View Full Version : Obediance 101

09-08-2005, 12:09 PM
SammyJ does not obey me when others are around>> Looking for some help(HELP)
how in the world do you correct this..I can cause for some real scary things, I cant let him off the leash if others are around..He dont listen and im afraid of what might happen to him..If hes on the leash he has to listen.I guess I could put him on a leash inside
when some one comes over..dear me..sounds crazy..What ideas have you had??? Hes great when its just me and him, which is 90 percent of the time. But let some one come over terriable, and if there is like 3 people its awfully, i feel like putting him in a room by him self..sigh...:rolleyes:

09-08-2005, 01:19 PM
ok, it seems to me that he does not understand that he has to listen in other enviroments as well. first of all invite people over just to help you out with this, have people watching and start over, dont ask him to sit and expect him too, pretend he never knew it to begin with and reteach it all with other people in the room. once he has got this start moving to other places, such as outside a grocery store and again re-teach the basics. as for other dogs, well try a dog park? mine do it just because A) I have 5 dogs, I can put one is a stay and play fetch with the others lol and B) my dogs have been attending flyball tournys, and agility trials and other such things since they were puppys, obedience is not something I work on only at certain times, every where I take them I am working on their obedience ,, Happys stays are reinforced when I take her to the bike path and another dog comes along, I remeber one time I put her in a sit stay at the top of a hill while I went to see the other doggie, the guy I was talking to thought Happy was tied up there lol because I take my dpgs so many places with me I am always refining their skills.

09-08-2005, 02:22 PM
that is all good advice i will start that as soon as possiable..
your dog is so well trained..I am hoping to get another dog soon. I hope this will help..He seems to get just a tiny bit of a stubborn streak evey now and then. I think thisis more to try me than any thing else.
I will start the re-training..If i can just get people her that will not interfer..thank you so much appricate your help.

Dixieland Dancer
09-08-2005, 03:57 PM
Your dog definitely doesn't understand what is expected of him so retraining is a good idea. However, if it didn't work the first time, perhaps you need help. I strongly suggest enrolling in a positive obedience class. The social interaction of other dogs along with a qualified teacher offering help and suggestions along the way are a win win situation in training.

In practice at home, you need to make sure your dog understands every detail completely before moving forward to other commands. If you move too fast the dog will be overwhelmed. There are many wonderful training sites online. I highly recommend Karen Pryor's clicker training site. Clicker training makes training the dog faster and more accurate.

09-08-2005, 06:32 PM
that is a good idea, i got the site, and am going to read it..
I took him to my siters today, and she has 2 outdoor dogs that come in sometimes just to say hi..lol..well sammyj was awfull..her one dog buster, is just as friendly and sweet, and I had a hard time keeping sammyj from biting him..very nerve wracking..her other dog is a really sweet pit..but she dont like sammyj..not at all, and she got in and and all hell broke lose and and both dogs were horriable..my daughter did not like it that i held sammy and was correcting him ,she got mad and then i got mad..dear lord it was awfull..I never said a word jsut came home..what a horriable situation..my daughter has 2 dogs they are unruly and jump on you and they are big, they have knocked the breath out of me before..and i tell her that is uncalled for, she says they just want to say they love you..so as you can see, even correction of her own dogs is a no no..I dont argue, and I dont like it that she tells me how to make my dog mind..any way...im trying to get sammyj done right.sigh..righ now im kinda sickened..lol..thank you so much wil ck the clicker site...have to get more packing done am taking out the old trailer and putting in another so stressed enough as it is..lol..PJ