View Full Version : Rocky

09-08-2005, 11:51 AM
Aw, Rocky what a character you seem to be.
I love your pictures. You seem to be just full of fun!
Sounds like you have a wonderful home and loving guardian, which is as it should be.
It was such a treat to see your wonderful pictures today and meet you cyberly.
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!:D

09-08-2005, 01:19 PM
Handsome Rocky, your adoring human's deeply loving tribute brought tears to my eyes. I can just feel the depth of the truly amazing bond you and your person share through her words. Such a gentle soul you are, Rocky. Thank goodness your person found you and the true light of your personality was allowed to fully shine. There is not a mean bone in your body precious Rocky, I'd love to give you scritchies and kisses. Have your human give you some for me ok? :) What a beautiful blessing you and your human have been to each other's lives. Thank you, Rocky's human, for such a touching and heartwarming tribute to your precious boy. Rocky, I hope today is especially perfect for you with all your very favorite treats and activities. Congratulations on being our EXTRA special, MOST deserving Pet of the Day!

09-08-2005, 02:07 PM
Good Afternoon Rocky! Oh, what a smile your precious pics have brought to my face! That first one just cracks me up!:D Could it really be true that they don't begin to capture the full flavor of your awesome personality???:eek: Your Mom is right, she is so very lucky to be owned by you!:) And I'm sure you would agree Rocky, you are equally blessed to have such a caring, devoted loving human in your life! Have a great day celebrating your much deserved "top pet" honors with your loving Mom, Rocky! Congratulations to you handsome Rocky, our sweetest, most gentle and lovable PET OF THE DAY!:) Sending an endless supply of head skritches your way, precious Rocky!:)

09-08-2005, 02:08 PM
Hi there, Rocky! :) What a handsome boy you are!! :) I love your name, that is my black labrador retriever's name! :) Enjoy your special day, honey bunnie!! :)

09-08-2005, 02:54 PM
Ravishing Rocky, you are such a special birdy boy! It was fun learning about your fabulous life and seeing your handsome, animated face!! Congrats to Sweet Rocky! :) :D :)

09-08-2005, 04:53 PM
WOW. Rocky, it was a pleasure to meet such a handsome and entertaining fella. I love your owners story - thanks for sharing.

new mom to a veiled
09-08-2005, 09:39 PM
Congrats Rocky. You are a special baby and I hope you get skritchies all day

sasha the cat
09-08-2005, 11:01 PM
Rocky, you are a wonderful, beautiful bird. Seems like you only needed your "true" human parent to love you -- you grew into a fine fellow and we can see why your human is deeply in love with you. You deserve it and congratulations on being our darling Pet of the Day.