don't see them often!:)

I'm sure I have lots more, but that's all I can think of for now!:)

09-14-2005, 02:25 PM
Ebony snorting its so funny!
Jada's bark
The funny little noise Diamond makes when she is excited

Listening to my son play his Acoustic gutiar
My sons and my husbands laughter
Sometimes the plain old sound of silence:p

I have more also but i will spare you reading them.;)

I have to add the sound of my cat purring it is so soothing to me when a cat purrs.

09-14-2005, 02:26 PM
I love the sound of Maggy snoring. It's so cute to hear that little girl make so much noise!

I love Sammy and Payton's purring,
My hubby's laugh
My mom's voice (dad's too, though I'll never hear it again)
Mariachi music
Maggy's little nails on the tile floor (grandma calls her pitter patter)
Maggy's juicy kissing noise

Many more, but those are the first that came to mind.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-14-2005, 02:29 PM
Ally and Connor purring
Harley Davidsons
The foghorn on a cruise ship signalling that another wonderful vacation is starting!

09-14-2005, 02:32 PM
We go camping near the ocean and I can hear the foghorn and the waves at night, I actually want to buy a cd with those sounds.

09-14-2005, 02:48 PM
Let's see:

Fenway squeeking while he dreams.
Fenway howling when the police/fire vehicles drive by.
Cosmo & Maxie purring.
My Mom's voice.
Ocean waves.
River flowing.
The sound of the trees blowing & rustling in the woods.
Birds chirping.
Lighthouse foghorns.

I think that's it........for now.


09-14-2005, 02:50 PM
You made me think, Kay. I like the sound of "silence" the best, I think. Knowing that everyone is sleepy and settled. That is very comforting to me. :)

09-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Nice thread...

My moms voice
My husbands voice
My doggies sigh/groan before going to sleep
Dog tags ringing around the house
Train in the distance
The wind
Pitter / Patter of Rain
Beach sounds.... waves, sea gulls... kids playing (at a distance).
My favorite music on the radio...

Many other things...

09-14-2005, 02:57 PM
light rain
Shadow's snores
Lucky's meow
Jack's bark (or lack of bark, he looses his voice and then gets really frusterated and makes many many more noises...I love it!)
Guinea pigs squeals
The ocean (or any large body of water actually)
But most of all I enjoy silence :)

09-14-2005, 03:07 PM

I knew I was forgetting something! I like crickets too!


PJ's Mom
09-14-2005, 03:28 PM
The wind
Bailey growling at me when she wants my attention.
Peej and Bailey when they say "please"
My kids telling me they love me. (they're teens. It's rare. :D )


09-14-2005, 03:31 PM
Hmmm a few are:


Rolling/rumbling thunder (not the violent smashing kind so much)

In the fall on a mild day, the sound the breeze makes as it blows through the dry/falling leaves in the trees and on the ground

The sound of snow as I walk through it


Sighs of contentment from the pups

Dawn's welcoming whisper cheeps in the morning

Coffee percolating

Loons on the lake at night

Woodland sounds

09-14-2005, 03:37 PM
I *love*...

The sound of birds chirping/singing outside.
The sound of my tiels singing or letting out little content 'squeaks'.
The sound of the gorgeous waterfalls and flowing rivers at Yosemite. 'sigh' I could just sit there forever.
The sound of a pleasant breeze, and the leaves moving slightly in it.
The sound of soft rain...beautiful.
The voices of my family and those dear to me. It just makes me feel content knowing those that I love are around me.
The sound of the ocean waves, going back and forth with the wind.
The chirping of crickets at night.

Basically, sounds associated with nature. Beautiful. Oh..and I *love* a cat's soft and sweet meow.

Suki Wingy
09-14-2005, 03:40 PM
Not in order:

a fiddle
NiƱo's tags
a saddle squeak
the squeaky sounds my Ozziwo makes
a horse blowing air through their nose on you
and I bet there are more

09-14-2005, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Hmmm a few are:


Rolling/rumbling thunder (not the violent smashing kind so much)

In the fall on a mild day, the sound the breeze makes as it blows through the dry/falling leaves in the trees and on the ground

The sound of snow as I walk through it


Sighs of contentment from the pups

Coffee percolating

Loons on the lake at night

Woodland sounds

Oooh! I love all of these too! There's just something about nature sounds, isn't there? In addition to the above, I like the sound of:

purring cats
my cats meowing
howling wolves
Priya's tags jingling
crickets chirping at night
the ocean - it's so relaxing
frogs (we have frogs that sound like they're almost chirping or humming in the springtime out here)


09-14-2005, 05:16 PM
Good thread idea Kay!

I love the sound of the crashing waves at the beach and the seagulls overhead.

I also love the silent sound of the snow as it is falling. The world sort of takes on a muffled sound as I just stand there in the midst of a white winter wonderland.

09-14-2005, 05:19 PM
lets see
I love hearing our dogs barking thwey have the cutest barks
i love hearing ducks quack
dog howling
kitty's purring
and my doggie loves people clapping

09-14-2005, 05:46 PM
Woodland noises are so great! Especially when mixed with Techno music ;)

I also like it when my cats purr or meow *its so darn cute*. I know it sounds kind of corny, but I love the sound of my husbands voice. A lot of times, he can make me feel beter just by talking to me :D

09-14-2005, 05:59 PM
I love to hear.....

