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09-07-2005, 12:49 PM
Hey everyone!

Playing hookey here....and I just scored the winning goal.:rolleyes:

I think a little subdued drinking is in order.....

I know it's warm so let's open up the back porch and sit outside.

I was thinking about how beautiful the weather was for the last few days and how cruel mother nature can be.

More good thoughts sent to the Gulf....

Sit with me and let's just be thankful???


09-07-2005, 01:37 PM
That's a great idea, RICHARD! Everyone in the gulf region needs ALL the positive thoughts they can get. I'll join you on the patio.

09-07-2005, 03:19 PM
Well, here I am on the porch with both men who have shown up.
Oh, I have always loved being surrounded by men.

But where is everyone? Guess it is because this is only Wednesday.

Richard - playing Hookey again??

I agree - let's keep the frivolity to a tempered degree. There is just too much sadness affecting too many people right now and it just doesn't seem appropriate.

Heck, I will even just order a nice iced tea with some mint please.

(she must be sick)

09-07-2005, 03:52 PM
I think I'll just sit right along with you guys with a nice Mountain Dew and CNTs for the brats (Although I'm sure they won't be content with just sitting down!)

09-07-2005, 04:15 PM
Please sir, may I have a bloody mary with a celery stick, a twist of lemon and a skewer with a cherry tomato and prawn?? Not picky, am I??? :D

Honestly, my assistant is away and I'm stuck on help desk and it's driving me crazy. I don't have time to pee.....just stick a litter box underneath my desk and I'll be fine. :eek: :D

Richard playing hookie? Actually, you do look a bit peaked. Make it a sick day, bro! ;)

Gini, nice to see you back. :) Now, I have to go back to work. I'll catch up with you all later.

09-07-2005, 06:10 PM
Just dropping in .... a nice iced tea sounds wonderful. Gearing up for a trip to Sacto tomorrow for a four-day spiritual seminar and visiting with former co-workers who for whatever reason have ALL moved to Sacramento! The fur kids know something's up as the suitcases are out. How do they KNOW these things?

09-07-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Just dropping in .... a nice iced tea sounds wonderful. Gearing up for a trip to Sacto tomorrow for a four-day spiritual seminar and visiting with former co-workers who for whatever reason have ALL moved to Sacramento! The fur kids know something's up as the suitcases are out. How do they KNOW these things?

How long are you going to be in SacTo? I'm making another sojurn into the wilds of CA on Saturday...;)

Darn you California!! I've never spent so much time there as I have this summer. Glad I have a car with good gas milage...

It must be something in the air...:D

Oh and my furkids just KNOW that everyone is leaving, as even my roomates are going on this trip with me. :rolleyes: I hope I have an apartment when I come back lol

09-07-2005, 07:20 PM
Hey I guess you haven't seen the news from the french quarter until they throw them out of the area , they are starting to be normal having a party.
But for the other parts of town I guess calmer Thursday is good. I'll take a DLC and a foot stool, had a long week already.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-07-2005, 09:28 PM
I heard that too, Corinna. The French Quarter and the Garden District weren't hit that hard. Some of the reporters are spending their evenings in the Quarter....until the beer runs out that is. ;)

So on that note, I'll have a.....oh God, it sounds so awful....but is so fitting since it is a classic New Orleans drink.....a Hurricane. The kind with rum....not 150 mile an hour winds.

I also know what you mean about it having been one hellava week already with more to come - ugh. You guys must be winding down a little now that Labor Day is over, aren't you?

09-07-2005, 09:38 PM
DJF - I'll be in Sacto for four days for the Joe & Charlie BB study - kinda like attending AA school, but in a good way. This is the last time these two are doing this - they be OLD! I'm amazed they're still at it, and feel privileged to have reserved a spot - the seminar has been sold out for months.

09-07-2005, 10:47 PM
Could I please have a double BM? Just starting to wind down. Thanks.

09-07-2005, 11:04 PM
I'd love a Mojito about now, it's time to unwind. What a day today was...

09-08-2005, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by CathyBogart
I'd love a Mojito about now, it's time to unwind. What a day today was...

