View Full Version : i need a texas name!

09-07-2005, 07:00 PM
as ya may know i'm getting a new show pup. he's a grey and white siberian husky, just like my Gracie. the breeder wants Texas reg names because the sire's kennel name is Texas. i need a Register name (example: Juroblyn's this time around)


P.S. i'm bring him home on the 18th when Gracie and i get back from our Chatanooga show. THERE WILL BE PICS OF THE NEW BABY!:D

09-07-2005, 07:05 PM
My friend has a registered chihuahua and his name is
Riley's Little Texas Tornado. I think its cute.

09-07-2005, 07:08 PM
There are lots of great texas names.

This link will give you all the cities in Texas.

I like the names

09-07-2005, 07:14 PM
Texas Tender Heart
Trouble in Texas
That's the best I could do without really thinking about it.

09-07-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
There are lots of great texas names.

This link will give you all the cities in Texas.

I like the names
i've already decided that his call name is gonna be Houston. i need a reg name. the kennel's name is Juroblyn.

09-07-2005, 07:18 PM
Houston's time around Juroblyn? I'm grasping at straws here.

09-07-2005, 07:18 PM
So would something like

Juroblyn's Lone Star work?

09-07-2005, 07:22 PM
Juroblyn's Texas Ranger??

09-07-2005, 07:25 PM
Juroblyn's Long Lost Texas
Juroblyn's Texas Lone Star...(combining Uabassoon's)
Juroblyn's If I Were In Texas
Juroblyn's Secret Texas
Juroblyn's Texas Golden Eye
Juroblyn's Turn to Texas

09-07-2005, 07:26 PM
Uabassoon-i really like that name. i'm putting it on my list.

Lexi_Lover- nice! great names! they are all going on the list!:)

09-07-2005, 07:28 PM
Juroblyn's don't mess with Texas
Juroblyn's Yellow Rose of Texas
Juroblyn's Texas Holdem

09-07-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by lute
Uabassoon-i really like that name. i'm putting it on my list.

Lexi_Lover- nice! great names! they are all going on the list!:)
Awesome! :p LOL! I have more...if you want!

09-07-2005, 07:31 PM
Oooh...I like this one! :p
Juroblyn's Texas Hold 'Em

Heres some more...

Juroblyn's Texas Matchmaker
Juroblyn's Texas Longhorn
Juroblyn's Texas Jamborie
Juroblyn's Tourin' Texas

LOL, I'm runnin' out!

09-07-2005, 07:53 PM
LOL! A husky associated with Texas. I think something like:

Sweatin' up a Storm

might be appropriate. ;)

Love that you're using Houston. Make sure you pronounce it right though. That'd be You-stun, not House-ton or Hews-ton or Hew-stun. :)


09-07-2005, 08:07 PM
One more...

Juroblyn's Texas Ride 'Em

09-08-2005, 09:16 AM
Juroblyn's Little Texas
Juroblyn's Lonestar State of Mind
Juroblyn's Texas Tumbleweed
Juroblyn's Texan Cowboy

09-08-2005, 09:46 AM
"Houston we have a problem" sorry couldn't help myself

09-08-2005, 02:16 PM
drum roll please........

Houston's reg name is going to be......

Juroblyn's Trouble in Texas


thanks for all the great names! i just kept comming back to this name that dukedogsmom posted. i just got off the phone with my friend and she said that trouble DEFINATLY suits him. he's always into something and he's quite a talker too.:D

09-08-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by lute

(i don't want to upset anyone, but Gracie is a showdog and yes, she's a family member first, but she's just a practice dog. she will be the last sibe i get. they are not the breed for me. don't think just because they aren't the breed for me i won't love her just as much. she's my baby and i love her to death, but after i'm done showing her and she's retired, i'm done with sibes. on to the breed i was ment to be with...great danes.)


09-11-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by lute

(i don't want to upset anyone, but Gracie is a showdog and yes, she's a family member first, but she's just a practice dog. she will be the last sibe i get. they are not the breed for me. don't think just because they aren't the breed for me i won't love her just as much. she's my baby and i love her to death, but after i'm done showing her and she's retired, i'm done with sibes. on to the breed i was ment to be with...great danes.)

