View Full Version : Spay and Neuter question

09-13-2005, 08:58 AM
As you all probably know, Beenie is getting spayed and Frankie will be neutered soon (towards the end of October).

1) How long does it take for them to recover? Male and Female. I know the times vary... do they (?)

2) Do they become incontinent for a while?

3) Do I need to be home with them while recovering (how long?)

4) Special diet?

5) Should I ask the vet for pain medication for both of them? Is it necessary?

6) Do they need blood work done before?

I am terrified of the whole ordeal. :'''(

09-13-2005, 09:24 AM
1. Yes the times vary. The first day or 2 they are usually a litle groggy still, from the anesthesia, and may be a little sore. Most dogs are back to their normal selves in a couple days. Some dogs are back to their normal selves that night. But you still have to keep them semi calm & quiet until the sutures are removed, about 7 days.

2. No, they will have normal control of their bowels & urine.

3. You probably want to be home with them for the first evening & night, and you can usually leave them they day after. If they are very hyper & you don't crate them, then you may want to either stay home with them or confine them somehow, in a crate or small room.

4. You want to withhold or limit their food & water for the first half a day they are home. If they have sensative stomachs I'd withhold food that night & limit water. If they seem to be doing good & don't have a sensative stomach I'd offer them about a 1/4-1/2 of their normal food. And limit water. The next day you can feed them as normal, unless they still seem groggy, then feed about 1/2-3/4 their normal food. Do not withhold water unless they are really drinking a lot.

5. I doubt it. Some people ask their vets for it & the vets give it just for their (owners) peace of mind, but about 99% of cases I have seen it is not needed. Especially seeing as you have terriers, they should be back to normal in no time. I'd see how they are the first night, if they seem very sore I'd call the vet for a script, only one days worth thuogh, thats about all you'll need if any.

6. If they are fairly young (under 2-3 years or so) and are healthy & have never had any problems it's up to you, if you want it done for peace of mind, do it. But otherwise they should be ok without it. If however they are older, have had problems in the past etc... I'd get it done.

I'm sure they will do just great. Good luck & once again kudos to your spaying/neutering!

09-13-2005, 09:38 AM
Good for you for spay and neutering.

I never had any problems with my dogs being spayed/neutered.
I picked them up in the late afternoon and
stayed home the rest of the day.
I tried to have them spayed on a Friday morning and had
the weekend to watch them.

I never gave them any pain medication.
They seemed to sleep the first day home and
acted normal the next day.
They were very thirsty but I had to restrict their water
intake for the first few hours.
I would let them have a little drinks at a time.
(I gave them a tiny light meal that evening).

I just had to try to keep them quiet and keep them
from touching their stitches for the first week.

Ask you vet for instructions when you drop her off.

(my dogs had a reg. physical before their surgery-
check lungs and heart beat)
Sheba is the only one that had a blood test,
before a surgery when she was older because she
had other stuff going on.
But when she was spayed as a pup she had a physical only.

Den Anne Pen
09-13-2005, 10:40 AM
Cheyanne was fine after her spaying she was groggy for about 1 day.
But she LOVES to run so i could'nt take her to the park for about 1 week and just had to make sure she was'nt trying to lick or bite her stiches.

Denver was ready to play as soon as he got home from the vet. and also just had to limit to his activaty and make sure he was'nt trying to get at his stiches

Niethier of them had to wear the head cone for the stiches.

Aspen and Phoenix where already fixed when i got them so i don't know how they did with it

I also never needed the pain meds. they did give me a couple but i never used them :)

Good Luck i'm sure they'll be just fine :D

It's great that your fixing them :) :)
They'll live a much heathier life :)

09-13-2005, 05:10 PM

The previous replies all gave good advice.
However, when I had my dogs spayed the vet used internal sutures which did not need to be removed; they simply dissolved. Also, I know when my dogs were spayed I was told by my vet to make they didn't have any food or water 12 hours before the surgery- since they are both females, they stayed at the clinic all day and stayed the night, but I think it is easier on males.
Just make sure that you listen to your vet's advice when you take your dogs in, as they would be most qualified to answer your questions.


09-13-2005, 05:33 PM
Lacey was groggy the afternoon and evening I brought her home. The next morning she was chasing the cats! :eek: Something she wasn't suppose to be doing! :rolleyes: I would say you should be home at least the first day with her. She'll be fine. :)

09-13-2005, 06:51 PM
1. 24-36 hrs, after which the problem is keeping them calm. They will want to resume their normal activities.

2. No inconstinence.

3. Usually they are operated on in the morning or early afternoon. By default you are with them the first night. After that the only concern will be to make sure they don't engage in any rough puppy play.

4. No special diet needed. My prior dog was nauseated and threw up once right after we gone home. The current ones had no problems. They will be very thirsty. I started with a small amount of water. Waited 15 minutes, then gave them a small bowl of water. I gave them a 1/2 ration of their usual food at the usual time, and then 1/4 later on. I made sure to take them out for a few minutes after eating just in case.

5. I asked for and received pain medication- Duramaxx for one, and Metacam for the other. Because of age they were done at different times. Both showed signs of distress the first night. The female acted like she couldn't find a comfortable position to lay down in. The male pranced a little and panted a lot. In both cases I had some left over Torbutrol (doggy narcotic), and gave each 2.5 mg (i.e. 1/4 of the standard 10 mg tablet). Immediately they settled down and went to sleep. Next morning the male was ready to bounce off the walls with energy. I would definitely inquire about a small dose of Torbutrol in addition to the regular NSAID medication for the first night. The second night the Duramaxx and Metacam did well.

6. Blood panels are usually recommended to make sure liver function is normal.

09-14-2005, 09:58 AM
Wow, thanks everyone. I am overwhelmed by the respones. I feel much better now! Thanks again.