View Full Version : Research Paper Help!

09-13-2005, 10:40 AM
Okay. I have to write a 4 page Research Paper in English Composition 2.

So I chose Cystic Fibrosis to write about.

The thing is I have 20 pages of body paragraph. LOL! I can narrow that down though. I'm having problem with the introductory paragraph and the thesis statement.

In my body paragraphs, I am talking about symptoms, treatment, caring for a child that has it, etc!

I am just stumped on how to start out the whole essay. Any suggestions/advice is appreciated!

Thanks in advanced!

09-13-2005, 11:18 AM
A good thing to remember when writing any paper or oral presentation is threefold: tell them what you are GOING to tell them, tell it, then tell them what you TOLD them. So the introductory paragraph is a preview of how the rest of the presentation will go. For example Cystic Fibrosis is ...yada yada...It presents with assorted symptoms and has...yada yada...treatment options....many depending on the age of the sufferer..yada yada ..... most often childhood.......

Your thesis statement needs to state your position (which can be disagreed or agreed with) which you will use as your research is presented. A good statement is clear, takes a certain position and is specific with only one idea.

For example. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that (does or does not) enable children to live a fairly normal (or challenging) life due to lack of (or many) new programs, treatments and strides in research. Your statement should only have one idea that your paper will argue and not several like in my example above - mine gives several options in parenthesis - that could be used.

Hope this helps a bit:) You probably have some guidelines about how to structure your thesis statement - always best to follow what it is your teacher/prof is looking for...