Originally posted by wolf_Q

alright. i wrote that a while back and back then i really didn't think that sibes were for me. i still don't think they are the PERFECT breed for me, but after Gracie got older and got passed that jumping, yapping, soiling the floor stage i learned to like the breed. i do plan on stopping the siberian and doing great danes, but for the moment i'm working with sibes. please understand.

finn's mom
09-11-2005, 03:11 PM
So, is Houston going to be a forever pet? I just reread some of your previous posts, and, I'm just not sure what's up. How old is Gracie? How long will you show your Siberian Huskies before you move on to Great Danes? Will you keep them all as pets? I'm not trying to be insulting or ugly, I'm just lost. And, if you don't want to answer this, that's fine...but, what did you meant by "practice dog?" When she retires from showing, are you keeping her?

09-11-2005, 03:11 PM
Lute, if you really don't love Siberians in your heart, you're not obligated to acquire this next puppy. People show and breed because they love the breed more than anything else. They ADORE the breed. They devote their lives and well-being for the sake of the futurity of the breed. It sounds like you're just getting a dog to show it, which is completely counterproductive (the purpose of showing is to evaluate breeding stock. Winning a championship is just one of the hurdles one must jump in order to "prove" that the dog is worthy of being bred). Remember, YOU HAVE NO OBLIGATION. I hope you make the right choice.

09-11-2005, 03:13 PM
I like the name you picked. It is really cute.:)

09-11-2005, 05:04 PM
finn's mom-
Gracie and Houston are here for good. i would never dream of giving them up. they are my companions and family members before show dogs. Gracie is going to be 9 months old on sept 16th. i honestly don't know how long i'm going to show sibes before i move on to danes. like i said before the siberian breed has grown on me. i've learned to love them....almost as much as danes. when i started showing dogs i got Gracie as a dog i could show and learn with. that's what i ment by "practice" dog.

i DO love siberians. i think they are a wonderful breed. i don't love them as much as i love danes. the only reason i say they aren't the PERFECT breed for me is i hate their high prey drive. i know that's silly, but that's the only thing about them i don't like.

09-11-2005, 05:20 PM
I think Trouble in Texas is a *really* cute name, and I wish you the BEST of luck!

However, I think you should definitely value the whole temperament of Sibes and understand them more if you're going to be showing and breeding and raising them. High prey drive is something that has been bred into them for 100's of years ~ it is a part of their breed, and part of what makes them invaluable sled dogs! It annoys me sooooo much when I hear people advertising "RARE LOW DRIVE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES" in the paper, and people that want Border Collies without any herding instinct - these dogs are not Pomeranians, they are bred to work not to be a lap dog. Huskies are prey-driven working dogs, period. That is what makes them Huskies. ;) I think it'd be best if you learned to embrace that characteristic, value it and accept it for what it is! If Gracie does have high prey drive, there are many ways that you can channel her drive and make it productive instead of annoying ~ such as training her to skijor with you, or pull a small sled, tracking, or even try flyball or competitive frisbee.

I also wanted to add ~ Danes are also working dogs, and I've met many with very high prey drive.

09-13-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by bckrazy
I think Trouble in Texas is a *really* cute name, and I wish you the BEST of luck!

However, I think you should definitely value the whole temperament of Sibes and understand them more if you're going to be showing and breeding and raising them. High prey drive is something that has been bred into them for 100's of years ~ it is a part of their breed, and part of what makes them invaluable sled dogs! It annoys me sooooo much when I hear people advertising "RARE LOW DRIVE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES" in the paper, and people that want Border Collies without any herding instinct - these dogs are not Pomeranians, they are bred to work not to be a lap dog. Huskies are prey-driven working dogs, period. That is what makes them Huskies. ;) I think it'd be best if you learned to embrace that characteristic, value it and accept it for what it is! If Gracie does have high prey drive, there are many ways that you can channel her drive and make it productive instead of annoying ~ such as training her to skijor with you, or pull a small sled, tracking, or even try flyball or competitive frisbee.

I also wanted to add ~ Danes are also working dogs, and I've met many with very high prey drive.

i compleatly understand what your saying. and i agree with you. i know that the highprey drive is part of the breed. i don't wish to remove it from the breed at all. i just don't like it. Gracie doesn't have too bad of a prey drive. she's learned to live with the cat and now instead of trying to eat her she just ignores her or playes gently with her. from what i hear from my breeder friend Houston has a heck of a prey drive so i'm gonna have to really watch him.

09-13-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by lute
i compleatly understand what your saying. and i agree with you. i know that the highprey drive is part of the breed. i don't wish to remove it from the breed at all. i just don't like it. Gracie doesn't have too bad of a prey drive. she's learned to live with the cat and now instead of trying to eat her she just ignores her or playes gently with her. from what i hear from my breeder friend Houston has a heck of a prey drive so i'm gonna have to really watch him.

