View Full Version : Draker Le Pew!

03-11-2002, 11:47 AM
From the title of this post, you probably figured out the problem.

On Saturday, Drake, Andrew, and I went hiking. Drake chased something and it turned out to be a skunk! He got sprayed in the face! Yikes! The rest of his body was fine.

Anyhow, we spent the whole day bathing him. We tried everything. Tomato juice first, then shampoo, then two different skunk odor neutralizers. The smell is still there but it is very faint. You can not smell it if he is in the room, but if you get really close to him , you can smell it.

Any tips on how to get rid of the scent other than just letting it fade?

03-11-2002, 11:58 AM
Didn't Phred have this problem not long ago? Well, not Phred himself :eek: :o but Cinders I think (doubt iffin 'mokie would do such a thing). Maybe Phred can suggest something. I always thought the tomato thing was supposed to work. yuck Good luck

03-11-2002, 12:06 PM
Poor Draker Le Pew, I'm sure he is hating life right now more than you are. LOL I don't have any answers for you, I thought the tomato juice would do it too. Just wanted to tell you Souraya to give Mr. Le Pew a hug and he was just doing what comes natural. LOL

03-11-2002, 12:38 PM
Have you tried Mouth Wash? Used to use Scope oin my Shadow (RB) when this would happen it seemed to work better than tomato juice.:)

Dixieland Dancer
03-11-2002, 01:13 PM
Stop laughing so hard!

I'm trying

Not hard enough

OK, I'm under control now!

I'm laughing because I can just picture all of this in my head and realize how close I have come to it with my own dog. Dixie will chase anything with four paws and Dusty is even worse.

I also thought the tomatoe juice thing would work. Please let us know what you do since it will probably happen to one of us too!

Give Drake Le Pew a hug for me. I think he deserves a special treat. Send him to spend the week with Andrew!! Just kidding of course! :D

03-11-2002, 01:45 PM
Candy, I just realized you are 5 post short of being 1000! Yippee!

Well, I will try the mouthwash tonight. The tomato juice helped but didn't totally eliminate the scent. Andrew had Drake drenched in it! It stained his fur and I had to use a whitner shampoo to get the stains out. It was quite and ordeal! But funny.

The smell doesn't seem to be bothering Le Pew. I let him sleep with me last night for the first time since the spray. I couldn't smell it until I gave his face a kiss. He had the nerve to turn his nose up at my perfume this morning when I was getting reading for work. He!He!He!

Cinder & Smoke
03-11-2002, 02:29 PM
Hi, Le Pew ~

Cinder here ~ with :eek: experience ~ :rolleyes:

Here's the Latest & Greatest ~ According to :mad: Dad:

**A hydrogen peroxide/baking soda recipe:
* 1 Quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
* 1/4 cup of Baking Soda
* 1 teaspoon of Liquid Dishwashing Soap
* Wash firmly into fur while mixture is bubbling...
* Let stand or continue rubbing in for 5-10 minutes...
* Rinse off with tap water.
** Special Note: Do NOT mix this solution in a closed container ~
** It will **burst** as pressure will build up!
** Use immediatly after mixing before it stops *bubbling*.
*** Don't get in Pet's mouth, ears, or eyes!!!

Some web sites suggest using...

* Massengil Douche Powder (Nope... Not a joke!) But Dad said "No Way!" unless I'd go inna druggy store wiffa note tied round my neck anna munnie inna lil baggie! :rolleyes: We dint try this wun.

* Scope Mouth Wash (but not other mouth washes for some reason??). Might also be helpful for dogs getting 'skunk breath' after a skunk encounter. ;)

Wun time (I gotz *Skunqued* two timez - I'mma slow learner :( ...) It took'd TWO Peroxide an Baking Soda baffs kuz I gotz a good dose :eek: frum the purdy B&W kitty. Just startin to dry out after the furst baff when Dad startz *sniffin* all ober my bod... Got rushed back to the garage and he whipped up anudder batch of magic potion an did me again. I smelled so *neutral* after that it wuz disgusting!

Here's a good site to peek at...

Beyond Tomato Juice... Skunk Spray Remedies (http://granicus.if.org/~firmiss/m-d/skunk-remedies.html)

Dixieland Dancer
03-11-2002, 03:25 PM
I really don't know why this has hit such a funny bone with me but tell Draker Le Pew he made my day! I am still laughing just imagining you and Andrew and POOR POOR Drake trying to get all that nasty smell off him. After all he just wanted to have some fun!! :D

I shouldn't laugh to hard or it just might be me next time! I'll have to remember Phred's remedy!

Yep! Only 5 more to go! That's a lot of talkin!

03-11-2002, 03:34 PM
Phred, I will try the Baking Soda and Peroxide and see how it works. I used Skunk Kleen and OdorMute but they didn't totally take care of the smell. Thank God my house doesn't smell, I would have had to hurt Andrew! :D :D I tend to be a bit obsesive compulsive when it comes to my house's cleanliness.

Candy, It wasn't funny when it happened. I was so mad coz I really didn't want to go hiking coz I have been sick, but Andrew kept reminding me how Drake loved it and always had a blast when we hiked, so we went. Now, it has gotten better. I am not mad anymore and find it a bit humorous (if that is at all possible). Drake doesn't seem to care!

03-11-2002, 07:20 PM
Souraya, this happened to my Ashley (RB) several years ago and it was awful. She couldn't open her eyes and when I opened them to look in they were all red. I was afraid for her sight! The vet mentioned to me about the Summer's Eve (you know what) :o so that's what we used.

I am happy that Phred has posted the other recipe (which I am going to print out now) because I have a feeling I will need to use it at some point with Bella. About a week or two ago she dashed across the yard to bark at a skunk on the other side of the fence in the woods. He sprayed as he was leaving but fortunately he didn't get it on her but blasted the fence pretty good. It really stunk up my yard for several hours! :eek:

03-12-2002, 07:51 AM
Hey, Souraya, this happened to my dog also. He played with the skunk, tossing it in the air like a toy, and the thing was spraying the whole time. My husband had to shoot it because Dakota didn't kill it but severely wounded it and he kept laying there spraying. We used the stuff that Phred had posted on here. We also used mayonaise (sp?) in between the peroxide stuff. We did three applications of the peroxide misture and two applications of the mayonaise. We had him lick the mayonaise also since he had gotten sprayed down the throat too. It was not a fun time when we went through it but, as usual, we were able to look back and laugh. I'm glad it didn't effect Drake's health and he seems to be fine.

03-14-2002, 10:12 AM
How is Draker Le Pew doing? How is the smell? Is it easing up? I don't think that anything gets rid of the smell 100 percent. For a while on damp days Dakota would still have an odor but it does go away eventually (after a good shedding). This might be the only time you look forward to a shedding episode. ;)

03-14-2002, 12:37 PM
The odor is slowly fading away. But when he gets damp it gets stronger. Drake has been blowing his undercoat, but I don't think it is going to make the smell any better. He is getting his Spring haircut this weekend. maybe that will help a bit.