View Full Version : The T's and two trips to the lake *pics*

09-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Hi there Pet Talk, popping in suddenly I know, I haven't been around as there has been a lot going on with me lately, but I really wanted to share some pics of the double T's.

Saturday we decided to look around and see if we couldn't find another area other than Quarry to take the pups to. Quarry is wonderful but sometimes a little variation is nice and I've wanted for a long time to find a lake shore so that Tommy would really get to swim. It's hard to find a beach area around here that allows dogs and the public, but we found one!

Unfortunately when we found it Saturday I wasn't really prepared. I was wearing jeans and we had no sunscreen on, so we didn't stay very long the first day but went back today with Tommy. Tasha wasn't too thrilled and kept whimpering the first day so today we just brought Tommy. Anyway, don't want to make an essay of this so on to the pics!

This one was a different area that had a couple trails but no beach, and we walked here for a bit before we found the 2nd area. That is slime/drool on Tommy's face, it was a bit hot (89 F). He pants and gets frothy mouthed and then shakes and it gets onto his face.

Then we found the beach. I rolled up my pant legs to my knees so I could wade out some. David had shorts on so it was easier for him. Tommy came right out with us but Tash wasn't too keen on it.

As we went further out though, she couldn't stand being left behind so she got brave and waded out. She didn't like it though, kept lifting each foot as high as she could out of the water.

She looks happier in this one because I'm cooing at her.

But the whole time she was out there, she kept holding one paw up in distaste!



I didn't get many good ones of Tommy the first day. It was afternoon and we were facing straight into the sun. It was also VERY windy and the water was wavy and choppy. One time a droplet got splashed onto the camera lens and I didn't realize it until I looked at the pics later.


The best pics were with my back to the sun.

David is comforting Tash in the background, she kept whimpering, wanting us to get out of the water but not willing to leave without us.

She was quite pleased when we finally went back to shore.

More next post from today.

finn's mom
09-11-2005, 04:23 PM
Those are awesome so far, jessica!

09-11-2005, 04:23 PM
These are from today with just Tommy. It was late morning and the sun was in a better spot so the pics turned out better.

Watching his ball being thrown.


Going after it.



Daddy playing with him, holding the ball underwater and then letting it bob back up.


"Throw it Daddy!"



He looks nervous here because there was a boat nearby with people shouting/laughing, but still wouldn't abandon his ball out there!

After a few minutes he decided the boat was nothing to worry about.

Just a few more.

09-11-2005, 04:24 PM
David took a few of me with him. My shorts look like a parachute because of the wind :o.

Bringing me back the ball.




This is one of my favorites.

That's all, thanks for looking! :)

finn's mom
09-11-2005, 04:27 PM
He's so handsome. His fur looks gorgeous when it's wet! That looks like a great place for you guys to go! I'm glad you took the time to post the photos!

09-11-2005, 04:33 PM
YAY! Finally! The two T's! :) I'm so glad you popped back in Jess. I hope you're feeling better! Those pictures of Tommy are just amazing...we didn't get any of Lexi today...:p Tasha is so adorable, and of course, lady's CAN NOT get their paws wet! ;) Thanks for tuning in....

-Paula and Lex

09-11-2005, 04:54 PM
:D They are just having a blast & staying so :cool: .. I do believe we like our BaaBaa.. You two are just adorable..

09-11-2005, 05:01 PM
Someone had fun at the water. :) Tommy looks like he was in heaven playing in the water and poor Tasha....she doesn't now what she is missing. :(

09-11-2005, 05:03 PM
really great pics!!:D

i wish i had a beach to take Ozzy and Barkely too, we just have the lake and i wont go in where i take them because the ground is so yucky, the beach there doesnt allow dogs:mad:

09-11-2005, 05:23 PM
Hi , Jessica!! It's nice to see you popping in and I hope you are feeling better. Great pictures!! Your two are gorgeous!! :)

09-11-2005, 05:30 PM
Thank you all! :D Kari, I agree, I just love his coat when it's wet before he shakes himself, it's beautiful! He had such a blast out there. I just keep smiling to myself, thinking of him galloping through the water like a horse, so happy with his ball in his mouth :). He had a wonderful time, and so did we. I'm so glad we went, this may be the last chance for us to enjoy going out in the water. Today got to 90 but by Wednesday our high is supposed to be 62! :eek: Fall is here, and we sometimes even get our first snow in October.

09-11-2005, 05:58 PM
Its so good to see you posting pictures! I love your dogs and your photography!! It looks like you all had a blast. Your two T's really are beatiful!:D

09-11-2005, 06:48 PM
oh poor tasha!! what a trooper. lol looks like tommy had a great time though! does he get to swim much?

09-11-2005, 06:57 PM
It's so good to see you posting Jessica! I hope you're doing ok. It's also so great to see Tommy and Tasha! It looks like Tommy had a very good time! :D

09-11-2005, 08:48 PM
Beautiful photos! Tasha is beautiful as ever and Tommy looks like he's having the time of the life! I bet he really enjoyed fetching the ball in the water. Thanks for sharing the pics! :)

09-11-2005, 09:09 PM
Jessica, I'm not sure I have ever seen you before!!!! It is great to see you, Tommy and your husband having such a fun time, and poor Tasha, she still looks cute, even if she was not a happy camper in her pictures!!! :)

Tommy is positively "regal" in his pictures, just as a Golden boy should be!!!! :)

You'll have to tell him that Lilly had a special outing of her own today, too, up to the mountains to pick apples with our family. She was the "chosen one" to tag along.


09-11-2005, 09:39 PM
It's great to see a post from you, Jessica, and i'm sorry I haven't gotten back to your PM yet.