I can empthasise...I'll have the same :p

09-08-2005, 01:53 AM
Thanks everyone, I am taking tomorrow off too....

a Mojito? DONE!

I'll make it two!!


HI Redd,
A large Ice Tea?


DLC and a foot stool,

I had a dog once, I know about foot stools!


A double BM? DONE... Can you pee now?


Hi Debbie,

You can have anything you want...DONE!+


Welcome home, Ice tea? DONE!

Hi David,

Thanks for the company,

What's your poison?


See ya'll in the morning.....I was playing hooky but did get sick....

so I'll be home tomorrow again..

09-08-2005, 04:38 AM
RICHARD, could I have a slushie to go? I have to go the the salt mines, errr, I mean golf course.

09-08-2005, 07:15 AM
I'm feeling quite well and please Dear Bartender... allow me to stand in for awhile and you can rest and listen to the birds and feel the nice morning breeze. Strong coffee is on and more sticky buns are rising in the big bowl. Plenty for everyone. For those that can't or shouldn't do sticky buns I also brought some fresh fruit from the Eastern Shore (coast to coast goodies can be the "most"). I also scored some fresh oranges so juice even sans alcohol is ever so good. Enjoy.

09-08-2005, 07:40 AM
Good morning everyone! MMMM something smells might delicious in here, must be the sticky buns. Good thing I brought along lots of napkins. Yes Mario, you can have a bun but make sure you wash your hands afterwards.

For now, I'll just take some freshly squeezed OJ. Thanks Laurie.

I'm hoping that today won't be as busy as yesterday so I can check in a bit more often. **fingers crossed**

09-08-2005, 07:59 AM
I'll take a lovely hand full of cherries if there are some. I got the nices card from one of my departing staff I'll have to share with you guys later. (forgot it at work) It's the time of the year I hate somany young people I've come to know and enjoy leaving and going home. Luckly a lot of them live (this year) in Washington where I can visit them when I go see my family this winter. Also I will so me unemployed hope hubby gets busy again !!
But more time for Pet talk !!!!!!
Iguess I had better go get the car warming up , they say today will be our last day of summer weather. :confused: But then again do the weather guys ever get it right.

09-08-2005, 01:43 PM
I just got visited by two hunky FIREMEN!!!! :D

Seems our city is wanting to put a firehouse on our side of town. They just needed me to fill out a survey to help them out. We really need a firehouse on this side. Our town has a river that runs through it and sometimes our side is cut off from the other side. If we had a fire then, the trucks would have to take a really long detour. I sure hope they get it.

My cats have been very good. So 4 iced CNTs for them please. I'd like a big Cherry Root beer too, please?

Hi, Mario! :D

09-08-2005, 02:32 PM
Hot and tired from work... wanna sit by the pool with something icey, although won't remain icey for long in Florida!

Anyone had the Mango-Orange Coolatta's from Dunkin Donuts? They're delicious!

Still hoping and sending thoughts to those hurting from Hurricane Katrina. I'm trying to look into fostering a dog - I've contacted several different people. Hopefully we'll be able to.

I've got 4 months done for the Cat Calendar! Waiting to see if some late-senders are going to fill in a few spots. :)

For those of you firemen-obsessed. ;) Saturday the local fire department will be at my work, with one of their boots in hand, trying to raise money for Hurricane Victims. I don't work Saturday but I may just have to stop by and take some pictures. ;)

09-08-2005, 02:41 PM
Hey everyone. Lunchtime here and my day is going much better than yesterday. Oh how I want to win the lottery and quit work....so I can travel to all the PT meetings. :) Wishful thinking, I know.

I've got a meeting in about 20 min. so that should give me time to "down" a couple of double BM's. :D :D

Hope everyone is having a good day.

09-08-2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by slick
Hey everyone. Lunchtime here and my day is going much better than yesterday. Oh how I want to win the lottery and quit work....so I can travel to all the PT meetings. :) Wishful thinking, I know.

I've got a meeting in about 20 min. so that should give me time to "down" a couple of double BM's. :D :D

Hope everyone is having a good day.

