View Full Version : Rehoming the Budgie

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-10-2005, 02:43 PM
You may all remember that a couple of months ago I rescued a budgie at my local golf course. Of course I decided to keep it, and received great advice from many of you here on PT regarding care, feeding etc.

I bought him a huge cage, and had been spending at least half an hour twice per day with my hand in the cage trying to socialise him. I was also planning to get a friend for him.

The downside to the whole setup is that due to me already having two cats in the house, the birdcage had to be in my bedroom, for the bird's safety. I did leave the radio on all day, but other than when I am in bed or specifically spending time with the budgie, he was all on his own.

When we went on holiday 3 weeks ago, birdie went to my next door neighbour to be looked after there. She had budgies when she was younger, and absolutely LOVES birds. She has 4 year-old twin girls who are also mad about birds, and spend hours in front of the cage talking to him. As they have no other pets his cage is in the kitchen, where there is always activity going on.

When I went to collect him after my holiday my friend started telling me how much they loved having him, and how they are planning to buy a budgie of their own.

It made sense to offer that they keep my boy. As much as I love him, he has a better home environment next door, and already seems happier and more chirpy.

I hope no-one htinks badly of me for rehoming him, but I really felt it was the best thing for HIM!

Thanks for reading this LOOONG post!!



Suki Wingy
09-10-2005, 04:07 PM
Sounds like it worked out great.:)

09-10-2005, 07:20 PM
You did a greyt thing! You saved a budgie's life and gave him to a loving home with food, water, treats, and huge cage to top it off! You should proud of yourself, because I know I am ;)

09-11-2005, 06:13 AM
You are the prime example of a good pet parent.....thinking of the pet's life before your own. You believe that he will be better off with the attention of 2 doting 4 year olds and you thought of him before yourself and how much you will miss him. You did a wonderful thing.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-11-2005, 07:07 AM
Thanks for the positive comments. I've been feeling bad about him, but as Warren (hubby) said, " You wouldnt have left him there if it wasn't for the best".

PLUS I can visit whenever I want to;)

09-14-2005, 10:51 PM
whats best for him is first shows real love n concern.His happiness ment more and that is what makes you a wonderful pet person...PJ

09-14-2005, 11:19 PM
I think you made the perfect decision for him, Julie. Good thing you can visit him too! I'm sure he's a very happy birdie with your neighbors. Thank you for rescuing this innocent soul!

09-14-2005, 11:23 PM
It's hard when you rescue an animal. It's not as if you decided you wanted a budgie and went out and bought one, then realized you didn't have the time. He needed a home and you couldn't just leave him homeless. You took him in because he needed you and you wanted to give him a better life. You shouldn't feel guilty at all because you did exactly what you had intended. You saved him and gave him a better life.