The photos are wonderful I especially love this one of Tommy:
I thought of him today while I was at PetsMart. They had this log squeeker toy. I almost bought it but I was already over my spending "limit." Next time I go back (soon because Kiara needs a new collar and they didn't have any I liked today) I may be able to pick it up.

You know I love the T's and that little Tasha girl is too precious. I swear it's amazing how alike her/Simba/Nala are. Her looks remind me of Simba but the way she is about water is exactly how Nala is.

You take such nice photos and you look wonderful. :) I hope you get to feeling better soon, I miss seeing you and your kids on here.

Daisy and Delilah
09-11-2005, 10:07 PM
Jessica, it sure is great to hear from you. I have been thinking of you daily. We sure hope everything is getting better with you. We love the pics of the famous and beautiful Tommy and Tasha. Tommy was clearly having a great time but Tasha sweetie, doesn't look like you were enjoying the water too much. Awwww!! What a delicate little lady;) Take care Jessica and thanks for sharing.:)

09-11-2005, 10:17 PM
i love seein them

09-12-2005, 05:43 PM
I'm just getting back to this! Thanks so much for the compliments and well wishes, it sure warms my heart to read them!

Originally posted by veegan
oh poor tasha!! what a trooper. lol looks like tommy had a great time though! does he get to swim much?

That's actually the first time Tommy has truly gotten to swim. He's never really had the opportunity to be around a body of water where he could swim other than Quarry, and that makes him nervous because he can't really wade out, it plunges almost immediately into deep water and he is too inexperienced and cautious, at least up till now, to take a true dive. His retriever bloodlines came through at the lake though and before long he was swimming like he has done it all his life! :)

Tash really is a trooper and she continually touches me with her willingness to endure unpleasantness in order to stay by my side. When we first started wading in, David called to her but I told him "Don't bother, there's no way she'll come out here." However when I started wading in, David called out to me and I turned back to see her distastefully and unhappily wading in after me. No matter how far out I would wade, she would keep going, her little tummy sucked up as far as she could and whimpering from time to time. Broke my heart and I finally went to a much shallower area for her sake!

Logan, I don't really get many pictures of myself. Partly cause I'm usually holding the camera, partly cause I'm pretty self-conscious and often don't like how I look in pictures :D. I always think I look the most natural when I'm with the dogs and not worried about the camera. Tommy looked so beautiful plunging and swimming through the waters. There's something so breathtaking about seeing a retriever or lab or poodle swimming as they've been bred to do. It's hard to know who enjoyed it more, us or him! :)

Kay, I felt so bad about leaving Tash the second day but I knew she'd just be miserable out there and I'd be worried about her. I am sure I'm a biased Mommy but she always just looks so incredibly sweet and precious to me in her photos. I know you have a soft spot for her yourself ;). Thanks so much for the compliments and well wishes :).

Terry, gosh it's hard to know what to say, it makes me feel almost teary-eyed (in a happy good way) that you've thought so often of me. Thank you so very much for your warm, heartfelt words and for thinking of me so much.

Thanks again to all of you! I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing us!

09-12-2005, 05:59 PM
Those are some really good pics! It's been way too long since we've seen your beautiful "kids". Tommy looks so happy in the water. Tasha is her pretty self as always. She's kind of like Duke in not liking the water too much. Although Duke likes it unti his feet won't touch. Maybe she'll get used to it when you go more and she can have more fun, then. It was great seeing them again!
This isn't perfect but since you said it was your favorite, I cleaned it up for you. Hope you like it!

09-13-2005, 08:00 AM
Beautiful pics, Jess! And so great to see YOU in a few of them, too!:D You know how I love the water (Star too:D) and it's great to see gorgeous Tommy enjoying his first real swim! Wow!!! He looks SO happy, so beautiful! And he's a natural water baby, that's for sure!:) Oh poor Tasha...;) Love that dainty paw action! hehehe. It's so sweet how, despite not enjoy getting wet, she stuck close to you and David...What a troooper! Hope you all get to visit your new favorite spot often and share more precious pics!

Love to you and the kids!

09-13-2005, 07:07 PM
Wonderful pictures!!!!!! I *always* enjoy your pics, Jessica! The pups are SO adorable, and the pics spectacular. Can't wait till Dawn's photoshoot! *hint hint* ;)

09-13-2005, 09:00 PM
Jess, it just warms my heart to see you posting again and your pictures are always awesome! I'm so glad I caught this thread. Tommy looks like he is really enjoying himself and having fun swimming. I love that sweet Tasha girl and how she stayed right with you even though she didn't really like it. That is just the sweetest thing. So wonderful to see you too, my friend! That really put a smile on my face!

I always envy your photography skills;)


09-13-2005, 09:20 PM
Thank you so much all! Val you did a really nice editing job on on that, thank you! It feels good to be "back!" :) Tasha and Tommy send wags and slurpy kisses out to everyone!

09-13-2005, 10:45 PM
Jessica!! Sandra!!!! I have wondered about both of you, and here you are!!!

The pictures are marvelous, Jess. :) I love Tommy.......of course, I love Tasha too, but Tommy is a Golden boy and I connect with him!!!! :)

09-13-2005, 11:06 PM
Hi Sandra and Jess! Great to hear from you both! Jess, the pics are awesome. I can't even pick a favorite! Tommy and Tasha are so gorgeous-there's not enough adjectives to describe how I feel about them!

09-14-2005, 12:05 AM

gorgeous pics of you - David and the T's of course!!!
Tommy looks like he had a blast and Tasha looked like she ahhh didn't! ;)