My husbands voice, it makes me smile. I didn't get to hear it much while he was in Iraq(he did leave me a few voice recordings on my computer and phone though) and now he is leaving again tomorrow for a few more months. I am happy I got my two weeks with him.
Lucy "talking"
My kitties purring
Choral music (I was in choir for a long time and I love it)
and there are so many more but I thought I would just list a few

09-14-2005, 06:19 PM
Most of the sounds of nature give me that warm and fuzzy feeling...you know, like wind, rain, the ocean waves, birds in the trees, etc.

Of course I have to include the sound of my purring cats but most of all I love hearing the voices of my best friends who live so far away. That's what makes my heart soar. :)

09-14-2005, 06:53 PM
Maddie's Yodel - Unfortunately I don't have it on tape or anything, so it's just a memory now.

Oz's Yawns
Gull's Groans and Moans
Murph's Sighs

Marty from the Dixie Chicks on Fiddle - woowee that girl can play.

Any singer with a really unique voice - Tanya Tucker, Wynonna, Ann Wilson, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Natalie Maines, etc. When you hear'em, you know it's them. They may not even be considered to have a so called "Great Voice", but they got something better, "Style". Something that grabs ya versus blending in with everybody else.


09-14-2005, 07:00 PM
One that came to mind when I saw this title was Major growling. I love being outside at night, and all of a sudden he runs to a part of the yard and will bark and growl. I just love it so much, because it's cute. He's usually all playful so that's why its funny when he gets serious. I love it especially when he does his growl-bark. It turns out like "Ruuuff" but its just so cute.

09-14-2005, 07:01 PM
Nature noises, crickets, and laughing babies

09-15-2005, 06:52 AM
Birds, rivers, cat purrs, meows, crickets, laughter, rain.

09-15-2005, 10:52 AM
Oh so many :).

Dog tags jingling
The dogs nails clicking on the floorboards
Yumi purring
Marty from the Dixie Chicks on Fiddle - woowee that girl can play (Ditto)
Missy Higgins singing
Wolves howling sends shivers down my spine, amazing sound
Elvis howling lol
Clover moaning and groaning when going to sleep
Ticking clocks
Waves crashing
Cow bell's :D
Cows mooing
Sheep making sheeper sounds lmao
The high pitched bark of working dogs or excited Flyball dogs
My Mums voice

Maybe i should stop now.

09-15-2005, 11:18 AM
My dogs barking.
My cats purring.
Nature sounds.
Horses neighing.
I love Silence, too.
The radio. ;) :p

09-15-2005, 11:21 AM
I love it when MooShoo sniffs my ear. I also love the sound of the ocean, and the sounds of a thunderstorm.

Desert Arabian
09-15-2005, 02:30 PM
Oh man! I have LOTS of favorite noises!

* horse neigh/whinny/nicker (especially little foals)
* horse hooftbeats
* mule/donkey bray
* leather tack squeaking
* spurs chinking while walking
* cat purring
* loons crying (best sound in the world, too beautiful)
* boyfriend's laugh
* rattie sniffles
* rain hitting canvas tent
* the sound of thunder off in the distance
* spring peeper frogs singing in the spring
* crickets chriping at night
* water rolling ashore/crashing into rocks
* goat bleats
* cows mooing
* roosters crowing
* whiporwill's singing
* wolves howling, here them at the cottage a lot
* ducks quacking
* duck calls used for duck hunting
* male elk bugling
* turkey gobbles
* gun fire
* eagle screams
* owl hoots
* loud exhausts/engines on cars or motorcycles
* native american flutes/indian powpow cerimonies
* drums
* guitars
* bagpipes!!

I could go on and on! I will stop though, LOL.

09-15-2005, 02:37 PM
Kay Ann, I am laughing as I'm typing this because when I first glanced at the thread subject I thought it said "what are your favorite NOSES" I was thinking of all the wonderful dog noses I know and I really love horse noses and bunny noses and cat noses ... and how hard it would be to choose :D :D

09-15-2005, 02:47 PM
You know Laurie... I love noses too!

Puppy noses, Wee little Rattie Noses, Kitty Noses, even human babies have cutes noses! ;) :p

09-15-2005, 03:39 PM
-The huskies having a choir practice
-The cats purring
-The noise Sleet makes in her sleep when she's having her happy place dream---sounds like a toddler giggling
-My nieces' giggles
-The fiddle solo at the start of Copperhead Road
-Earle's "hi Mom" wooo
-The sound a paddle slicing through water
-Trumpter swans
-Walking through crunchy leaves
-Fire crackling
-Oynx's tiny little mew--he's a huge cat, sounds like kitten!
-Preacher's BAH-WOOO bark
-Stuart's laugh. He has a the loudest laugh I've ever heard.

09-15-2005, 06:27 PM
I love the sound of the ocean
water trickling from a steam.
The sound of rain.
The sound of a harp and piano.
Birds singing.

09-15-2005, 07:59 PM
I like:

-the sound of the ocean, unless I'm trying to sleep
-the silence of camping in a tent
-frogs croaking
-RAIN (love the sound of it on the roof/ground)
-Basie's squeek (he doesn't meow)
-Micah's "I'm starving" meow...too cute
-the sound of my cats purring
-the sound of wild bird song
-the trickle of water from an indoor or outdoor fountain/stream/pond
-when you're watching a ride at an amusement park and it gets to the drop, eveyone screams more in anticaption vs. fear
-when David would scold the cats...I think that is the funniest thing I've ever heard, "Basil, Basil, NO, NO! Basil!!" Like a pleading..but he was soooo losing. ;)