LOL, during my breaks I just have time for a BM and a drink of water....:rolleyes:



I don't know the Dunking Donuts recipe, but we'll try..



A CRB and 4 CNTs

LOL, 4 behaved kitties?????


Hi Corrina.

Here's a new jar of cherries and where is Mario???
I haven't seen him!


Thank YOU Laurie..

I just had one of the IDGAF days...I feel better today.:D


Slushie to go.....LOLOL, If you need extra salt for your slushie I'll give you some so you don't have to steal from the salt mine.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-08-2005, 04:54 PM
Green slushie for me please. It's quittin' time here, which means only one more day until vai-cai-tion!!! This is the only thing that has kept me going through these last hellish days. I would like to come back in my next life as a person who creates programs for programmers so I can make life a living hell for those who created these programs. :mad: Ok, ok, so it's not quite that bad. At least I've been able to figure out some minor things, but entering an invoice? Forget it. Add a change order to a contract? Forget it. As a matter of fact, where do I find the contract amount? Seems this program works with contracts, but doesn't let you enter a contract amount, or change that amount. <fumes>

Anyway, I'll just take my slushie and go off in the corner and fume so I don't bring anybody else's day down.

Awww....Mario, such a sweety you are to offer me a cherry to try and make me feel better. :)

09-08-2005, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Anyway, I'll just take my slushie and go off in the corner and fume so I don't bring anybody else's day down.


I have had to learn a few programs in my time.

when I get REALLY FRUSTRATED I stop and laugh.

I think about the future and how I'll be sailing thru and laughing about the frustation I had learning.


And a green slushie usually help.


09-08-2005, 05:41 PM

I've got a miserable cold (Thanks SO much to our beloved leader who couldn't keep his sorry sick ass home, so he shared the boogers and I'm the lucky one. Thanks Dan!!) AND I'm at work till 9. How about a hot toddie with a little kick to it??

09-09-2005, 12:19 AM
Gosh, you could shoot a cannon off in here and not hurt anyone.

What is that sound? Oh, Mario - hi little one. What? Your tummy hurts? Mario - did you really eat that whole jar of cherries all by yourself?

Come on - let's sit by the fire and I will cuddle you.

Let me grab a coffee and round up some Bailey's to put in it first.

09-09-2005, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

I've got a miserable cold (Thanks SO much to our beloved leader who couldn't keep his sorry sick ass home, so he shared the boogers and I'm the lucky one. Thanks Dan!!) AND I'm at work till 9. How about a hot toddie with a little kick to it??

For a minute there I thought GWB was at your house!

Hot toddie with a kick...;


IT's opening day in the NFL.....

People are at home watching the game....

Cuddling, coffee and Bailey's?


09-09-2005, 09:21 AM
Good morning everyone! My horrorscope for today says
More than one problem with modern equipment used on the job could rear their heads today, Slick. Computers could malfunction, the Internet could crash, and fax machines could go on the blink. You might also have a hard time reaching people you need to talk to. Don't be tempted to blow your top. This won't accomplish anything. Just call in the technicians and get it handled. Tomorrow everything should be back to normal.
Gee, can hardly wait to get into work. :rolleyes:

For now, I'll take a Spanish Coffee to go. Thanks. I check in with you all later today.

09-09-2005, 09:35 AM
"Just call in the technicians..."
Gee Slick, now you have a perfect excuse to be caught talking to yourself :p :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Gee Slick, now you have a perfect excuse to be caught talking to yourself :p :D

:D :D

I was thinking something similar. Who do you call when you're the technician! :D

My day started out similar. 7:15 am and my boss is on my cell phone wondering where is the delivery that was supposed to be there at 7:00 am - like, how am I supposed to know? :rolleyes:

Things have improved since - thank goodness - and I've already started getting myself in vacation mode, so hopefully things will continue to be rosy. :)

I'm half way through my first coke, but I think some of those sticky buns we had yesterday would go good right now also...heated for a few seconds in the microwave.....mmmmm...yummy!! Oh, I forgot, yes Mario, sure you can have a cherry on top of your sticky bun.

