View Full Version : Bird help????

09-07-2005, 12:32 PM
My boss found an injured bird. It looks like a sea gull. She put it in a box and left it in the office. It's here now. She left. It's trying to get out of the box. I don't know what to do.

09-07-2005, 12:47 PM
He's out..... I've never had a bird before. I don't know if I can pick him up. He seems mad. He wants to bite me. Ohhhhh dear.

09-07-2005, 01:00 PM
grab a towel of something you can throw over him. He can be a danger to himself if he is scared and I am sure he is. Get something to put over him head and all and put him back in the box. Remove the towel and cover the box.

Your boss should have been smarter than to try to rescue the bird and then go off and leave it in the office. I hope your boss knows what she is doing.

09-07-2005, 01:01 PM
Thank you Michelle for Replying....
I'll try to do that.

09-07-2005, 01:02 PM
Your very welcome. You seemed very panicked so I knew someone had to help. Good Luck. Can you page your boss or call her and tell her to get her butt back there that the bird escaped and you don't know what to do with him?

09-07-2005, 01:06 PM
It worked. Thank you. Thank you.
This is not the first time she does this.
It's the first time the animal has gotten out. I am afraid of any sickness this bird may carry. I know they are not clean birds.
I'll try to call her. I know her phone is off. She's in a conference. If you hadn't answered, I would have left for the day and left a message on her phone that it was out and I was afraid.
It let me pick it up when I put the towel over it. I think one of his arms/wings is broken.
He/she is in the box again now. whew...
Thanks again. I was panicking.

09-09-2005, 09:54 AM
if he let you pick him up without a struggle hes definatly probably hurt somewhere. what were the circumstances in which she found the bird, do you know? is he bleeding anywhere?

you should contact wildlife/animal services immediatly, not only to protect yourself from anything the bird might be "carrying" but also to get him medical attention asap. wouldn't want him to flop around and make the injury even worse.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-09-2005, 09:57 AM
Good of her to leave it all for you to cope with!!

09-09-2005, 10:23 AM
The bird is still here.
He is perky today. Eating and drinking normally. The local bird rescue closed several weeks ago. He's not bleeding.
Hopefully my boss will find somewhere to bring it.