View Full Version : *Sad Annabelle Pictures*

09-12-2005, 11:18 PM
Annabelle is eating kitty litter again, naughty naughty, we thought we broke the habit when she was a puppy, but signs point to the litter box. We took her to the vet and he gave her fluids and pills. When she got home she didn't want to move. She was lying down so pitifully and wouldn't get up when I walked by. Look at her sad little face...
She's fully healed from her kitty litter accident and hopefully won't be eating anymore tasty snacks...

09-13-2005, 03:42 AM
Poor girl. at least she should be feeling much better in a couple of days..

youd think they would figure out whats making them sick,, and leave it alone...

i have the same problem.. a crap eater. LOL
strange how every dog loves the stuff as if its candy or something :rolleyes:

09-13-2005, 05:03 AM
poor girl...

no more kitty litter, ok? :D

09-13-2005, 05:05 AM
Poor Annabelle, I hope she's feeling better. We had the same problem with Lacey dining out at the litter box so we put the litter box up on a table. After she pulled it off twice and dumped it ! :eek: we tied it down with a bungy cord! No more litter dinners! ;)

09-13-2005, 08:09 AM
Awww she does look really sad. She is such a cutie. I hope she stays out of the litter box now.;)

Daisy and Delilah
09-13-2005, 08:16 AM
Annabelle, you're so cute and sweet! Look at those big sad eyes and soft wrinkled coat. We don't have any kitty boxes here in our house in Florida Annabelle, if you want to come here with us and stay for re-hab. If Mom thinks it's necessary, we can make some arrangements. OK? ;) ;) ;) ;) You're adorable Annabelle and we love your name too:D

09-13-2005, 08:20 AM
Poor Annabelle. I hope she continues to feel better & stays out of that box.

09-13-2005, 08:39 AM
Oooh, poor bebe!
Better stay out of the kitty box. There are better treats to eat!
You are adorable!

09-13-2005, 09:27 AM
Don't look so sad, moomy just
wants you to stop eating the kittle litter. :D

09-13-2005, 10:30 AM
Aww, look at those eyes. She is so cute. Hopefully she'll steer clear of the litter box now ;)

Ginger's Mom
09-13-2005, 10:40 AM
Oh Annabelle, a little girl as cute as you should be eating gourmet dinners not kitty litter. I'm sure you have learned your lesson this time. Hope you are feeling better, sweetie.

09-13-2005, 05:37 PM
Ow Annabelle those are not Tootsie Rolls, even thought they look like them! I sure do hope you are feeling better really soon

09-13-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy
Ow Annabelle those are not Tootsie Rolls, even thought they look like them!

haha! :D

Poor Belly, hope she's feeling better! ^.~ Maybe a visit with Zeusey would make her feel better...? ;)

09-13-2005, 07:21 PM
Oh AnnaBelle you look so sad. I hope your poor widdle tummy feels better real soon. When I first got Trevor the vet told me at that first appointment "you'd better find a good place to hide his litter box because dogs just love it." YUCK! I was totally repulsed! LOL! We have the litter boxes in the basement and the cats can access it through a kitty door, which is too small for the dogs to go through, so we have never had any problems. Maybe you could find another location for the litter box?

09-13-2005, 08:50 PM
Oh my! That is certainly one very sad looking face. Oh Annabelle please stay out of the kitty litter. We don't want to see that sad face anymore, ok?!;)

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-14-2005, 02:03 PM
Oh, that is a sad sad but sweet face!:(:) Don't eat any more kitty litter Annabelle, ok??;)

09-14-2005, 02:36 PM
My Zipper is a nigh escape artist. After he burst through the gate, he heads right upstairs, raids the litter box in the bathroom, wets the carpet, then lies outside our bedroom door like the most pitiuful of souls. I worry, constantly!! It has happened two times, just this week!

Precious Annabelle, please stay away from the litter box! Zipper, you need to do the same thing too!


09-14-2005, 05:27 PM
Oh Annabelle, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Stay out of the kitty box, silly girl. My pug, Nacey likes them too. We moved our kitty box into the bathtub in the second bathroom, now the pups can't get into it.