Hope everyone has a great day! :D

09-09-2005, 11:29 AM
Did someone say that we still had sticky buns? (I meant the rolls.) I can use one and a spanish coffee. I'm happy. I'm off work and it's PAYDAY!!

09-09-2005, 11:46 AM


09-09-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

DONE! Ah, does this mean you have it at work? Or are you still out icky sicky? ;)

09-09-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
me???? DONE!
Are you serious???? YIPEE!!!!!! Give that boss of yours a hug from me....wait a minute....what on earth am I saying?? **gives head a shake**:o

Congrats Richard and welcome back!!

09-09-2005, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD


Yippee!!! Now behave Richard............;) ;) ;)

09-09-2005, 11:53 AM
Ha Ha slick! We posted the same time, about the same thing. Talk about great minds thinking alike, eh? :D


Looks like gini was hot on our tails though!:D

09-09-2005, 11:55 AM
Yeah, and I came in a second later............the "also" ran!!

Nothing like mobbing Richard upon his return!:D

09-09-2005, 12:34 PM
*pouts, stomps foot* OH PHOOEY! I still have to sneak in a few seconds at a time at work until I get my home computer upgraded.. grrrrrrr Oh well, let me elbow in here to hug Richard and show I'm not totally selfish. hmmm selfish sounds like S-H-E-L-L-F-I-S-H. Seafood stew anyone?? Steamed clams? Oysters Rockefeller? Jambalaya?

09-09-2005, 01:46 PM
the upgraded my machine while I WAS OUT. ;)

THANKS, It's nice to be back.

09-09-2005, 03:21 PM
Another busy day here. Any chance of getting a double BM?? Maybe it will take away this headache. Note to self: go to bed earlier... :rolleyes:

09-09-2005, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by slick
Another busy day here. Any chance of getting a double BM?? Maybe it will take away this headache. Note to self: go to bed earlier... :rolleyes:

Double Bm...Done!

09-09-2005, 04:30 PM
Urgh, I just came home sick from work. Any chance of a good ginger ale? -_-

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
hmmm selfish sounds like S-H-E-L-L-F-I-S-H. Seafood stew anyone?? Steamed clams? Oysters Rockefeller? Jambalaya?

Hmmmm...somebody's not hungry....are they? :D I'll take a little of all of that! Jambalaya in particular!

Well everybody, I've been working at warp speed all day today and I can't belive I've gotten a weeks worth of work done in one afternoon - on the new software to top it all off! Now it's time for me to head out and take a well deserved vacation.

<raises glass filled with green slushie> Here's to a great week with NO motorhome troubles. <takes a drink>

And here's to all the hurrican victims who seem to be finally getting some relief. <takes a drink>

And here's to Richard being back - wooo hooo!!! <takes drink>

<refills glass>And here's to our dream PT gathering taking shape in Meetings. <takes drink>

And here's to Mario and his love of cherries. <takes drink>

<refills glass>And here's to Lillith and all our pets who have gone to RB. <takes drink>

And here's too....awww hell....here's to a wonderful life! Life is good! oohpaa <takes biiiiig drink>

Now I better stop because I still have to drive home!

Have a great weekend everybody!!! :D

09-09-2005, 06:03 PM
Soooo, I crank myself up to tackle a really big project today - and the power goes out. It went out yesterday too for several hours.

Today it was off for four hours - amazing what you need all of this electricity for - try adding things up the old fashioned way - in your head!! Ha!!

And now it is 4:00 pm and I don't have the same enthusiasm for this project - and it is Friday - and I am thirsty - and Debbie really did me under with all of her sips at that slushie.

Sooo - bring on a bright green slushie bartender extraordinaire!!

09-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by gini

Today it was off for four hours - amazing what you need all of this electricity for - try adding things up the old fashioned way - in your head!! Ha!! Never was good at adding in my head. I'd be lost without my fingers and toes!

I'm a little lonesome tonight. Mario, lets pop some popcorn and watch old monster movies!!! Yes, you can have cheese popcorn and beer.