I understand your side, & everyone elses, but by the sounds of it, especially the description of Houston, It seems like you may just be asking for trouble.
Gracie may see Houston act with his high prey drive towards your cat & her instincts can come right back out, sometimes 10fold. It happens & often.

Is there anyway you can seperate them?

09-13-2005, 02:42 PM
if you haven´t got Houston yet, would you consider getting a Dane instead??

09-13-2005, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Husky_mom
if you haven´t got Houston yet, would you consider getting a Dane instead??
i would love a dane! but right now, because of the parentals, it's not an option.

I understand your side, & everyone elses, but by the sounds of it, especially the description of Houston, It seems like you may just be asking for trouble.

Is there anyway you can seperate them?

i've thought about this and yes, Houston might make Gracie's prey drive come back out. the cat won't be in any trouble. she's kept outside and she pretty much stays to herself unless i bring her over for the dogs to play with. i won't do that when Houston comes because i don't want to take a chance.

09-13-2005, 05:37 PM
I like to say Amarillo a lot for some reason. its just fun to say. :)

glad you picked a name.

09-13-2005, 09:57 PM
I still think you're going to have trouble. In Greys, an adoption group wouldn't DREAM of placing a high prey drive dog in a cat-home. Even though your kitty may live primarily outside, you must must must supervise your Siberians whenever they go outside. When excited and outside, your pups' prey drives will resurface.

Our group recently hosted a chain of lure coursing trials. One Greyhound owner let her dog run the course. However, when she brought her dog home, her dog proceeded to kill the family cat. This Greyhound had lived with the family cat for *years*, but when the Grey ran on the lure coursing field, her prey drive resurfaced, and the story unfortunately ends in death. I would highly recommend you reconsider acquiring Houston. You know, I sort of have the same situation as you. I could not stand Greyhound puppies for a minute. Contrary to their calm elders, Grey puppies are notoriously known for their landsharkiness. Therefore, I devote my life to show Pekingeses and adopting retired racers, who are years past puppyhood. Perhaps you could do the same :)

09-14-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Giselle
I still think you're going to have trouble. In Greys, an adoption group wouldn't DREAM of placing a high prey drive dog in a cat-home. Even though your kitty may live primarily outside, you must must must supervise your Siberians whenever they go outside. When excited and outside, your pups' prey drives will resurface.

Any reputable breeder won't place a pup with a high prey drive in a home with cats or other small critters either.

09-14-2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Any reputable breeder won't place a pup with a high prey drive in a home with cats or other small critters either.

i think that was really uncalled for. my friend is a very reputable breeder. we've already talked about the cat. i watch the dogs very well when they go outside. they don't go off leash unless they are in the kennel or at the park on the other side of town.

09-14-2005, 11:50 PM

I think it's great you are involved with shows, and love it! Good for you! But from someone who has been there, I think instead of getting another puppy so quick you should focus on Gracie, and getting her Championship. It's very difficult to train and show two dogs at the same time, and even more difficult when they are both still puppies. Regardless of the breed. Before you make your final decision you should think about your future, if you get another Husky, then that's another space taken up which could have been occupied by a Dane.
Whatever you choose, good luck!

09-15-2005, 12:52 AM
I've been trying to avoid this thread, but...

lute, please be careful. As you know I have both huskies and cats. My higher prey drive huskies are never allowed to even see one of my cats. I have warned my neighbors who let their cats outside that if their cats come over here, they are dead and I will not take responsbility for their animal being on my property. If one of my dogs got out and killed someone's cat, that would be my responsibility. Check your local animal control by-law. In many places a dog that is off it's owner's property and kills or injures another domestic animal can be classed as dangerous and immediately euthanized--regardless of breed or situation. That's what would happen to my dogs if they killed someone else's cat while on a walk-about. Your cat would likely be much safer from your dogs in the house--not to mention safer from a multitude of other dangers.

Stop letting Gracie play with your cat at all. If her prey drive kicks in, it doesn't matter if you are six inches away, your cat is dead.

Huskies are pack animals. They are much more likely to show their natural instincts when they are with other huskies--their pack. One high prey drive dog can trigger another with no prey drive to hunt!

