View Full Version : Mishu

03-11-2002, 11:45 AM
Mishu, what a handsome boy you are, your coloring is just beautiful. I think you are King in your house. LOL I have a Schnauzer, Miss Daisy and I do what your Dad does, play with her, feed her, love her and she still goes to my husband. What is the saying, "You should not bite the hand that feeds you" LOL I think you are so lucky that your Dad loves you so much and he loves to come home to his best friend, Mishu. Congratulations dear, sweet, Mishu, you are our Very Best Pet of the Day, and I'm sure your Dad will give you some extra treats on your special day.

03-11-2002, 02:12 PM
What an independent little soul you are! Handsome too! I hope one day soon you let your Daddy know how special he is to you by letting him touch you. Or sit on his shoulder. That would be a big crowd pleaser! Congrats on being our wonderful Pet of the Day today. I'm sure you will get lots of treats from your Daddy! :D

03-11-2002, 05:16 PM
Hi beautiful Mishu! Sounds like you've got your devoted Dad wrapped around your little claw!!:D I know a lot of stay at home Mom's who can relate to his dilemma!!;) And though you may, for now, be a little stingy with your attention, I think the love that this Dad feels for his very special feathered friend is unconditional! Now that's TRUE LOVE!!!:) Today we honor not only you, dear Mishu, but your loyal, loving and devoted Dad as well! Congratulations to you dear Mishu, our very beautiful, most cherished, Pet of the Day! And Dad, don't give up your quest!! Your unselfish brand of animal love is the purest kind of all!

03-11-2002, 09:16 PM
Mishu - WOW - you sure are pretty! Sounds like you have a very devoted Daddy and family. You look so healthy, your feather's just glisten. Congrats for being our Pet Of The Day, pretty boy!:D