I'll have cheese popcorn and a cherry vanilla coke.

Now, which monster movie shall we watch?:D

09-09-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces

I'm a little lonesome tonight. Mario, lets pop some popcorn and watch old monster movies!!! Yes, you can have cheese popcorn and beer.

I'll have cheese popcorn and a cherry vanilla coke.

Now, which monster movie shall we watch?:D

Can we watch the "bride of frankenstein" later on?

Beer, CVC, cheese popcorn


A green one? DONE!



I'll drink to that..have a good one!!!



We don't do BAD gingerale around here...


09-09-2005, 10:50 PM
I'm a little lonesome tonight.
Me too for some strange reason. :( Must be something in the stars tonight.

Think I'll just grab a BM and settle on the couch for awhile. Want to keep me company Mario?

09-10-2005, 12:07 AM

Are you lonely tonight........

"Wait Mario....I was only kidding!!"

Was it my singing, the song or the general mood?

I think that we are all a little tired and wrung out over the last week.,

We get hammered by the same clips, the same bad mouthing and general "what can I do???????"

The best we can hope for is no one to suffer needlessly and thier pain be taken away by some of the things that everyone is doing for the victims.


We didn't get there on time, but we got there.
Think of the problems had we not been able to do anything.



Back to our regularly scheduled programs.

09-10-2005, 10:04 AM
Good Morning, everybody! How are you all doing this morning? Is there any coffee? I would love to have some coffee.

I hope everyone is feeling okay today, I know it has been a bad two weeks for the people in New Orleans and Mississippi. Hopefully everything will get better.


09-10-2005, 10:43 AM
HI Willie!!! Good to see you!!!

I feel better today. I think it was the karoke duet that Mario and Richard sang that perked me up! They did the "Sisters" song that Danny Kay and Bing Crosby did from White Christmas. What a hoot!:eek: :D

09-10-2005, 10:55 AM
They did sound pretty good together, didn't they? Sure did make my day!


09-10-2005, 01:37 PM
Hi tray and MOFF,

Let me fire up the coffeepot and get this show on the road....


...ANd more karaoke later on in the day.


09-10-2005, 02:36 PM
Karaoke - hey I can belt out a good rendition of "THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS........LIKE NO BUSINESS I KNOW"

Well, after a slushie or two at least I think it sounds great.......although I have seen people cover their ears:D :D

Saturday chores - what fun!!! (NOT!)

Thought I would stop by to say hello - and scritch Mario under the chin.

Oh, Mario, thanks, I really needed this cherry juice all over me!

09-10-2005, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by gini

Oh, Mario, thanks, I really needed this cherry juice all over me! That's our boy! He loves to share!!!;)

What time does the show start? I want a front row seat!:D

09-10-2005, 03:29 PM
Front row seat sounds good to me! Count me in! Hadn't heard Mario sing like that in a long time.

I think I would love one of those slushies, they sound delicious!


09-10-2005, 03:32 PM
You can have front row seats ONLY if you promise to sing too!

I refuse to make a fool of myself all alone! (well, guess that is what I usually do anyway - why should this be any different?):D :D

You are all going to laugh at the cherry juice all over me and point aren't you?:p

What are friends for? HA HA!

09-10-2005, 03:38 PM
Of course, we can laugh and point at each other! We should look great with cherry juice all over us as we sing and laugh at each other!


09-10-2005, 03:45 PM
Singing??? Ha! I borrowed a mic from work and recorded Happy Birthday and emailed it off to Randi!! Well, I think it sounded pretty good but the cats have a different opinion.

Busy Saturday for me..been out all day and now only home for about an hour then I'm gone again. I'm setting up a computer for some friends of mine. They are retired and don't even know how to turn the thing on (no comments from the peanut gallery, Gini! ;) :D ). Anyway I just bought them some speakers so need to get over there and hook them up. They are away and come home tomorrow. I know, TMI.

For now I need something ice cold and bubbly, perhaps a Nikked Beer? Hmmm, that would go down good.