I take great care to make sure my cats are safe and it's still not enough. My cats stay inside, I have two doors on all entrances to my house just in case a door gets left ect. On May 26, 2005, I was gone for 90 minutes in the evening. When I left all 8 cats were inside and perfectly fine. I came home to find Dominique's broken body in the yard. I have no idea how she got outside. She was killed by the dogs she had lived in perfect harmony with for over five years. I've had some pretty horrid stuff happen to me in my life, but finding Dominique was the single worst moment of my life. That moment is forever seared into my mind. I miss her every day, I still cry for her every day. I have struggled to rebuild my relationship with my dogs every day. Almost every husky-cat owner I know has a story of their husky killing a cat. Ask yourself honestly if you will be able to forgive Gracie or Houston if they kill your cat? It's extraordinarily hard to rehome a confirmed small animal killer.

I adore my dogs, but it has been a struggle to remember that they were just dogs being dogs and doing what they have been bred to do for 1000's of years. I have forgiven them. I will never forgive myself.

I don't mean to deter you from a second husky if that's really what you want. They are wonderful dogs. But, trust me, you don't want to go through this, especially if you aren't fully committed to the breed. Good luck whatever you decide.

Den Anne Pen
09-15-2005, 02:48 AM
I agree with everyone else.

My sister has a husky and a akita mix while her Akita mix is worse with small animals she'll go after anything in the yard birds, skunks,racoons,ect. when they are together it''s worse Luna the husky would play with the cat before they got VAl but since they got her the cat stays upstairs because with the 2 of them her additude changed with the cat.

I am raising 2 puppies right now there 2 months apart and i'll tell you it is it's beyond a fulltime job. I would'n get 2 puppies again at the same time. Don't get me wrong i love them and don't regret getting them but i also relize they'll be no social life now for about another year. I really would'nt suggest getting 2 pups at once.

Also you have to watch out with having 2 pups at the same time because they will bond to eachother and not to you. So that means EXTRA time with eachone and also letting them know your the alpha.
It really is ALOT ALOT of work.

Good luck with what you decide
I'm not trying to preach to you just let you know it's beyond a fulltime job

09-15-2005, 01:32 PM
i'm so sorry about Dominique. what a terrible thing to come home to.:( i love my cat to death, but if i had to i could rehome her. my best freind just recently adopted a cat i was fostering. she had just lost her cat of 19 yrs. she said if my cat, PiddyBob, ever needed a home to let her know she's take her in a heartbeat. she would be a fully indoors cat and have her buddy(the foster cat) back. i've thought about it. i'd get to see her whenever i wanted because my friend lives 2 blocks away. i think that what i'm gonna do is get Houston and if he even looks at the cat wrong PiddyBob will go live with my friend.

09-15-2005, 01:44 PM
I think what Glacier is trying to say is...you're not always going to be there for your cat. Like she said, her dogs lived fine with the cats till one day she was out....this could happen to your cat...you might think "if he looks at the cat wrong..." but I honestly don't think it will happen like that...You could think "Oh, awesome! Houston is gonnaplay with her like Gracie!!" then the dog could suddenly decide to kill it....I don't know much about it, but should you take the chance? Is it fair to rehome your cat just so you can have this dog?? No offence, but if I had the choice of getting a dog and rehoming my cats...there would be no dog. My pets I have now are family and I made a life long commitment to them. I guess if you feel she will be happy there then whatever is best for the cat...however, if you're getting the dog you should probably rehome the cat??? Like..don't take any chances...esp if you said he has a high prey drive...I duno, like I said, I don't know anything about this sort of thing...I'm just a little worried about the cat.

I hope everything goes well for you. Are you going to keep showing Gracie along with Houston?? Good luck :)

09-15-2005, 01:47 PM
I think Glacier gave you some very good information. Just think of all the years of experience she's had. If you're really set on getting another puppy, I'd rehome the cat before getting the dog. There's no need taking chances, you know?

09-15-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by lute
i think that was really uncalled for. my friend is a very reputable breeder. we've already talked about the cat. i watch the dogs very well when they go outside. they don't go off leash unless they are in the kennel or at the park on the other side of town.

I am honestly very sorry if I caused any bad feelings and I understand where your coming from. I appologize for that but I still believe the same. A reputable caring concerned breeder would place a husky in a home with cat, but not one that has a very high prey drive.
I do believe that the breeder is a great one and you are one awesome pet owner!

09-15-2005, 01:50 PM
I hope everything goes well for you. Are you going to keep showing Gracie along with Houston?? Good luck

yes, i'll be showing both dogs.