View Full Version : Yay, another venting from me

09-07-2005, 04:53 PM
What else is new? lol

I always feel better when I post these things...

I had such a horrible day at work today. The cook manager we have as been there for over 20 years. He is a j*rk. He ALWAYS gets away with everything...like stealing food, giving away free food to his friends and being rude. He got written up a few weeks ago (finally!) and he's been sour about to me atleast. (It's my mom and her staff who seem to have problems..and cause I'm her daughter/staff, I'm a bad guy too.)

Anyway. Today, this guy calls at 11:30 and was like "Hey, I'll be in at 12, can you order this and this for me to be ready for 12?" I said sure, and placed the order. We are downstairs, and we have a machine that prints to the kitchen.

12:05 or so the guys get there looking for their food. I was like "Ok, should be done by now! He probably didn't buzz..whatever is new"

I get upstairs and hear "Ok, see ya later" and see him coming inside and the order hasn't even been LOOKED at. I was like "Jimmy!! These guys order 1/2 ago! They pre-ordered cause they have to be somewhere..." and I just walked off. (Obviously annoyed, but I wasn't trying to be rude or mean)

I told the manager that he can't be out talking to his friends when he could have an order (he does this ALL the time) and he said he'd take to Jimmy.

I'm thinking June from front desk who is all buddy buddy with Jimmy went and told him what I said to Dana (The manager) cause next time I went up (after ordering a staff meal...keep in mind, MOST of the staff meals go to the room girls) so I told him "Hey, that's for downstairs" in a perfectly normal voice and he goes "Yeah, where else owuld it go?! Miss additude"

I was like "Excuse me?"

And we ranted on at me saying stuff like "Do your job!!" (HA!!!!) and all this crap. So I don't remember exactly what was said but he was like "Listen! You're just staff. You can't talk to me like that! I'M kitchen manager. I was like Yeah Jimmy, I don't need to talk this from you. Besides you're not MY manager. I have NOTHING to do with you other than placing my orders. He said more crap and I told him off :o I know I shouldn't have, but I was so stressed out.

I started crying..and I don't even know why. I'm usually use to him being a j*rk but today he was just saying mean things. I went to hotel manager and "tried" to say "I'm about THIS close to quitting" but came out in a sob so I went to the bathroom and cried there.

The hotel manager is my BIL, and my sis was there at the time. She came in and talked to me for a bit while Dana went in and talked to Jimmy.

Jimmy told Dana that it only took him so long cause the lasanga (sp) wasn't defrosted. Dana (who happens to buy food from there late at night) said "Listen, there was 2 in the fridge last night, one is missing. Don't lie to me"

Anyway, nothing will be done...nothing is EVER done. Jimmy rules the place and he knows it. He said me and mom are the only ones he has problems with...but I know for a fact atleast one or 2 (or more) bar staff have been brought to tears from him. He's so mean, and doesn't care about anyone but himself. Seriously.

I over heard him talking to June from front desk saying "Now I'm being harrassed by all 3 of them. Him, her and her mother" (being me, my mom and Dana the manager) which is total crap.I'm ALWAYS polite to him unless he is a j*rk to me first. I know I should ignore him, but seriously, this guy just..urg! So anyway, the 2 guys were pissed off at me for waiting for their food and never tipped. My mom knows one of the guys and she's gonna talk to him (he said "I'll be sure to tell Bobbi about this"


Totally ruined my day. I hope he's not working tomorrow :(

09-07-2005, 05:13 PM
I feel your pain, I too know what it's like to work with people like that. In my 10 years at Red Lobster I've had my fair share of people like that, but they come and go...just ignore the jerk or be super nice...they HATE when you do that:D

09-07-2005, 08:04 PM
It's hard though sometimes :( I'm such a baby lol

09-07-2005, 10:42 PM
No, not a baby at all. I've also had those times when I've broke down crying because I was so upset...must just be a girl thing;)

09-08-2005, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
No, not a baby at all. I've also had those times when I've broke down crying because I was so upset...must just be a girl thing;)

It IS a girl thing! :) We just can't help it. LOL