Willie, it warms my heart to see you back at Thursdays. You have no idea how I've missed you. Now, if only we could reel Lynne in again. Unlike me, I guess she's got a life. :D

09-10-2005, 03:48 PM
Thanks Slick, I figured it was about time! I have missed everybody a lot! Mario keeps telling me about everything that has been going on, so I figured I need to come see for myself.


09-10-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by gini
You can have front row seats ONLY if you promise to sing too!

I refuse to make a fool of myself all alone! (well, guess that is what I usually do anyway - why should this be any different?):D :D

You are all going to laugh at the cherry juice all over me and point aren't you?:p

What are friends for? HA HA! :D I'll sing if ya all have plenty of aspirin to pass around! Don't want no remarks about making dogs howl though! ;) :D

09-10-2005, 04:50 PM
Hey, can you use a tenor for karaoke? Mario and I would be a hit! BTW, Willie welcome back to thursdays. I'm fostering (another term for keeping) another tortie. Her name is Marigold an I'm working on gaining her trust in me. Pretty soon I'll inflict Nikki & Daisy on her! Could I have a slushie to warm up the vocal cords??

09-10-2005, 04:56 PM
I'm sure we can use all the Karoke singers we can get. The more the merrier to drown me out!:D

09-10-2005, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I'm sure we can use all the Karoke singers we can get. The more the merrier to drown me out!:D Aw, come on, Connie I sure you're not tha bad of a singer!

09-10-2005, 05:05 PM
Wow, David, thats really cool! Tell Marigold welcome, and I am pretty sure it won't take very long for her to warm up to you, David.

Another Slushie sounds wonderful!


09-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Wow, David, thats really cool! Tell Marigold welcome, and I am pretty sure it won't take very long for her to warm up to you, David.

Another Slushie sounds wonderful!

Willie:) Willie, I can e-mail you her picture and a brief history on her if that's alright.

09-10-2005, 05:12 PM
OK - I have had a few schluschies.
I can sing now. And I am really a good singer - you are going to jush luv my siiiinnnngggggiiiinnnngggg.

Whadda ya mean Mario - sit down and hush up? :D :D

09-10-2005, 05:17 PM
David, that would be just fine. Do you have my e-mail address? It is [email protected], so send away.

Gini, you sound just lovely!


09-10-2005, 05:30 PM
How's everyone?

Guess what we're having for dinner today?
TURKEY LEGS!! It's been years since i've had a turkey leg. I WISH we had a smoker! Not sure if everyone would understand what's so great about a turkey leg unless you've had one. ;)

09-10-2005, 05:40 PM
KayAnn, drumsticks are the very best. I make them a lot - just pop them in the oven..........butter and season them and let them roast.

BUT..........you have to share - so bring a bunch over to Thursdays and let us all taste them, please.

09-10-2005, 05:44 PM
I'm talking about the BIG, BIG, BIG turkey legs! HUGE ones.

I think even one would be enough for all us, and of course i'll share. ;)
Like those, except the ones my mom bought are twice that size. :eek:

09-10-2005, 05:47 PM
YUM! I want one right now!!

09-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Here's a case of Nikked beer and a barrel full of slushies.

This is cool, and just what we all needed....

I am gonna put the race on the Big screen with the sound down so the race fans can watch....but let's continue with the singing....

It does good for the soul.:D


09-10-2005, 08:53 PM
I can sing now. And I am really a good singer
:eek: ;) :D .....and I've got the tape to prove it.....:D :D

09-10-2005, 10:21 PM
slides in the door and slips in to the couch In a small voice I'll take a DLC please Ok Hi you can't beleive how glad I am to see you back Willie ! No I will not Sing , if I did you would all be deaf. I am horribly tone deaf.
It's going to be a hard Monday in our house it was a year ago our grandson was born at 14 weeks. Its also the day we got our Dugan. Plus we have the final doc appointment for Tim's back. I'll just sit back and be the audence.

09-10-2005, 11:00 PM
Hi Corinna, so glad to see you! Yeap, it is good to be back here.

Sorry your Monday is going to be so sad. Wish it didn't have to be. I'll just sit for a while here with you.
