View Full Version : three for one special

09-12-2005, 12:37 PM
Oh boy, I'm a worried foster meowmie! Flutter, Nessa and Elfie are ALL getting spayed Thursday! Whats worse is I'll be out of town, so I have to drop all three girls off Tuesday night for their Thursday spay! :eek: :( :o

I hope they will be ok in the cage for all of Wednesday, but there wasn't anything I could do! If I waited til the next open appointment, they might be in heat by then!! :eek: Flutter's showing signs of it already. She spent all afternoon yesterday putting her back side in Harry's face -- lazy oaf just kept turning his head around instead of getting up and walking away :rolleyes: Besides, two of them are adopted and we need to get them spayed ASAP so they can recover and go home to their new family.

I'm just extra worried because these three girls are special to begin with, but I also never had THREE recovering from spays before. I thought I was going to die last year when Abby was spayed... three sick, sad little girls at once? :(

09-12-2005, 02:12 PM
Kim, I feel your worry, but Abby was an exception to the rule. I have NEVER seen a girl suffer like that little pip-squeak did. The girls should recover well and the positive side is you can keep them together, but away from the others for a day or so to allow them to rest and not play too roughly at first.

What about Angel? Still diarrhea?

09-12-2005, 02:39 PM
I bet they will be fine Kim. I agree with Jen, Abby was an exception. When Rumor was spayed in January she did great. She stayed at the vet overnight after her spay and by the time she got home she was just dragging a little. Within 48 hours of her surgery she was almost 100%. It was impossible to keep her from jumping that week before her stitches came out.

Please let us know how they are when you can.

09-12-2005, 02:50 PM
awww Kim - I know you will worry no matter what - but maybe better to wory one day for all three than THREE days separately?? We will help you worry, so don't worry;) :cool: :D

Really - we WILL help you worry as I know all of us are very good at it when it comes to furrybabies.

09-12-2005, 03:19 PM
I know that this is such a worry for you. I'm sending out lots of prayers for you and the little ones.